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CG or Models?

Billy Shears

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Do you prefer the CG vehicles and ships such as those in AOTC, or do you like the models used in the OT?


Call me crazy, but I prefer the models. The CG things are nice to look at and all, but they don't have that solid 3 dimensional feel, like if you were there you could actually touch it. I love that scene in ANH where the TIE Fighter is strafing over the Millenium Falcon after they escape the DS.

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you're crazy


I notice the difference. The difference is the amount of art applied to these things. They make the ships into an art form.


The OT ships didn't have the curves and unrealistic look of AOTC and TPM. You could see that it was machine.


SOme of the influence here is because in OT...air warfare was a paramount and what little they showed was perfect. ROTJ still amazes me to no end by the space battle. In AOTC and TPM you see outdated styles of warfare everywhere. It's as if all of the commanders are idiots. (Although ESB did very badly with its trench warfare too) I don't know but I like things to be somewhat believable...and the battle in TPM wasn't believable. Rank upon rank...all lined up. That is slaughter time. You put one blaster on autofire and just point randomly and you'll see 100 people go down in no time at all.


I think Lucas needs to return to space warfare. I think Jedi's are cool...but when over used that much...feh.

I want to see some decent ships that are less "artsey" and more normal. We don't need to see a transition between straight lines and curved ones on ships. We just need to see decent craft, believable craft, out there facing one another. We could see a trasition near the end of Ep III maybe with the inclusion of Tie Fighters as a state of the art design, but the Jedi Starfighter? That is such a FORCED vehichle. I mean I've seen elementary kids come up with much better designs...I've seen low grade elementary students who thought that the star destroyer would make a great looking fighter before TPM even came out...


I'm not thrilled about all of the things going on, but I am still pleased with alot of the CGI shots. I just think they needed a less archetypal way of doing things.

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I'm not alone.... I had the same thing darthfergie. I dunno how I got rid of it though. I wasn't right in the head a couple of days ago and I uninstalled every game I have on my computer... I think it's GAIN or something.


Anyway, I liked both CG and models. CG models could do more but the models are more fun to look at...good, plain origionality...the way things were...*sigh* I miss watching old movies with just models mad of wood...

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Actually, I think sometimes the models look good, and sometimes the CG looks good. But there are a few occasions when the models look bad (there's a flyby of a snowspeeder on Hoth that looks really bad in ESB), and the CG can look, well, like standard run-of-the-mill CG.


I think they've done a pretty good job with both, over the years, so I don't have a preference.

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I think people forget that whether or not something is a model or CG, the very first step is still a hand-drawn design. The shape of the vehicles has nothing to do with them being CG. After all, Naboo fighters were models (at last some of them - the one that was shot down in the diagonal shot at the end of TPM was)..


That being said, I'd say the ROTJ space battle would benefit tremendously from CG, especially in terms of scale. So when that's in play, i'd go CG but would prefer the old 'bulky machine' look in design.

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mmmm difficult, I like models better, but Leon has a point (btw hello Leon! long time no see). So I'd have to say CG, as long as it's got credible textures. ILM has done a great job with textures, except for the last scene of AoTC where the clone troopers look absolutely fake. It seems as a cutscene form a videogame.

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cg can be great if it's done right... the problem is the GL relies on his CG too much. Sometimes CG is so crystal clear and sharp that it's noticably fake as hell. i think the art is to make it look normal... and a lot of SW doesn't look like it's normal. it's obviously CG...

oh, and... MODELS! :p

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