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Weirdest Star Wars species?


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Is EU allowed?


Well - whether or not, the weirdest ones for me include:


Han Solo Trilogy - The Paradise Snare - the aliens running the Spice Mine / Refinery.


The Crystal Star - Waru is pretty freaky.... From another dimesion, metal scales he can liquify on command.


The Adventures of Lando Calrissian - the race Vuffi Ra was based on - miust have been VERY weird looking!

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Originally posted by dark jedi 8

wasn't vuffi a robot? anyway.


If you read the Ladno Adventures all the way through, you find out that he was based on a race for a specific purpose. His first master built him with the intent of screwing the race over.

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Originally posted by leXX

The wierdest SW creatures are definately ducks. :D

This databank update was posted August 1, 2001 -- 15 years to the day after Lucasfilm released one of its proudest achievements, Howard the Duck. Happy anniversary, Howard. Keep reaching for that rainbow.




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