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The Subtle Differences


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In the PC[-CD] version of MI2, the party guests say stuff to each other.


In the Amiga version, they don't.


Also, I'm sure Elaine fails to say all that CURSE crap at the end of the Amiga version of MI2. :)

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The Lite version of the game, which is absent in CD-ROM versions (unless accessed through SCUMMVM, which shows that Lucasarts hacked their own copy protection) contains some stuff that is simply not in the hard version. For instance, the celan, white shirt (obviously). Also, when you saw of the peg leg, the man of lower fiber cries for Muenster Monster's help, whereas in the Normal Mode it cuts after he notices the leg gone. In LeChuck's Fortress, you can just ask Wally if he has any Ideas and wizzes on the candle:)


I noticed that the CD-ROM version is missing some small lines too.

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Originally posted by Udvarnoky

The Lite version of the game, which is absent in CD-ROM versions (unless accessed through SCUMMVM, which shows that Lucasarts hacked their own copy protection)


yes, they did, they found that they didn't need the lite and hard versions nor did they need the copy protection, so instead of taking it out completely, they just reprogrammed the game to skip past it, but smummVM brings it back again.

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In Monkey Island 1:


Amiga A500 - There was no cloud floating over Melee Island during the opening credits (although there was on an A1200 (which had more RAM) oddly enough). The same goes for all the "parallax" objects, like the chandelier in Elaine's Mansion.


Amiga version / EGA & VGA PC versions: There's an extra line in the voodoo lady's shop that was missing in the PC CD version: When Guybrush looks at the statue he says: "Looks kind of like an emaciated Charles Atlas".


PC CD Version: Lack of smoke coming from Captain Smirk's cigar.


EGA (16 color) PC version: When Guybrush first walks on to the dock (after first talking to the lookout) the sun is setting (instead of it being night in all the other versions).


EGA PC Version: Because of the 16 color limit (I presume) all of the closeups of the characters look a lot more "cartoony". When the graphics were revamped for a VGA version they became a lot more realistic.


PC VGA & CD version: For some reason Guybrush has an extra pixel underneath his nose that bugged the crap out of me when I first played it on a PC! :) It always looked like, well, snot to me! I think he looked 'cooler' in the Amiga version... anyone else anal enough to notice this besides me? :)


Monkey Island 2:


Amiga version: There's also a few guests missing at Elaine's party in the Amiga version.


And YES! The "curse" line that Elaine says at the end of the game isn't visible -- but it IS there! (If you check the code via ScummRev.) The game actually fades to black before you can read it -- DOH! :)


Plus there's a ton of differences in music and sound effects that everyone already knows about! :)


~ Johnny

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In the EGA version of MI1, when Guybrush and Elaine are featured in the close-up at the end, you can see different colored glows from the "exploding-LeChuck fireworks" reflected on their faces.


I guess this detail didn't quite look so good on the portrait-like closeups featured in the VGA versions, so they scrapped it. Oh well...

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And in a recent interview with Dave Grossman, he said that when you blow up the dam in the Amiga version of Monkey Island 1, there is a small chest that fly over Guybrush.

In PC Version a rock fly over Guybrush. ;)

Dave said that this chest contained the secret of Monkey Island.

Who has saw the chest in the Amiga Version? I didn't play the amiga version :(

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I don't remember the chest in the Amiga version, but it's been a LONG time. Maybe the rock was the secret of Monkey Island in the PC version?


Nice to know it's not so much a case that the line was taken out, as just misplaced :D

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  • 8 months later...
Originally posted by Udvarnoky

In the CD Monkey Island 2, the line "Maybe I shouldn't have done that. He looked pretty steamed." was removed after guybrush has the bucket o mud fall on largo's head.


In the Mac version of MI2, that line's still there. So's the "I hope LeChuck hasn't put a SPELL on him or something" line...the screen fades to black, but the text hangs there, ominously, for a few more seconds (it plays after a handful of the credits, but before the full credits on the black background run, if I remember right).

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