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What do you value most; Peace or Democracy?

What do you value most?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you value most?

    • Peace.
    • Democracy.

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Just thought it would be interesting to have a poll like this in these days of hunting ghosts in Iraq.


With "war" I mean war a war taking place in your homeland, like an invasion or large civil war.


So what's best? A peaceful dictatorship or a Democracy under attack from China?

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

So, peaceful dictatorship to me. Kinda like the roman empire under Marcus Aurelius... that time wasn't too bad. It wasn't all-out peace everywhere, but still...


Peaceful dictatorship? The Roman Empire was constantly at war. If you remember the people of the Roman Empire wanted to choose their leader.


I choose Democracy as well. My problem with dictatorships is that ok you might get lucky and have a good leader but what if his spoiled son takes over and then your stuck with that.

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Originally posted by edlib


No dictatorship can ever be truly peaceful or non-oppressive, to it's own citizens or those of other nations.


^What I was going to say.


At least you'd feel like you were fighting to protect something valuable, instead of sitting in you comfy living room while some dictator passed laws over your head and strengthened his position.


Fast forward a few decades and see how it'd turn out.


Once again, because it bears repeating: You can never truly have peace without democracy.

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Human nature will lead to another war. Peace is an idea that never really occurs. So I would pick democracy where I have freedoms and choices, where I don't have to worry about being pick up in the middle of the night if I disagree with the government.


Peace is an idea that will never be fully realized (at least not in my lifetime)

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Funny how all the Americans pick democracy and all the others pick peace :p?


Better to be bombed than to be oppressed? Oh, and let me remind you what war is like: Watch TV. Watch a Middle East/Communist city get bombed. Pretend it's your hometown.


You're at school, the air raid siren sounds, you go frightened into a dark bomb shelter.. when you come out, half the buildings around you are gone and houndreds are dead. ....x5 a month. But at least you can elect your leaders.


The dictatorship I'm talking about would be something like one where you may not have rights, but you won't get killed unless you do something wrong.

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I chose peace, thats why i want to go to war.



There will never be peace on this world, however, as long as there is hatred, as long as there is jeasously, and as long as there is contempt. And if you haven't noticed, those things are going away for a long time.


The only way to obtain peace is to subue those who oppose you. It's not eternal, and eventually war returns, because there will always be contempt, jealousy, and hatred, but its better than no peace at all.


Peace, however, cannot be found by appeasement or ignoring threats, i thought WWII would have proved that. It can't be obtained on paper, or written in ink, it must be bought with sweat and blood, and that is a price i am willing to pay, personally if neccessary.




Of course, democracy is a part of peace too. No dictatorship can be truly peaceful, as others have said, for there will always be contempt and jealousy. There will be those who despise being ruled over, and those who envy the power the ruler has. This leads to war, and for the wrong reasons as well.



So, i chose peace, but that can't be truly had without democracry of some kind. And peace will never last forever, if at all, but it's a nice ideal to strive for.

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Peaceful democracy, you people who aren't democratic, are jealous, and this is the cause of war. So there you have it. Peaceful and Democracy go hand in hand


"We peopple"? If you're reffering to Scandinavia, there's not a single dictatorship in there, thank you very much. Norway, for example, has eight (8) big parties, as opposed to USA's two.


Cuba is not a democracy, there's no war on Cuba.

USA is a democracy, and they're about to go to war.


Even if you're right, the question is not "democracy at war or dictatorship going to war?". It's "dictatorship and peace or democracy and war". It's you having to choose between two different evils, stuck between a rock and a hard place.


So yes, the dictatorship in question is at peace and not planning a war. The democracy is France being invaded by Nazi-Germany, just to give an example.

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Our system of government works so well because there are only two main parties. With only two it means one has to have the majority and then things get down. With multiple parties there can be no majority leader as such there is a large chance of things never getting done.


The dictatorship I'm talking about would be something like one where you may not have rights, but you won't get killed unless you do something wrong.


Of course there would be purges to prevant anyone from speaking out and causing trouble. No freedoms means that anything you can do can get you killed. Sounds great. Then guy gets angry and all of a sudden he is killing innocents for no reason at all. Fear would rule your life.


Cuba: No war, then why do people get on board ships that are barely able seaworthy, to escape the country? It must be that freedom means something even if a consquence you must face is war.


I would rather have freedom and face the possibility of war then have the illusion of peace with no freedoms at all.

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No dictatorship has ever been peaceful historically. In order to maintain a dictatorship you have to constantly struggle against the forces from without and within who would seek to depose you.

In anyone speaks out againt the current situation you need to silence them immediately, otherwise it could spead to others and you will end up with violent revolution on your hands. And since there's no effective way to transfer power within a dictatorship, this is how it usually goes down.

All the while defending your borders from oppertunists who are waiting for you to become distracted with internal struggles to mind what's going on outside so they can move in and take advantage and get a piece of the action.

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You are agruing "oooh this country is a democracy and they fight"(not you krkode)


Have you ever wondered why so many dicaterships and monarchies that once existed now have democratic governments BECAUSE in a one rule all, it can go like this


"King we don't except your creame pies"




So many die b/c of creame pies


- - - - - - - - - - - -V- - - -


Some of you may not read sigs but you should here is one...



War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. "


John Stewart Mill (1806-1873)



- - - - - - - - - - - - - V- - - -



Oh and for the peace under dicatorship may I point to the French Revolution, the serfs rebillion in Russia (which led to a communist government which the do not now have), and many other various rebillions

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um no. There are winners in war (I'm not simply talking about the side that won).


Example: take afgahnistan. Woman before the fighting began had no freedoms, couldn't attend school ect. After the liberation they now posses those freedoms and rights denied to them. As such I would consider them winners in this paticular war...

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Originally posted by Admiral

Example: take afgahnistan. Woman before the fighting began had no freedoms, couldn't attend school ect. After the liberation they now posses those freedoms and rights denied to them. As such I would consider them winners in this paticular war...


For now. What happens when we remove our soldiers. The only reason Afganistan hasn't fallen back to the Taliban is because we have soldiers keeping order. That's also the only reason the guy running the county now is not dead. There have been attempts on his life. It's a false victory.

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