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LucasForums Improved my Writing

Bob Gnarly

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Originally posted by The_true_lynk

I only joined today so... No.


Holy crap, you joined yesterday and you have over 500 points? WTF is up with that? Is it a glitch, or did some people donate to you? o_0


EDIT...Heres My First post


Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

Hi, erryone. I'm new here and errything. I'm a real life best friend of Kjolen, like anyone cares. He recommended this site to me. NEWAYZ, I'm glad to be here. (Is there a welcome basket here)?

:evanpiel::duel: I like these smilies! LOL.


Wow...what a n00b i was...:(

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Originally posted by ZBomber

I knew you saw it, because I saw you in the forum where it was. :p

*searches z´s first post*


and know we can all be in that forum :D


3 posts in one thread in a row??? :eek:

*points location *


on second thought, do the searchin yourself, we dont want to make THAT much fun off z :p

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Originally posted by Padanime

*searches z´s first post*


and know we can all be in that forum :D


3 posts in one thread in a row??? :eek:

*points location *


on second thought, do the searchin yourself, we dont want to make THAT much fun off z :p


I still didn't get my answer!!!!! :p

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Wheeee, Darky donated, he's a nice guy:D:)


Originally posted by Darklighter

Here here!! No matter how much critisism the new films recieve, it will always be Star Wars, the greatest film saga ever made!


Wow...that was me back in May 2002...how very patriotic of me...or maybe I just wanted to be popular...



Didn't work, did it?



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My first post (in reference to a post written before mine, obviously ;) ):

Originally posted by Pedantic

I hope you misspelled "grammar" on purpose...


Ironically enough, I joined because I couldn't stand reading some people's horrible grammar. ;):D

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Originally posted by RaPEr

My spelling is now better credit goe's to alot of people from my old forum but deffintley one person in particular Tyrion he told me staright and i respected that and now i type neater and more slower.




Next, we work on your grammar.


Correct 10 things in this sentence.... :p

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