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Star Trek vs. Star Wars...


Star Wars vs. Star Trek  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Star Wars vs. Star Trek

    • Star Wars Definatly!!!
    • Star Trek obviously...
    • Dunno, don't care.

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Star Wars. I'm going to point you to a thread of mine.....





Scroll down to *Darth Vega*'s post. he has an interesting way of putting things.... but it's still good, and I agree with him. The post may not be talking about Star Wars versus Star Trek directly but it basically focuses on the most powerful of each. Borg and Vong. Read Vega's post and get a new perspective of things.

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Star Wars. Why? Because ST is "realistic" and thus has "realistic" fleets. SW is just.. well, total sci-fi (not that ST is not), meaning technology and ships you couldn't possibly build in real life (like the Death Stars).


Borg cubes: I think a Star Destroyer or two (which are far more powerful than ST starships as they can bombard planets from orbit, which ST ships can't, I think) could destroy one. Their firepower PLUS the firepower of 72 TIE Fighters, 48 TIE Interceptors, 24 TIE Bombers, and a squadron of advanced fighters should do the job.


Talking about fighters: Star Wars has, what, thousands of star destroyers? This would mean 72 000 TIE Fighters.. only from the Star Destroyers. The Death Stars and planetary garrisons hold even more. And that's just the TIE fighters. Think about bombers, avengers, missile boats, defenders.. Then add rebel, civilian, and pirate fighters and you'll be in the millions. Does ST have millions of fighters? Don't think so. Are fighters really effective against starships? Quite.

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You forget that the Borg can adapt to most weapons, limiting their power against their shields. Star Treks weapons are a continuous particle beam, not a short burst. The ST Universe, if banned together to create a single allied structure, could overwhelm any SW Starship. Don't forget, the Romulan's, the Cardassians, and the Klingons have cloaking devices. The borg has thousands of ships. Besides, you never know of smaller craft. "Starfleet Command" Games had the ability to launch a four ship squadron to attack the enemy.

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Well this is a Star Wars fan site so the results are going to be a LITTLE biased here.


BTW, I would point you to the awesomest SW v. ST site I've ever seen, but recently the domain name was bought by starwars.com as re-direct page (just in case somebody typed in the name wrong). It may have moved, but I have not a clue where it is...and since Bess don't go to google at school, I'm not looking it up now. When I get home I'll try to find it though. Observer_2000 posted it way back in the day when we were discussing this topic for the first time on here.

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in ST, the have to use a universal translator

in SW, everyone understands every other language naturally


in ST, you have to follow the Prime Directive!!

in SW, you can recruit the almost prehistoric locals & still win


in ST, you have to know about power converters and matter/anti-matter relays

in SW, all you have to know is THIS one goes here, THAT on goes there!!


:D Shamelessly stolen off of a ST vs SW site that I can't find anymore

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

in ST, the have to use a universal translator

in SW, everyone understands every other language naturally


In SW everyone does not understand every other language. Many times R2 can not be understood except through a display and several times in EU Wookies are not understood, Lowbacca's translator droid is a good example. They do have a universal language used in most political forums called basic, but most cultures still have their ancient languages intact.

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Let's get real here. Even without the the Yuuzhan Vong, Star Wars would win if an alliance is put forth. Trekkies may have Torpedoes, Particle Beams, and Assimilation Beams, but where do you have ground forces? A couple of AT-ATs would demolish any ground force the Federation, Species 8472, Romulan, Borg, Cardassian, Ferengi and what not can throw at them. The Trekkies have an edge in space, but if you have four SSD and unleash a swarm of fighters, how can 4 phasers per ship destroy that? But that brings up another issue: Borg Cubes. Assimilation Beams, Spheres, and tractor beams. Well, let's see, I estimate a Star Destroyer is 3 times as big as one of those babies, and an SSD about 10 times as much. Borg Cubes wouldn't have enough weaponry to counter 200,000 Fighters. Now let's take some Federation Sovereign Class into account. Those babies have quantum torpedoes, phaser banks, and advanced shields. No problem. As described by *Darth Vega*, our torps out rule them by a whole ton. Federation can use starbases to do some damage, but Remember we have Death Stars. Now all people who think Trekkies will win should think again.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Ughh... if I included NJO in this I'd place SW even with ST...


Even with the jedi population budding like it is in NJO? Even with the great advances in weapondry and ship design? Even with this Chiss power finally being brought into play?


Think about it. Jedi squadrons are being made. Jedi are integrated into other squadrons too. Most races are visible in the force. I don't believe the majority of ST races would be any different.

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I pick star wars for a couple of reasons.


[align=center]Star Trek:[/align]


Ups: 1. Star Trek had some cool fights.

2. The Alien races were more perfect then the Star Wars races.


4. Its all based on facts... well.. close to :D


Downs: 1. Too much crap.

2. Too much talking

3. Too much techincal terms.


[align=center]Star Wars:[/align]

Ups: 1. everything.

2. everything.

3. everything

4. everything


Downs: 1. george screws with the timeline to much

2. midichlorians (need i say more?)


-Wraith 8-

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