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1. Click "user cp", that is at the top right of the page.


2. There, click "Edit Options", it should be next to "Edit Profile" and "Edit Password".


3. Scroll to the bottom. Under "Other Options", you'll find the avatar part.


4. Click "Change Avatar".


5. Again, scroll to the bottom, there you'll find: "You can enter an URL of your avatar" and "You can upload an avatar from your computer:" Choose one of these options, and your good to go! (remember to make sure that your avatar has the right size!)

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Thanks guys....I thought that by clicking the "change avatar" button that I was accepting the changed done to the avatar, not doing them with the screen it broght up so I never clocked it.


Now I just got to get my turd of a friend to shrink my image.



Thanks again.

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

How do you make something 70x70? Just edit it in photoshop or something? I can't seem to get the picture smaller. I'm using Microsoft Paint. Everytime I try to make it 70x70 it cuts most of the picture out. Little help!


Using paint you will want to click:




Now, enter matching numbers in the Horizontal and Vertical values. i.e. If you want it to be 50% smaller, then enter 50 and 50. If you want it to be 25% smaller, enter 75 and 75.


Hopefully this was helpful.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

I agree with Setsuko.. Adobe photoshop all the way :D

i think my avatar and banner are ok :D


nice banner, except that the stripes on the X-Wings would be Grey, unless that's supposed to be Wedge.


Oh, and would Face really fly a Naboo fighter?

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1. Thanks for the comment :D

2. No Face would not fly a naboo starfighter unless the mission called for it. that is my personal favorite ;)

3. I know they should be grey.. i tries to get them grey.. but i messed up so many times that i gave up... so i left them red :p


Nice Wraith squadron logo.... got it from Aaron Aalstons site?

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