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lightstaff / dual sabres


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I just merged the two threads so he's talking about this.....*points down*



Originally posted by Blademaster_109

If u look at all the pics then they always swing with 1 hand, thats stupid. they should use 2. Ne one else notice this.


I do have to ask...but what does this have to do with the staffs not looking so great? Though I'm sure you're referring to the fighting style and not the staff itself.

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Emon's take on the lightsaber system, styles and animations, disregaurding newfangled technology introduced, because we don't know about the details yet. This is assuming a JO style system and based off the current information on JA:


Single lightsaber: Same stances as in JO, probably modified for balance and such. Hopefully they will make the red stance a slow windup and a fast, hard swing. I've seen server-side MP mods that do this, it's very easy to code and requires no animation changes. Hopefully we shall see this.


The obvious advantages are three different styles for a wide range of attacks and defense. Attacks can vary from light slashes to heavy blows, and switching from offense to defense is a breeze.


Dual lightsabers: One or possibly two stances, but one realistically. Independant control of each lightsaber allowing one to attack multiple enemies independently, althrough difficult. The ragdoll skelaton system and additions to the animation system should make this possible. If we're lucky, we'll see some inverted saber holding action aswell.


Advantages are fast blows often envolving spins to disguise movement and build up momentum. The distadvantage is that it takes longer to swich from offense and defense and can leave a huge, open spot beckoning a lightsaber with your name on it.


Lightstaff: Probably similar to the dual lightsabers in the respect of stances and control. I can't imagine anything other than codependant control of each blade. E.g. swining one blade affects the other, and you can't actually attack two enemies at once in the saber fashion as dual lightsabers.


Advantage is outstanding offense, you'd be able to block almost anything thrown at you. The disadvantage is (probably) slightly shortened blades to increase wieldability, and decreased range and offense.



That's how I think it will be done. There are better ways to do saber combat, but they aren't feasable with today's desktop processing power. I believe the preceeding descriptions are probably the most accurate and realistic ways for doing each weapon.

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

If u look at all the pics then they always swing with 1 hand, thats stupid. they should use 2. Ne one else notice this.


I would imagine the double-bladed lightsaber being handled like a two-bladed sword or a bo staff.


As such, there are moves in existance for both types of weaponry that involve both one and two hands.


Lesson: Knowing what you are talking about is teh win.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Some moves are (of course) similar but since you can't really grab the ends of the staff without losing your fingers... ;)


That was my thinking as well. You're restricted down to the middle section, and even then you can't use it to block or else you can say "bye bye" to your lightstaff.

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OK Stormhammer ... where did you get that sweet picture?!?!


Anyway ... I was thinking that one way to have two sabers working would be to have the left mouse button attack with the left saber and the right mouse button attack with the right saber. Possibly something similar for the saber staff ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

OK Stormhammer ... where did you get that sweet picture?!?!


From the PCGamer (UK) article. ;)


Anyway ... I was thinking that one way to have two sabers working would be to have the left mouse button attack with the left saber and the right mouse button attack with the right saber. Possibly something similar for the saber staff ...




An interesting idea...but then we'd have to have another bind for saber throw as well. At the moment saber throw/alt fire is my RMB.


I can imagine the dual sabers working a bit like in Episode II, when you see Anakin with 2 sabers. A movement based swinging attack, using both sabers. While it would be nice to have independent saber movement, I'm not sure how it would work considering saber attacks are dependent on movement - so you can't really control two sabers at the same time using mouse movement...unless they work as one unit...

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You wouldn't be able to control them totally independant of each other. One would rely on the other. If you swing with a right and spin, then swing with the left, it's more like a "supplemental" swing than a full blow, due to physical limitations.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

...leading to bugs galore in mp. Expect several patches.


How do you know? They have a fairly bugless engine to work off of this time around, and have spend more time developing it.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

They're not going to do any external testing...


So? That is not the point you made before. You mentioned it had not been Beta-tested. AFAIK, Raven do all of their beta-testing in-house - probably in a collaborative effort with Lucasarts.


While it would be nice to have an open Beta, I'm sure they have their reasons for not doing things that way. *shrugs*

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

I was looking at all the saber staff pics and the problem is that they only swing with one hand. it looks stupid having there other had lay by there side "dead". What do u guys think.

Since you give no indication what pictures you are refering to, I have no idea. But I see no problem swinging the double-bladed saber with one hand.
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