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For those who can't get hold of the UK PC Gamer, I'll give a brief summary of what I consider to be new information in the spoiler box below...it's in my own words, so shouldn't breach any copyright...



The game is going to be longer and larger than JO, with more enemies and fewer puzzles. Some simpler puzzle elements will remain, but there's going to be a greater emphasis on combat, particularly with lightsabres. Some of the levels are twice as large as those in JO, and models will be imported from 3D applications, instead of relying on brushes. A map called Final Countdown is simply a huge 3D model. They're replacing some elements of the terrain with other models.


There will be a mix of neutral (Jump and Speed), Dark and Light side Force powers. Picking Dark or Light powers will shift you to one side of the Force or the other. Force powers still have 3 levels of power-up. Force Drain, Absorb and Seeing are now included in SP as well as MP. Using new Force Jump combinations will allow you to make vast leaps. You will also be able to 'stick' to walls and run up them. Because of this greater flexibility of movement, levels are now designed to be largely non-linear, and you can be attacked from any direction. JO included about 40% 'contained' levels (I assume they mean linear or heavily scripted maps), but in JA that's down to about one tenth. Raven took on board problems with the puzzles in JO and now most puzzles in JA are solved within the room they are discovered.


There will be no stealth levels like those in JO. You're only real stealth option is to use Jedi Mind Trick, because they're not designing levels to be stealth-oriented (which is a bit of a shame, in my book).


There are apparently two new weapons (not lightsabers) in addition to JO's arsenal. And this time around you have to pick your weapons load-out prior to each mission - so I assume that means your arsenal will be weight or number limited a bit like SOF. I like this idea.


There will be Shadow Troopers in the game, and they sound smarter. If you Force Grip and drop one of them into a cavern, don't turn your back because they'll probably use their own Force powers to get back up again.


The musical scores should be good.


They've placed even more emphasis on animation, and increased the number of skeletons used. By comparison, they used about 3 skeletons in JO, but in JA there are about 30. The models are also more complex.


On the MP side, they're including SP scripts (whatever that means), and a couple of new game modes.


It looks like cut scenes will be much-improved from JO...something that took 3 days to do in JO now only takes them an hour, due to increased resources and skills. It sounds like they're still talking about in-engine cut-scenes in this context.



That's about all the new info I can see in the article (in my own words). There are a couple of new screenshots too, including a blue and a red-skinned Twi'Lek female. One of the screenshots shows what I think is a Shadow Trooper (like the ones in the screenshots we've already seen), holding two red lightsabers. So it looks like the player isn't the only one with access to all the new lightsabers and combat styles in SP.

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

i can't read it y. it just has this big white rectangle. can u please send it to me at yosafe88@doctor.com please. i'll do ne thing.


Just click and drag your cursor inside the white box to reveal the text. That's how spoiler boxes work. If the text doesn't show...still click and drag then CTRL C and paste into a text program. That should work. ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion


You will die alone!



Larger and longer. In theory: :thumbsup: In reality: :disaprove They still fail to live up to, let alone surpass, the scope and scale of the original JK.


Original Weapons + 2: :disaprove Ug. They should have axed some of their piss poor weapons from JO. I don't care if weapons like the Flechette launcher and the "Portable Missle System" are validated in the EU, their implementation demonstrated how out of touch Raven is with the Star Wars Universe. Primary modes of fire just felt too similar to the UT flak cannon and rocket launcher. So very poor.


More skeletons in JA: :thumbsup: Perhaps we won't have to face an underwhelming number of humanoids this time around. Instead of a step backward from from JK in terms of diversity they can now take two steps foward from JO.

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Yeah I hated the flechette and the missile launcher... The rest was ok, even de EMP gun looked like the one the jawas use...


The rockerlauncher should be changed to the one in JK:DF2 and the flechette left out.


And I want the big blaster that some stormies use in the movies!! It was great :)



Oh yes, the repeater sucks too, I'd rather have another Blastech version or the Imperial Repeater from JK:DF2


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As an addendum to what I wrote up there...just keep in mind that the information contained in the article may not be 100% correct. PC Gamer have been wrong before...I seem to recall they got some details about Jedi Outcast wrong way back when. Besides, if the game's only 60% complete...a lot could still change between now and when it is finalised. They may decide to change the weapon line-up, for example. The article may have meant you get 2 more weapons than JO's arsenal...(and it could be a different arsenal)...though it wasn't worded that way.


Just take it with a pinch of salt.


Incidentally, I'm not a fan of the Flechette either. It's always felt too much like a flak canon wannabe to me. I'm not really enamoured of the Heavy Repeater or the Mer-Sonn Missile thingy in JO either, and I wouldn't miss them at all if they didn't appear in JA. It might be nice to see the conc return. Personally, considering that we will be able to choose different alien species, I think they would do better to have pretty much a new line-up of weapons to choose from, including some race-specific types. It certainly won't make sense to me to see a lot of Imperial type hardware return, if the missions are going to be varied and not include so many Imperial entanglements. And let's face it, Imperial entanglements have been done to death, pretty much, in this series of games.


Bring back the Blastech DL-44 (complete with sound) as an alternative choice to the Bryar. And how about picking up a rifle similar to the one you see Luke handle in ANH if you're visiting Tatooine? Along with a proper Jawa gun?


Anyway, I guess we'll have to wait until E3 for more concrete evidence of what the game will contain. Roll on May...

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Right... IF any of the puzzles had made any sense. :D


I kinda hated the puzzles in JO. "Puzzles solely for the sake of puzzles", that's what it felt like.


Figuring out stuff is cool and all, but going through a huge map inch by inch in order to find some little crate somewhere that can (for some strange reason, unlike any other crate) be blown up and which surprisingly has a secret vent behind that lets you advance and save the galaxy is just..bleah. :(


Less puzzles sounds good to me. :thumbsup:

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i'm trying to figure out what you meant by your post, the tone is one of disagreement but you confirmed my point...


JK had intelligent puzzles, cargo manipulation to allow you to reach certain ledges is an example. The puzzles make sense because the cargo doesn't appear to be there for the sake of helping you climb up to the ledge.


Puzzles == Good. They give you a break from the action and let you use the brains that so many people claim to have.

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this is what it should be like

For that mission, you have to rescue these prisoners. You find yourself in the lower level connected to the Rancor pit but you don't know he's there until he comes around the corner. You have to free the prisoners while keeping the Rancor from eating them

constant sense of danger. not puzzles with stormies littered everywhere

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Ohw the puzzles were nice... The one with the three codes in the beginning was very easy. The hardest one was in the garbage facility, where you had to push the eh... carts to get into another area... But I like to search for hidden passages, secret areas etc... I don't mind a little challenge :D But yeah, some puzzles don't make sense, but it could be worse!

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Ohw the puzzles were nice... The one with the three codes in the beginning was very easy.


I liked that one...it was a nice nod to the original Dark Forces game where those code panels featured.


The hardest one was in the garbage facility, where you had to push the eh... carts to get into another area... But I like to search for hidden passages, secret areas etc... I don't mind a little challenge


I actually discounted that route through the garbage masher the first time...my thought at the time was...'They don't seriously expect me to go up there, do they?' So I kept hunting until I realised it was the only way to go. Yes, that was probably the most challenging, I agree.


...some puzzles don't make sense, but it could be worse!


The Rubik's cube...a puzzle for the sake of it, with no real relation to the game at all, IMHO. I think it's this kind of thing they're probably talking about ditching in JA.


I also like path-finding puzzles, and I don't mind having to explore a bit to move on, but I can see where some of the puzzles in JO were a bit too hard for some gamers. I remember well the multitude of threads started by people who got stuck at the first or second hurdle, and the ill feeling that resulted. It makes sense for them to tone down or omit the harder puzzles this time around to improve game flow and keep the multitude of gamers happier.


To be honest, if they're opening up the levels more to give greater freedom, it's probably harder to implement those types of puzzle anyway.


I just hope the levels are radically increased in size and complexity if most of them are going to be self-contained missions. Having played Unreal 2 not so long ago, the multiple locations and relatively short missions in that game were a drawback (in tandem with the loooong load times and poor environmental interactivity). In JA, if they retain (increase) ineractivity with the environment (hopefully by incorporating more opportunities for using the lightsaber to slice through things) and hunting for secret areas, while piling on the pressure in terms of combat and gameplay variety, it could break the mould...

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well, sounds like a mix of good and bad news.


Picking weapon loadouts sounds cool (glad i suggested it :D )


Dumping stealth is probaly a good thing since they can't be bothered to do it properly.


More non-linear levels is good, dumping puzzles is a shame as it might turn it into even more of a "quake with lightsabers", but then the puzzles in JK2 were terrible and "puzzles for puzzles sake" as people have said.


On the other hand, the puzzles in JK were probably the best that have been in any FPS, they were logical, involved manipulating the environment and usually you could see what you needed to do, it just took some work to figure out how.


I agree with everything that has been said about the weapons, hope they dump the rocket launcher and flechette, turn the EMP into some form of beam, fix the stormie rifle (make it like JK) and add in the blastech, a decent long rifle and the big storme gun.

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Originally posted by toms

.... dumping puzzles is a shame as it might turn it into even more of a "quake with lightsabers", but then the puzzles in JK2 were terrible and "puzzles for puzzles sake" as people have said.


Whoa...who mentioned 'dumping puzzles'? In the article it says there will be fewer puzzles...not a complete lack of puzzles. :eek:


As I said before, I think they're trying to address the issue of the larger environmental or 'brain-killer' puzzles from JO, where you had to backtrack across a level in some instances to solve a puzzle in it's entirety. This confused many players when the game was released, so that strategy makes sense. If they tone down the 'brain-killer' puzzles, and make them all more logical and in-context, they would potetially be easier to solve. However, as you say, the game would be a lot poorer if there were practically no puzzles. I'm sure they'll work hard to find the right balance, because they seem to have taken on board a lot of the feedback from JO's SP.

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