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1 post user, taking up space?

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can we please delete accounts after a certain period if they have less then 50 posts, because theres so many i saw while searching through the members list, i mean come on, they probably registered to say one thing and leave! plus theres a user name i want but because the person has posted once and once only i cant




and the list goes on and on...

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A certain admin did that task once and got shunned for it. Although you'd think it'd make great sense to do so, since it cleans up the database and all, it appears to be frowned upon.


However, if they've got more than a couple posts, they can stay. After all, if an account dies and it's still in a thread, it will appear as "guest".

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Just say that if a person is inactive for a certain amount of days, their account gets deleted. This other forum I used to goto did that. And I think they even had a "Vacation" Button you'd select so that you'll recieve more time because you're on vacation and can't get to a computer.

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It would make good sense....with that whole "Vacation" Button. Except, instead of deleting them after days...how about months...like half a year...or 1 year. This would make alot of sense, and I bet it would make the forums ALOT faster. Thats my 50 Cents ;):D

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Yeh, I mentioned this before (not on LF). They register, and never post. It should be after a month or 2, if there are no posts by the user, their account shall be deleted. If an admin had got in trouble for it, the staff should get together and talk about the idea. It would help LF GREATLY. ;)

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No. Boss, you're putting yourself in a position where you're starting to annoy me with your name change requests. You asked for the name of another registered forum member a few months ago, and we turned you down, thankfully. But what if we had agreed to delete that user to let you have that name? It would set a dangerous precedent. Would you still have wanted this user's name if we'd given it to you? If so, when would it end? Are you so insistant that you deserve the name "Sentinal" that you're above putting underscores or a number following it?

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Originally posted by Metallus

No. Boss, you're putting yourself in a position where you're starting to annoy me with your name change requests. You asked for the name of another registered forum member a few months ago, and we turned you down, thankfully. But what if we had agreed to delete that user to let you have that name? It would set a dangerous precedent. Would you still have wanted this user's name if we'd given it to you? If so, when would it end? Are you so insistant that you deserve the name "Sentinal" that you're above putting underscores or a number following it?


i guess your right about that Metallus, and if you wouldve given me that name i probably woulsnt have ever changed my name after that, but you didnt and just ignored me, Boba Rhett is the only one who (IMHO) never seemed to mined when i changed my nick name, so why are you? ive only changed it 2 times technically anyways Virii and Boss, i requested hitman but you said no! anyways, i earned this new nickname with the points i collected so technically i should be able to change it, not to this user name but to any other while you just post there and p rotest that i would change my name after this again, maybe, you never know, but for now i just posted "Sentinel" as an example of the many people slowing down Lucasforums.

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And the before excuse was.


but for now i just posted "Sentinel" as an example of the many people slowing down Lucasforums."


Now it's


i dont know, i just posted him because i have the same name at MFN forums


Yeah right.

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lol maybe y ou should find a thread called "post a pic of yourself" and put that there, this is getting outta hand can someone close this thread, this always happens when i start a thread here...Flanders or skate boy or one of those other kids post here trying to be all smart with there stuped comments trying to flame me, well just close this thread.

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Originally posted by Flanders



God Flanders...You are VERY annoying. Boss just wanted his name change....you are very STUPID for saying "STFU Newbie"


EDIT- And you are calling him a newbie? You guys joined on the same month. So you should just shut up.


Close the thread.

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