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How to stop the idiotic RPG elements that will be forced upon you in JK3


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Jedi220: Fanboys infest all servers, not just duel servers. And "killing without rhyme or reason" is what the FPS genre is all about. That's not a matter for debate.


Ronin_Medjai: There could never be enough anti-fanboy sentiment. NEVER.


Mobius Berreta.: It would be dishonourable to tell you to learn to spell, so I'll tell you to try to form a coherent sentence with no swear-words in it instead. Bowing is not a "Jedi Outcast rule," there ARE no Jedi Outcast rules. It isn't a rule etched in stone just because you, and the fanboys, say it is.


DeTRiTiC-iQ: I couldn't agree more, you're absolutely, 100% correct in every respect. ;)


t3rr0r: Bowing is RPGing because you're using your player models to enact some sort of ritual, playing your roles, taking yourself and each other too seriously. Bowing is negative because it takes up precious time, when others are always waiting to duel. RPGing on public servers is negative because the RPGing player is taking up a player slot that could be used by someone who really wants to play the game properly, and have fun doing it.




Jedi Outcast is about two things, fun, and the score. There, I said it. It's about the score. It's about the number of kills (or team caps) you have at the end of the game. If it wasn't about the kills, there wouldn't be a scoreboard. FPS games are about the score, about having fun, and about having fun trying to get the best score. FPS games are not roleplaying games. They are not designed for roleplaying, and roleplayers who invade public servers are both annoying to regular players and are wasting their own time in the process.


There is nothing stopping RPGers from creating their own servers and their own portion of the community, and indeed some RPGers do that. But the RPGers that don't, are evil, apathetic fanboys. They must be shunned and eradicated, for the good of all. The fanboys give RPGers a bad name, and they drive serious and casual players right up the wall.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Mobius Berreta.: It would be dishonourable to tell you to learn to spell, so I'll tell you to try to form a coherent sentence with no swear-words in it instead. Bowing is not a "Jedi Outcast rule," there ARE no Jedi Outcast rules. It isn't a rule etched in stone just because you, and the fanboys, say it is.

Seriously it doesn't matter if you can spell correctly or not,as long as your trying to get the point across.

Second of all I said "I" consider bowing a rule,I never said it was an actuall rule.

Im just saying almost every single server you go to if you don't bow before a dual starts and just attack,it is considered modding,or laming infact>.>


But seriously, going into other servers just to kill isn't exactly honourable if you do most of it by laming, Especialy when your using a kill tracker, I and many other's I assume would see that as jack-asstory.

Im not saying that everyone has to follow my word,but it just seems more rightful now, and any way the thread starter can't exactly say that he's gonna run around killing everyone on JK3 because we don't exactly know what the multiplayer is going to be like you know.

Bleh o.O,whatever.

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i kinda like the bow crap.... but it does get anoying. especialy when people say i am laming because i like blue stance... (your laming because u like yellow) *caugh* lol. i am sorry to say, but i think jk3 will have that crap in it. :explode::sbdance

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Originally posted by Mobius Berreta.

But seriously, going into other servers just to kill isn't exactly honourable if you do most of it by laming, Especialy when your using a kill tracker, I and many other's I assume would see that as jack-asstory







Any other first person shooters that have the phrase "lamer/laming" tossed around as much as in JK2?




Sure "llama" but that's not the same thing.


I don't see people bitching in Counter-Strike "OMGF he lamed me I didn't have my AK-47 out".


I don't see people in standing around in a FFA in games like UT2003 watching two guys fight.


I don't see RTCW players crying "WTF man don't call in an air strike here can't you see my chat box?"




You fan boy saber off = peace idiots are the reason these damn servers are empty, when will you get it through your thick heads?


You make people who bought this game and want to play a cool SW FPS sick and drive them out and away from it with your stupid "codes of honor".


Yes people like YOU, not me, are the types of people who cried for crappy patches.


We "lamers" never bitched about DFA's or back stabs, it was YOU people.


So if you want to get mad about people bashing your stupid "Saber honor Codes" garbage, get used to it. It will get worse and only worse until you either play the game or leave for a true RPG.

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i bow down out of respect, if u dont bow and u attack me, i jump out of the way and attack back. its simple, no one needs to be banned. they say u shouldnt attack when the other guys saber iis off because he doesnt have a chance to fight...or if hes typing or something like that...other than that, if there saber is on, ill slash em' :D


if there saber is off and they use force, or kick me something ike that ill slash em' but only if they attack me 1st.


jk2 is not an rpg, it is an action game, so i dont play it like an rpg. thats how i play at the top, i use emotes too sometimes, just because they look cool.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed



Any other first person shooters that have the phrase "lamer/laming" tossed around as much as in JK2?




Sure "llama" but that's not the same thing.


I don't see people bitching in Counter-Strike "OMGF he lamed me I didn't have my AK-47 out".


I don't see people in standing around in a FFA in games like UT2003 watching two guys fight.


I don't see RTCW players crying "WTF man don't call in an air strike here can't you see my chat box?"




You fan boy saber off = peace idiots are the reason these damn servers are empty, when will you get it through your thick heads?


You make people who bought this game and want to play a cool SW FPS sick and drive them out and away from it with your stupid "codes of honor".


Yes people like YOU, not me, are the types of people who cried for crappy patches.


We "lamers" never bitched about DFA's or back stabs, it was YOU people.


So if you want to get mad about people bashing your stupid "Saber honor Codes" garbage, get used to it. It will get worse and only worse until you either play the game or leave for a true RPG.

Your comparing jk2 to First person shooters,well This is easy for me to answer but may be confusing for you to get.

Look at jk2,most of it now has based it self on sabre's and not blasters.

So new rules were conjered up,Like whats his face said they may not be writen in "stone" but they still stand by many server owners and what not.

Quake 3,unreal tourny,counter strike, all amazing games,the only flaw is none of them(excluding unreal) have swords or anything,and are all based on war exactly,Nothing more, and no matter what they give you an edge,more excitment because the fun in most of these games is the dying,and the only reason why it doesnt get annoying is because thats all the game is about,killing.

JK2 on the other hand has many flaws according to this,I have no problem with what you say that people dont go around in other games saying lamer or whatever,but in jk2 it's going to happen more,and the only reason is is because jk2 has based it self on this so called rp type format.

It wasn't ment to,it just happend.

But seriously I have a problem with people running around saying that they gonna end up killin all of them just for doing something that they believe is mandatory,it makes no sense, and so it being lame gave birth to lamness and so on and so forth.

And thats where I come in, when I hear people saying their going to lame because they don't like something then tough!


I'll withdraw here considering I am hardly making any sense to any of you...

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Alright, this is an origional *ASC*er floating about.


Now while the SC and ASC have taken the backburner of JKII politics, needless to say their ways still remain. However, I believe the main problem of the origional argument was members of the SC filtering to servers they have no relations to, and start kicking people.


Sorry people, but only one group of people should have this access: the admins.


What you people here do not recognize is that the admins pay for the servers, you only pay for the software to play on those servers. That means they (the admins) can set any rule to their hearts desire, and you don't have to play on them. Since the admins pay for said servers, it is a PRIVLEDGE, not a RIGHT to play on a server. This is as much misconception as the music industry having the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution backing them when it comes to censorship. Face it: you're not going to win.


However, I am not totally into the RP scene in JKII. Quite frankly, if I ever see an RP scene, I'm going to have my brains against the wall with a exit wound from my head of the size approximated from a 9mm parabellum round.


So, in other words:


If you bow, I will bow just as a sign of readiness. If you don't, I don't care. I just may have to hurt you even more.


You come to a server that I am administrating on and think you can do whatever you please, then you have another thing coming to you. By connecting to the server and hitting JOIN GAME, you are consenting by contract to the server that you will abide by any rules made by said admin or admins. Breaking that contract has repercussions. This is life. Get used to it.


Also, I want to address one last point:


Sure "llama" but that's not the same thing.


I don't see people bitching in Counter-Strike "OMGF he lamed me I didn't have my AK-47 out".


I don't see people in standing around in a FFA in games like UT2003 watching two guys fight.


I don't see RTCW players crying "WTF man don't call in an air strike here can't you see my chat box?"


Your argument is null because of the way the game is construed. CS, UT2003, JKII, and RTCW are FPS. That is where the comparison ends. Look at what we are fighting with, for a moment. Yup, you got that right. Most of the time, it is sabers. Tell me, what other game involves swordplay as heavily as JKII?


Sure, knifing gets you kicks and giggles in CS, but it isn't a quintessential part of it.


I'm not going to comment on the other two because I have not played them.


Face it: people are honor bound. I don't know if it is the addiction to the old samurai movies or what, but they got that mentality in their heads.


Remember ladies and gents, in duels, it is all out. There is no rulebook. Ask any european who has died while accepting a challenge.


EDIT: Sorry, one last thing.


With those who enjoy invoking the saber off=peace rule, I got a few things for you:


1.) Use common sense, if a few saberists are going at it, then don't run right between them and whine.


2.) Offensive force powers count as a saber being active


I'm sure there are a few things I am missing, but it is these two that make me type the following thing:


/name "Mormegil *ASC*"

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"Oh that sounds just about right,considering killing all the "whiny newbies" remember this you'll be a newb, and that your whining now,so your being a hypocrit,another thing,I don't consider bowing an rpg rule,I consider it A jedi outcast rule,practicly no matter what server you go to your going to end up doing it,and if you do run around and start hacking away at people,And as a matter of fact im one of them....Let's just say I lame the lamers without any thought,So here is a warning,shut the f*** up and quick spittin crap,Or i'll hunt you down, damn lamer."


Nice use of swear words and insults. Really makes me believe that you're the mature one here, and not I.


Aside from that, I'd disagree - why is bowing and saber-offage a JKO "rule?" Where is this written? Why do I have to follow it? I don't want to follow it... but I should have to because some nerd says that I do? Some nerd that paid the same $50 for the game that I did?


Yeah, sure...


I'm playing the game how I want to play it. This does not involve RPG elements. The way I play the game will not be influenced by you because you want me to "bow" and turn my saber off every 30 seconds.


I'm not expecting you to play like I want you to, why are you expecting me to play the game like you want me to?


Who's being the hypocrite, again?


Oh, and, I was curious... how does being a newbie "again" in JKA going to matter in the slightest? It sounds like saber combat is going to be pretty much the same, just with more moves... I'm pretty sure I won't be as much of a "newbie" as somebody who never played JKO... Right?

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I'm gonna state this, ready? Here I go...



I was with SC (Saberist Code) and was chosen to go against an ASC. The "this match will show who will rule" match. I kicked his butt...and SC came out victorious...however, as it went off....it just wasn't even worth it. I dropped the tag, and now I just play. I personally have a "code of conduct" I follow just to respect players...but I'm not "all-SC" anymore. Like I said, if someone wants to RPG, I'll play along, but I'm not going to start it.


If I see someone in FFA without a saber, I won't attack them, unless they abuse it (like saber off mid-fight, or saber off then on quickly for a cheap kill....I'll slaughter those)...but don't go around expecting me to bow to every little healthpack and gun around.





Add some sort of "gametype" that shows "RPG". That way, if you are joining a FFA-RPG server...RPG away, if you don't....leave/get kicked. If you just join a normal FFA server and people cutt your head off when you bow...it's your own fault for acting like an idiot on a non-RPG server...go join an RPG server.


All in all


RPers will go to RPG servers

Normal players will go to normal servers.


It wouldn't take much programming to do this. No changes at all other than a new name (FFA RPG and FFA would be exactly alike, but people joining would see if the server wants RPing or not)

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Originally posted by Mobius Berreta. So new rules were conjered up,Like whats his face said they may not be writen in "stone" but they still stand by many server owners and what not.


By who, and what makes you think *everyone should follow them?


I can honestly say without a doubt that the number of better Full Force saber only players in JK2 that are better than I am can be counted on one hand and chances are there will be a few fingers to spare.


But do I go around telling people how to play?


But I'm supposed to listen to some role playing noobie that can't do 1/2 the things I can when I'm barely even trying?




JK2 on the other hand has many flaws according to this,I have no problem with what you say that people dont go around in other games saying lamer or whatever,but in jk2 it's going to happen more,and the only reason is is because jk2 has based it self on this so called rp type format.

It wasn't ment to,it just happend.


Right, it was *not meant to, so if I have no desire to put up with this garbage, you have no right to complain when I don't bow or do some other silly gesture that shows I have "no honor".


It's an action game, that's how I play it.




But seriously I have a problem with people running around saying that they gonna end up killin all of them just for doing something that they believe is mandatory,it makes no sense, and so it being lame gave birth to lamness and so on and so forth.



Next time you play JK2, once in-game do me a favor.

Press "TAB" and tell me what you see.


Scores right?

Wow an action game where scoring is kept tack of, ground breaking concept.


And how do you score?

You kill.


Mind blowing isn't it?






See my friend, that’s the problem.


You see that server address in my sig?

I provided at my own cost, a dedicated server.


My rules right?



People like you come on and constantly bitch and moan about these stupid little role playing rules that I CHOOSE not to have on a server I am PAYING for.


So don't give me any BS about RPG saber noobies staying on their own little admin mod servers and not bothering anyone.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Your argument is null because of the way the game is construed. CS, UT2003, JKII, and RTCW are FPS. That is where the comparison ends. Look at what we are fighting with, for a moment. Yup, you got that right. Most of the time, it is sabers. Tell me, what other game involves swordplay as heavily as JKII?


Yeah.. Ok there.


So whether or not I'm allowed to kill anything that moves in a *FFA all depends on the melee weapon in my hand?


Thanks for clearing that one up.






You have been around since day 1 if I'm correct.

So have I.


Do you remember a time when you could filter out the FFA game type in a browser and find 24 people going all out racing for the top spot and racking up kills as fast as humanly possible?


I do.


People played the game for what it was, an action game (I won't use the FPS term so as to not get into that discussion again) with Force powers and sabers.





Oh you can still find a FFA server with 24 people in it; problem is its 24 RPG saber noobies standing around doing idiotic ballerina emotes.


And please before you or anyone chimes in with the standard "go to another server" comment, like I said in the post above this one, they spread out like roaches to servers like mine where this nonsense is not wanted.

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Bacon00 Don't follow them. It's as simple as that. Go hack and slash all the idiots standing around doing the emote crap. If/when you get booted, go to another server. Do it again.


If more and more people start doing this, all the RPG crap will die away. The newbies who whine will either leave or adapt.


I hate that part of JK2 - you can't just go on and start whoring peeps. You gotta bow, turn your saber off, acknowledge that they aren't ready yet, bow again, etc. etc. etc. I hate it. Absolutely hate it.


When JK3 is released, I'm killing anybody and everybody.


End of story.

A men to that


jedi220 Whoring peeps is the way you like to play? Jeez, I don't think that's the point of the game...it may be in an FFA, but if you're dueling, then by all means no. Who respects an opponent who comes in and slashes the living crap out of everyone?


and theres me thinking this game was about killing players?


Spider AL
Man i think your Great :)


Mobius Berreta. Your comparing jk2 to First person shooters,well This is easy for me to answer but may be confusing for you to get.

Look at jk2,most of it now has based it self on sabre's and not blasters.

The problem i have with that comment is the fact all the Fanboys nerfed the saber! as they wanted to stand there for 30mins thinking they was sooo good, but the truth was they would of killed each other quicker with a bread stick.





All in all


RPers will go to RPG servers

Normal players will go to normal servers.

if only


The way I play is to score... CtF run get flags or stand and kill flag runners. ffa well as it says kill all thats in front of you. Tffa well same as before but try help out ya team as well. Dule well i say if you want to bow before hand thats ok, just dont ***** about to long and get it over so the next guy can have his turn.



Fan Boys must be killed BUT for god sake only kill them with there saber down :p

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Ok lets all do Ronin a Favor and stop bitching about "RPG Saber Noobies" cause IMO they are a disgrace to the RPG world of JKO.


I never saw an RPG server before :p.


Not many have.


Plz name the "RPG Saber Noobies" to just "Saber Noobies" or something else cause its really pissing me off to try and defned RPers here cause you guys are attacking us sorta. Its like Talking Crap about George Bush but Calling him Bill Clinton in stead of George Bush. Plz call them waht they are and its far from anything with the letters RPG in it.

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lol it's not even so much the bowing that gets me (normally). i mean when i go to duel servers (which is kinda rare), i still bow if they do. if they dont then i just start attacking. what really pushed me away from dueling was the people that when we started dueling about 2 mins into it would shut their saber off and ask me how many hp i had left. then they'd wait another min or so and ask me again. then they'd get kinda close to me and shut their saber off (after i told them i still had 100/25) and ask me again and while i was typing they'd try to attack me. this really got on my nerves i mean if you wanna follow some dumb code just follow it, but dont try to exploit your own rules just to say that you actually damaged me.... you know all this talk reminds me of a certain saber only clan that was exactly like most LF people. they had all these gay codes of honor and constantly kicked people from their server for "laming" aka "being better than them." this team constantly lost by humiliating margins and finally decided to wise up and have fun by winning. therefore they all scripted moves and tactics(which although was VERY cheap was nonetheless VERY effective) and went out and rocked the people that used to own them by going against their original ideals. if only some of the fanboys would also be enlightened to learn the game and take advantage of what's given them instead of whining to have everyone else nerfed down to their pathetic level.

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Originally posted by Aoshi

if only some of the fanboys would also be enlightened to learn the game and take advantage of what's given them instead of whining to have everyone else nerfed down to their pathetic level.


That Comment is so True.

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i find it funny your all saying that bowing before a duel and not attacking a fighter with his saber off is bullsh*t??? and is RPG???


i thought the whole point of a duel was to see who is the better saberist and has more skill in combat not who is best at killing an unarmed person. am i wrong???


FFA is a totally different thing its every man for himself.

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Originally posted by Mobius Beretta:


Seriously it doesn't matter if you can spell correctly or not,as long as your trying to get the point across.

That presumes the people can decipher your text to the extent necessary to understand the point, if there is one.


Originally posted by Mobius Berreta:


Second of all I said "I" consider bowing a rule,I never said it was an actuall rule.

Im just saying almost every single server you go to if you don't bow before a dual starts and just attack,it is considered modding,or laming infact>.>


Like I said, just because you and some other fanboys whinge about it, doesn't make it a rule, and doesn't make the fact that you "consider it a rule" valid in any way, shape or form. I'm certainly never bowing again. The fanboys can try to "punish" me if they wish. :)


Originally posted by Mobius Berreta:

But seriously, going into other servers just to kill isn't exactly honourable if you do most of it by laming, Especialy when your using a kill tracker, I and many other's I assume would see that as jack-asstory.

Going... into...


Can you read your own text? Going into servers just to kill is dishonourable? Going into servers just to kill is the POINT of the GAME! But perhaps you think "going into servers just to pretend to be a carpenter from Sulon" is the point of the game. ;)


Bah, you're most certainly a troll. Your statements are much too extreme to be genuine.


Originally posted by Ronin_Medjai:


Ok lets all do Ronin a Favor and stop bitching about "RPG Saber Noobies" cause IMO they are a disgrace to the RPG world of JKO.

Sorry Ronin, they RPG, they use sabres, they are newbies, so while I've never used the expression myself, "RPG Saber Noobies" fits. Since they are giving your side of the community a bad name, maybe you should help us eradicate them. :)


Originally posted by alvocca:


i find it funny your all saying that bowing before a duel and not attacking a fighter with his saber off is bullsh*t??? and is RPG???


i thought the whole point of a duel was to see who is the better saberist and has more skill in combat not who is best at killing an unarmed person. am i wrong???


FFA is a totally different thing its every man for himself.

The point of the duel is to win the duel. The better player doesn't always win, nobody has a hundred per-cent record. Secondly the aim of a duel is to whack the person you're fighting, with your sabre. So if the person decides that they want to talk when you're swinging your sabre at them, it's their fault that they got killed. The amount of times I've been called a lamer for killing a fanboy who started typing one millisecond before my strike connected...


Finally there are always people waiting to duel on a duel server, and the fanboys who spend HOURS and HOURS chatting and bowing and spinning and amkissing, are wasting OUR time as well as theirs. There is no excuse, frankly.


Back in the day, in JK1, FF duels on BGJ were the place to be seen. I fought hundreds of them from 1999-2002. The rules were simple: When the game starts, you both haul bottom out of there and try to kill each other any way you can. Whoever kills the most by the end of the game, wins. THAT was the way to play. Fast, furious, no-holds-barred, and THAT's the way to play on a public dedicated server. Anything else is malicious, it wastes everyone else's time. And frankly I don't trust any fanboy anyway, so I tried not to type back in a duel for fear of being hit.


As for FFA, it's just another game mode, and it has no more rules than duels do. That is to say, it has NO rules. The fanboys still tried to impose their stupid bowing, spinning and kissing and "I'm a moisture farmer from Tatooine" rules onto public FFA servers though.


Destroy fanboys, eradicate them wherever you find them.

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It's a Star Wars game, not Frag Wars.

If you want to run around and kill everyone on a FFA server abusing ever 'trick' available, do so.

It would appear Raven have added more role-playing aspects to JKIII, maybe due to a larger audience.

If you want to 'frag' to get a high score, stay away from RPG servers.

Most RPG servers are poorly hosted, and poorly organized.

There's no set rules or guidelines for what happens in JKII.

Bowing in duels for respect, if you don't like it, don't do it.

Most servers have rules in place, so follow them.

Role-playing players are most probably still playing JKII, since they're more interested in using the game for role-plays, instead of 'bunny-hopping about fraggin' all the n00bs with their l337 skillz.'

If you don't like the game and it's rules. Go play Quake.

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Yes, we have been here since day one.


I remember the day when you could walk into a server and immediately nail someone within the first 5 seconds because they looked at you funny. The day of pivitol DFA spammage. Those were the days.


Then the SC came around toting a cause that was bull****, in my opinion.


Now, lets fast forward to today, where we have an unprecendented ammount of nerfs to the one thing the fanboys were using the whole time. Like Fatal had in his sig in the merry ol' time, saberists are now like ravers with glowsticks.


Clarification time. If I go to a guns server, I expect it to be a warzone. If a saberist has his saber off, tough s***: You're getting a rocket up your ass.


Most servers which have guns active are usually a true FFA, no law abiding citizen server. Anarchy at its finest. That's how I define a gun server.


But when you get into the saber only servers, then more of that code starts to appear.


The only rules that exist on the server I administrate is the saber off and chatbox rule, as well as the emote exploits associated with VAM 2.2 to get out of the specials. Then again, that is to be taken with a grain of salt, and also a bit of common sense. I'd rather slap the idiot that ran through a group of actively engaged people and got hit, then began whining then the actual attackers.


What's more apparent these days? Lack of ability to follow rules? Or lack of common sense?


Oh, and go and find another server... Just kidding.


On one last note: Remember, killing fanboys is not a crime.


Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

Yeah.. Ok there.


So whether or not I'm allowed to kill anything that moves in a *FFA all depends on the melee weapon in my hand?


Thanks for clearing that one up.






You have been around since day 1 if I'm correct.

So have I.


Do you remember a time when you could filter out the FFA game type in a browser and find 24 people going all out racing for the top spot and racking up kills as fast as humanly possible?


I do.


People played the game for what it was, an action game (I won't use the FPS term so as to not get into that discussion again) with Force powers and sabers.





Oh you can still find a FFA server with 24 people in it; problem is its 24 RPG saber noobies standing around doing idiotic ballerina emotes.


And please before you or anyone chimes in with the standard "go to another server" comment, like I said in the post above this one, they spread out like roaches to servers like mine where this nonsense is not wanted.

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I think that a nice server of their own would be a good way to handle this.


I liked the online code of honour of bowing, but only at the start of a duel - was nice.


One of the servers I played on had a specific area where the Code was upheld. An exhibition area. Bespins Landing pad normally. the whole saber on / off was upheld there only.


Everywhere else was open season. That worked well. Proper duelling was allowed in one place, blasting in another.


But I agree that this whole RPGing it to match the films is crap though.


If you want that, make a level to emmulate the movie sequences.


Just as long as people do accept a server inposed honour code, then thats good.


Its like religion. Practise it where its wanted - dont preach to or try and convert those who honestly couldnt give a Wokie's testical - it will only end in tears and blood - YOURS!

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i've read most of the post (there is a lot of the same stuff so i gave up) and i don't get it. If a server enforces certain rules they gotta be followed, if you don't like it then leave the server or create your own. i'm just saying this cuz i get pissed when i'm on a server where there is the rule no saber on = peace and ppl do the friggin strong stance attack me while i'm standing there I GET PISSED. but then again if i'm on a server that doesn't enforce that rule and same thing happens, its my stupid fault. also about the bowing, i do it, i don't care if you don't, in fact i don't care if you attack me while i'm bowing. it happened to me before, i get out of the way. i have two reasons for bowing 1) show respect, but i also do that by saying good fight at the end 2) to see if the person is ready, a saber flying at you is also a good indication. all i'm really saying is follow the rules on the server or find a better one and don't cry about bowing, do it, don't, ITS A GAME!!. oh yeah can more ppl create real FFA servers, those are friggin great but there aren't enough.

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Originally posted by Aoshi

you know all this talk reminds me of a certain saber only clan that was exactly like most LF people. they had all these gay codes of honor and constantly kicked people from their server for "laming" aka "being better than them." this team constantly lost by humiliating margins and finally decided to wise up and have fun by winning. therefore they all scripted moves and tactics(which although was VERY cheap was nonetheless VERY effective) and went out and rocked the people that used to own them by going against their original ideals. if only some of the fanboys would also be enlightened to learn the game and take advantage of what's given them instead of whining to have everyone else nerfed down to their pathetic level.


Very effective?

Crap man, imagine as a gunner facing 4 guys who were all using OGC.

It was funny before the first round went live one of my guys goes "They are using energize this time".


I look over and I see 4 guys all with chat boxes over their heads firing off energize at like 1 millisecond per shot.


The hypocrisy of what they did pissed me off (at the time) but I still have to admire the ingenuity of it.

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