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Tears of the Sun


Tears of the Sun  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Tears of the Sun

    • It was great.
    • It was ok.
    • It sucked.

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Awwwwwwwww how sweet.....


I think you been drinking the water again....


Everyone rips on Lynk Former, but nobody means anything by it, it is just an idustry standard. Or so I have been told.....


Just like everyone has to apologize to leXX for something from time to time.:p

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*points at JediNyt* You members are so damn strange, I got this one guy in my forum who can't understand why I closed down his topic titled "i like beans" and in it it said "i like beans" and then you think the mods/supermods/admins are strange in their way of moderating!

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I can mod this place with an IRON FIST if you like, but you sure as hell won't like it!


And we may be off the topic of the thread, but we are on the topic of my name which happens to be a very important matter. Threads are allowed to stray in different directions you know. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by JediNyt

My my has this ever gone off topic...what was it about?...oh yeah that movie. I spose the subjects been exhausted, not much else to talk about. Well, however the mods like to run the place, its cool. :cool:


Agreed, and I apologize for instigating it as well. Anyways, my Tears of the Sun review should be up on my website soon. I will let you know. ;)

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*puts a paper bag on his head

so that Darth Groovy won't recognize me*


even though it is the manipulations movie review,

I have not seen Tears of The Sun, most likely won't

I like Mr Willis, not a big fan of war movies

the most recent one I saw and really liked was

"Enemy At The Gate"

I mean there is a real war going on

you want to see a fictious war watch CNN

why go to a theatre to see toy soldiers.

I mean the last time I heard how easy

a war was going to be was back when

rocks and sheep caused her majesty's navy

to come back to port Split Endz-esque

(6 months in a leaky boat) in case you do not

get my strange metaphorical way of waxing poetic.


anyhow, what I really think is dumb

(and I know lots of other stations and media are doing it)

is broadcasting so much info on what the good guys

are doing. I mean we have target Iraq specials

every 15minutes almost and some military guy

is showing you where they are and what they are doing.

and worse yet where they will be tomorrow

and they wonder why they are suddenly finding

strong resistance. I mean they do not let their people

watch western media, but they themselves are aware

of it, and using it to their advantage too.


also new topic film coming up this friday

'THE CORE' note this film

'WE' meaning 'YOU' americans are working on

a top secret weapon of shall we say it;


so we can cause earthquakes a natural phenom

to attack our enemies ie Iraq today, France tomorrow

note to the world this is me calling

a war is on, and we make a film about us acting

reprehensibly causing mass destruction

before of course 'WE' the west save the day.

people say everything has changed since 911

that is so much baloney.


books, tv, movies, the media

we give these terrorist the absolute blue prints

for how to attack us with these crass sensationalist

box office lets try to get an oscar gems of our

fast food culture.

man as Lenard Cohen sings

'democracy is coming to the USA'

and a whole lot of other good virtues too I hope.


*thank you, shuffles out with the bag still on my head.*

*and don't think it was easy to put on with this jacket on*

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

ehehehe you're lucky i don't pick on you. The only reason I don't really do that anymore is cause I have more respect for mods now since I have my own forum and lil hoodlams to look after myself lol


"We're all in this together!"


_Archibald "Harry" Tuttle, from the Terry Gilliam classic; Brazil

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