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Bush or Tic Tacs?

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I'm just curious if there was a reason to post what you did besides insult those in authority over you.


If you want to criticize the war, so be it. But is it neccessary to criticize Bush himself with false and/or subjective statements attacking his character? You may not support Bush's view, but it's your duty as an American to support our army. This isn't something to joke about, its the life and death of Americans, British, and Iraqi people. Show some respect for your leaders and the lives of those who fight for your sake.


I don't find this funny at all. In fact, i find it downright offensive and immature. I've choked down all this stuff targeting Bush for long enough, now it's really starting to piss me off, especially coming from a fellow citizen.


Ya'll are no better than those protestors in San Fransisco who dragged people out of their car and beat them for supporting war. You can protest all you want, but don't resort to low blows and jabs that undermine your own so-called "noble" foundations.



You may find the site funny, and i can't help that, but you can keep it to yourself and not post it on a public forum, especially considering the reaction you must have known certain people would have. It's like wearing a swatsika in public--it might be your right (and i emphasize might), but it certainly isn't right.



This isn't neccessary, and i believe it goes against forum policies of flaming and defiling with malicious intent, please close.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

And Tie Guy, just loosen up man it's just a joke.



No. I do not find this funny at all. Maybe you don't understand because you aren't American, but i will not stand for our own citizens defiling our Presidency, especially in a time of war. It is utterly disrespectful and inappropriate and i do not think i has any place here at this time.


Understand it's not just this, it's everything. I'm fed up with everyone attacking my country and my President, it's downright offensive. this thread is the last straw, and indeed that is the purpose of the site, if you read the top of the page.


Quite frankly if this was 6 months ago i wouldn't have a big problem with it, but this is the completely wrong thing at the completely wrong time coming from the completely wrong people.


It may be a joke, but i think many of the most offfensive things we say if life are in humor's disguise.

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I support the war, troops, and my President, but dude, it's a joke. I thought it was pretty funny. But you have your opinions. And I hope those protesters got in big trouble. That shows you how stupid some of the people who are against the war are.

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I may be a citizen of this country, but that doesn't mean I have to be for them and support their views at all! Idc if we are at war, etc...


Originally posted by Tie Guy

No. I do not find this funny at all. Maybe you don't understand because you aren't American, but i will not stand for our own citizens defiling our Presidency, especially in a time of war. It is utterly disrespectful and inappropriate and i do not think i has any place here at this time.


And what does this have to do with anything.. He may not be American, but it doesn't prove anything at all! I'm American, but does that mean I have to support Bush, etc?

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

And what does this have to do with anything.. He may not be American, but it doesn't prove anything at all! I'm American, but does that mean I have to support Bush, etc?


You do not have to support our views, but i would hope that you would respect his decisions as the rightfully elected leader and rally around our troops on the path to victory. What if their were a soldier on this board and he saw you, someone he is fighting for, insulting his commander? It's just disrespectful and inappropriate. If you want to protest the President, you can at least save it for a time when it could matter and we aren't trying to present a united face to our troops and the world.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You do not have to support our views, but i would hope that you would respect his decisions as the rightfully elected leader and rally around our troops on the path to victory.


Why? We should support actions which we find immoral just because the people committing them are our nations' leaders? That idea is what I find offensive.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

It is utterly disrespectful and inappropriate and i do not think i has any place here at this time.


We have freedom of speech, no?


If you agree or disagree with your president, it's your choice. Not someone else's. And you have the right to express that opinion.


Understand it's not just this, it's everything. I'm fed up with everyone attacking my country and my President, it's downright offensive.


Sure, offensive to him. You don't have a right to flame anyone who disagrees with your president.


Quite frankly if this was 6 months ago i wouldn't have a big problem with it, but this is the completely wrong thing at the completely wrong time coming from the completely wrong people.


Wrong time? It is exactly at this time it's necessary to point express your opinions on a guy that seems to want to run the whole show. Now is especially the time to protest, if you feel so inclined - not wait 5 years and look back in anger for not saying anything.


You do not have to support our views, but i would hope that you would respect his decisions as the rightfully elected leader and rally around our troops on the path to victory.


You don't have to respect anything that man says, and still be a loyal American.


The soldiers are doing their jobs. They have to parry orders, even though they may not like them. They have to respect the president even though they may hate him.


As for the insults on that page, I find them quite childish, except for the following two:


-Causes unprecedented world-wide support to turn against the U.S. with inflammatory rhetoric and borderline imperialism.


-Can keep a straight face while condoning plagiarism and forgery.


The scary part about these inults is that they're actually true. All the goodwill you had garnered from 9/11 has been wasted on this needless war. Bush has used forged evidence and invented connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda to fuel this war.

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I thought it might be appropriate to this discussion. Make of it what you will.


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."


—Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by edlib

I thought it might be appropriate to this discussion. Make of it what you will.


Interesting that you bring that up. Do you know when he said that? Through my studying, I found that he said that during Woodrow Wilson's administration, when The USA was faced with the decision to go to WWI and the people didn't like it, because one of the things Wilson said he wouldn't do was go to war.


And to my knowledge Teddy Roosevelt was what one might describe as "belligerent", but he was still da man :p

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Originally posted by C'jais

We have freedom of speech, no?


If you agree or disagree with your president, it's your choice. Not someone else's. And you have the right to express that opinion.


A right to express your opinions, yes, not in a malignant or in one that is a baseless personal attack. We have freedom of press too, but libel is still illegal.


Sure, offensive to him. You don't have a right to flame anyone who disagrees with your president.


Flaming him? He threw the first punch, and i'm not just gonna let him sit back and throw another and another. I don't see what i did as offensive, or an attack on his character. I said what he did was immature and disrespectful, but i didn't say he was a bad person or say falsely that he did some list of horrible things. I certainly don't have any problem with him saying the war is bad or wasn't a good decision, but this attack on the President directly is inappropriate, and attack on anyone is inappropriate on these board, that's a rule, i beleive.



Wrong time? It is exactly at this time it's necessary to point express your opinions on a guy that seems to want to run the whole show. Now is especially the time to protest, if you feel so inclined - not wait 5 years and look back in anger for not saying anything.


No, the time for protesting is over. The war has started, the debate is over, and nothing is going to change it. Does that then mean people have to resort to personal attacks because their position failed? Protest all you want before the war, it's futile and irrelevant now. Presonal attacks, however, should never be tolerated, which is exactly what this is.


You don't have to respect anything that man says, and still be a loyal American.


The soldiers are doing their jobs. They have to parry orders, even though they may not like them. They have to respect the president even though they may hate him.


I don't know about you, but when i was brought up, i was taught to respect those in authority over me, even though i may not agree. That person may be my mother, my principal, or my President, and while i don't have to support everything they say or do, i do have an obligation to respect their decisions. There is a reason they are in the position authority and i am not. Just because i don't agree doesn't give me a right to disrespect or attack them.


The scary part about these inults is that they're actually true. All the goodwill you had garnered from 9/11 has been wasted on this needless war. Bush has used forged evidence and invented connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda to fuel this war.


Huh? We've said the reason that we are going to war is to disarm Saddam and free Iraq. We know he has terrorist connections, we know he's sent money to suicide bombers in Israel. We attempted to find a link between Iraq and Al Queda, but it ultimately doesn't matter. I do not believe we ever said we had concrete evidence to link Iraq and Al Queda, but we've had theories and leads. Now, if you want to say we "forged" the theories or leads then whatever, but it doesn't make sense.


But you know, in the end it doesn't matter, because terror is terror is terror. Iraq doesn't need to have a link to Al Queda to make them a dangerous terrorist threat or supporter. Any terrorist group would jump at a chance to attack the US or Israel, and Iraq supplies them money, that is a fact.


Oh, and do you have evidence or anything that says Bush forged documents or what not, or is it all just rhetoric?

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

You do not have to support our views, but i would hope that you would respect his decisions as the rightfully elected leader and rally around our troops on the path to victory. What if their were a soldier on this board and he saw you, someone he is fighting for, insulting his commander? It's just disrespectful and inappropriate. If you want to protest the President, you can at least save it for a time when it could matter and we aren't trying to present a united face to our troops and the world.


It's different for the troops though, they are fighting because our wonderful leader sent them there in the first place, so no disrespect goes out to them from me anyways...

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I don't know about you, but when i was brought up, i was taught to respect those in authority over me, even though i may not agree. That person may be my mother, my principal, or my President, and while i don't have to support everything they say or do, i do have an obligation to respect their decisions. There is a reason they are in the position authority and i am not. Just because i don't agree doesn't give me a right to disrespect or attack them.


Of course it does. If you should choose not to exercise that right, then that's your prerogative. But the idea that I should be denied the right to question those in authority because they have power and I don't is one I find utterly repulsive. You're describing fascism, which is something I have no stomach for.

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

Of course it does. If you should choose not to exercise that right, then that's your prerogative. But the idea that I should be denied the right to question those in authority because they have power and I don't is one I find utterly repulsive. You're describing fascism, which is something I have no stomach for.


You're an Aussie! :eek:


You psyched for the cricket world cup tonight? :D:p

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

Of course it does. If you should choose not to exercise that right, then that's your prerogative. But the idea that I should be denied the right to question those in authority because they have power and I don't is one I find utterly repulsive. You're describing fascism, which is something I have no stomach for.


*beats head against the wall*


Have you people read anything i've written? I'm not saying you can't voice your opinion in opposition to the President, because you certainly have every right and duty to do so.


All i am saying (are you ready?) is to refrain from personal attacks on the President. There is a big difference between criticizing a position or action and insulting a man. The purpose of this thread, joke or not, was to insult the President of the United States for his political opinion. That is wrong.

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TieGuy and Dagobahn agree on something?!?!?! :eek: :eek:


Mark down that date! :D


I really have no opinion on this page, I could see the attempt at humor, but it didn't connect with me. Where's that GIF that Rhett always shows, about teh funny and you. :D

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those soldiers fight for the right to live over there, and you personally attack the president when tensions are very high right now is not a good idea.


I'm now angered, because he is trying to do what he believes is right. Now we are at war. Why can't you guys just come together and support them? My president is a good man, and a respectable one. Don't like him, fine, but don't crucify him.

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