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Where's Obi?


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Well, I feel really bad about not being on as much, but I recently got engaged....................................to Age of Empires II................





The game is addictive! I can't help it! :D


*breaks down and has a mid-teen-life crisis*

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Actually, I've been coming to the forums every day. I usually just lurk around in the swamp, to see if anything is happening that needs to be taken care of. I do post here from time to time though, I'm not a very serious person,and I still consider myself a swampie :D


I usually go see what's happening in the LFJA forum and the Senate Chambers. LucasForums is basically the only thing I do on the internet.


BTW, when Star Trek:Elite Force II comes out, I might only see 30 minutes at most of lucasforums a day:eek:



You can thank school for that :indif:


I try to do the best I can, though. Like today, we got a half of a day off:D

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

BTW, when Star Trek:Elite Force II comes out, I might only see 30 minutes at most of lucasforums a day:eek




I actually went out and bought Elite Force again the other day because I can't wait for EF2. I've completed the SP again already (ahhh memories) and I plan on playing some MP (Darky, let me know what servers you play on ;) ) just to refresh my memory before it comes out.


http://www.eliteforce2.net is now http://www.eliteforce.com in case you wanna sign up at the new one. The site is nearly ready and I'm a mod there too. :)

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I haven't misses Obi. I see him all the time on MSN. I just never talk to him cause I am busy doing other things and cause I am at work.


I have worked the past 2 days straight and I am tired like a mofo. I also work tonight but it is my last day for this week. But I still won't be on as much cause I am going to be playing Splinter Cell. I just got it for the PC and it is awesome. I am guessing that it will take me a while to beat it.


But I will be here on Sunday for you know what ;)


And Cjais was right cause you are rarely on leXX.



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