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Yea, like platypus said, don't worry about the threatening emails and PM's, its all apart of the fun.. Plus, The Truthful Liar will probably give you his heart-warming LF.Com Basket which is full of goodies to enjoy while browsing our Forums. So, Not to worry. Wise Yoda once said," n00b once was I."

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Originally posted by Andy867

The Truthful Liar will probably give you his heart-warming LF.Com Basket which is full of goodies to enjoy while browsing our Forums.



*GASP* WTF?!!? :eek:





*puts on his hunting shoes, picks up his yoink stick and a map to legion's house*

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Sorry, when I first started here myself, the only person I saw at the time that was giving LF.COM baskets was the Member formerly known as AB Legion AKA The TruthFul Liar. SORRY RHETT.. Hope this means I won't become and admin some day ;)

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Originally posted by Andy867

Well, least I am a super Mod (for now) but one day I shall become an ADMIN!!! but probably not until JA is released...D'oh!


If you do beat me to it, I shall throw threatening rocks through your window untill your cow runs away from home.


Aww shucks, Andy, I can't stay mad at you. :(

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

If you do beat me to it, I shall throw threatening rocks through your window untill your cow runs away from home.


Aww shucks, Andy, I can't stay mad at you. :(


*Makes Andy shoot Obi*

Time for the 'Annual Noob Poke ™' :jab:

Welcome Rabid. :)

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*Gives The_true_lynk a golden lightsaber hilt that has a blade resembling the Master Sword, but still retains the magical corrupted, erm I mean, positive power of unlimited wish granting.*


Don't worry about the Goblin or anything. If he disturbs ya, call me. I'll swing by his hideout and, ahem, straighten him out! :D


J/k :D


He's a nice guy and probably wouldn't harm a fly!


Oops! I said too much!



*Runs off before Hobby comes back and starts trying to kill him with pumpkin bombs.* :D

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