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Which weapons from previous games would you like to see in JK3?


Which weapons from the other DF games would you like to see in JK3?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Which weapons from the other DF games would you like to see in JK3?

    • Fists
    • Sequencer charges (JK mines)
    • Heavy Repeater (JO version)
    • Imperial Repeater (JK version)
    • Disruptor
    • Fusion Cutter (from Dark Forces)
    • Rail Detonator
    • Concussion Rifle
    • Dark Trooper Assault Rifle (the official name escapes me)
    • Other/Specify

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Oooooh! I loved the concussion rifle from JK DF2! When I played JK demo (my first game) I was amazed how strong the force was with it. I took upon myself to expect the sequel to be just as good. I thought I could be the best Jedi ever. I was wrong.:(

There is still good in it. Its more machine now than man. Twisted an evil. (like when a reborn gripped me and just in time managed to push me off the death star on one of my own personal missions) I can't finish it.




Okay, so the concussion rifle could kill me too! But say you are running down a corridor only to find yourself facing a kazillion dark jedi, say you suck at saber combat, whatcha gonna do? Blow 'em up with the most concussive, destructive, and fun weapon! :) I hope this weapon is in JA. I would also like to hold saber staff (double bladed saber) in one hand, and a normal one or another saber staff in the other.:saberg::ben::dsaber:


Oh man i'm hungry!:burg1:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

The Jeron Fusion Cutter was a modified mining tool in the original Dark Forces game. You can click here for some further information on it. ;)

Thanks! It doesn't seems like I would use it! It's too powerful ;)!


Personally, when I'm thinking again! I just want a lightsabre and a sniperrifle!

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Originally posted by Crowy

i went the concussion rifle that was jsut kick ass... but didnt they say "jedi academy is going to be 70% a saber game" sort of thing?

they also said there were going to be more conventional weapons than in jo.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Yup they did. You'll be using your lightsbaer 70% of the game, but of course you can mostly decide yourself what weapon you'll use of course :D


And yes, there's going to be 2 more weapons in JA than in JA...

You mean JA than in JO, right?
they also said there were going to be more conventional weapons than in jo.
What do you mean about "conventional"?
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Originally posted by Solo4114

Well, we already know you'll be able to kick, so I imagine that should be enough for those who like the notion of playing kung fu jedi.

For some reason, all the interview/preview stuff I've read seems to indicate that you will only be able to kick with the double-bladed lightsaber. I hope that isn't the case though...
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Originally posted by bigbud120

I don't remember seeing any punches being thrown in any of the movies, so I would prefer it if fists are left out of the game.

Well, apart from Chewie punching an Imperial guard, Sebulba punching/kicking Jar Jar, Luke getting thrown into a table at the cantina, and Han getting into hand-to-hand with a scouttrooper, if you are only concerned about Jedi, Qui-Gon punches Darth Maul, and Obi-wan gets into a pretty good hand-to-hand fight with Jango. I'd just like to have a few moves when I am not holding a weapon in JA.
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On the whole I think Raven did a great job with the weapons in Jedi Outcast.


On to Jedi Academy:


Bring back the Concussion Rifle. But only if the game pace is faster, or the Concussion Rifle is toned down in splash radius and/or rate of fire from original Jedi Outcast.


Beef up the Wookie Bowcaster. (God it is too weak. Make it FEARED and RESPECTED like you did the lightsaber).


Bring back the sequencer mines with manual detonation please.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

Beef up the Wookie Bowcaster. (God it is too weak. Make it FEARED and RESPECTED like you did the lightsaber).


Agreed. The five-bolt spread is pretty useless...but I like the bouncy secondary fire. ;)


Bring back the sequencer mines with manual detonation please.


Absolutely. I have great fun in MP dropping them as I run and setting them off. :)


Of course, they should also introduce the most feared and diabolical weapon in the entire galaxy...more feared than even the Deathstar's super-laser...


...the Force Plunger! :D


Wilhuf...where on earth have you been hiding? I haven't seen you post for what seems like an age. Welcome back to the forums. Have one of these...





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Originally posted by Echuu Shen-Jon

Agreed! I only used it, when I fired into corridors!


Some ppl seem to be able to use it very effectively though, online! The primary fire I mean. And since this firemode survived from JK to JO, it'll probably be in JA too :( But I agree the primary firemode isn't something I use much and that the secondary mode is great, in singleplay that is, over great distances :)

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Thank you for the kind welcome StormHammy!




The War in Afghanistan is partially responsible for my greatly reduced presence. Of course the War isn't over yet, but hopefully I can pop in from time to time and stir up trouble.


Anyway, back on topic. The bowcaster secondary fire is great. Maybe just bump up the bouncy projectile speed a bit, or increase the rate of fire. Or both. And make the primary fire more like a shotgun. Maybe make it hitscan. As it is, it's just too slow to be effective.


Of course there could be some ace out there with the bowcaster, but I've been from one side of this galaxy to the other and I ain't never seen any ace usin' a bowcaster!

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a fully charged bowcaster shot to the chest does hella damage. the thing I find annoying with the bowcaster, DEMP2, Bryer pistol, and other chargable weapons, is the time limit you can have it charged. I hate it when I'm getting ready to fire my DEMP at some guy and it just goes off. it should be able to hold it's charge for as long as I want. they should fix that.

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I know some of you might disagree with my idea, but this is what think they should do with the weapons in JA. As far as model variety goes, I think that Raven should take a look at E4-6. There are many different blaster models to use for reference. For example, the sandtroopers have those giant, long blasters. Maybe that could be a sniper rifle, or a rapid fire blaster. There's also the small blaster rifles that the Rebel troops use in the begining of ANH. Also there's Leia's small, but long pistol from the end of ROTJ. Let's not forget Han's blaster too. I say they should use those as models in the game. -Good variety, and still definitely SW style, unlike most of the Dark Forces/JK weapons.


Here's where you guys might disagree with me. I say that Raven should make every blaster-type weapon shoot a long bright bolt like the imperial rifles do now. The only difference btw the weapons should be rate of fire, and maybe a little color variation. Most of them should shoot red. Also they could use yellow, and green I think. I think that the weapons should also differ in sound effects too. Star Wars has some of the most wickedly cool laser sound effects. WIth that in mind I think that even though the weapons shoot very similar laser bolts, that they should make use of all those wonderful laser sound effects. Of course the imperial blaster sound we're all familiar with. I really always loved the sound of Han's blaster. They used it in MOTS, and it was so cool. Maybe they could use that TIE laser effect too. The point is, that there is plently of variety already in the movies, for them to use. I don't see why they need to make up all these non-Starwars-feeling weapons.



When I played JK and JO I only used the lightsaber when I got it. I really enjoy blocking those red blaster bolts with my lightsaber. I really find that there's something missing, or not quite Star Wars when I'm blocking back reapeater rounds, or fletchette rounds. Since JA really emphasises the Jedi role, I think that weapon variety is not all that important in this game. It really boils down to a matter of what kinds of ammo is coming at you, and personally I wanna be defending against a slew of those good old red bolts. THe only time I ever use a weapon other than the lightsaber was when I needed to snipe, or throw a grenade, or if I needed heavy firepower. I think that is probably the same case with many of you. Anyway, that's MHO


P.S. I do think that the concussion rifle should make a come back. Along with it's cool sound effect. That gun was juist plain cool

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Originally posted by Deadeye

As far as model variety goes, I think that Raven should take a look at E4-6. There are many different blaster models to use for reference. For example, the sandtroopers have those giant, long blasters. Maybe that could be a sniper rifle, or a rapid fire blaster. There's also the small blaster rifles that the Rebel troops use in the begining of ANH. Also there's Leia's small, but long pistol from the end of ROTJ. Let's not forget Han's blaster too. I say they should use those as models in the game. -Good variety, and still definitely SW style, unlike most of the Dark Forces/JK weapons.


Don't forget Luke's rifle, and Leia's pistol in ANH. I agree that Raven should look more to the movies for weapon designs. Personally, I wouldn't mind getting my mitts on one of the ship turret lasers in AOTC...the one's that fire green streams of death...and some of those Gungan glowing balls. :D


As for laser bolts...yeah, they should be more like the movies too. If they took out the Heavy Repeater, Flechette and Missile launcher I wouldn't miss them at all. Heavier laser weapons would do just as well. The Demp2 is pretty useless in MP, but I wouldn't mind seeing it retained in SP.


But the key thing to fix with laser bolts is...the speed. They should be instant hit over medium distance, like the movies.

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