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SWGalaxies Announcement: New Planet!!!

Jan Gaarni

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Actually, as far as I've understood, I've heard talk about between 8 and 12 planets on the initial release for a year now. :)


And I had no doubt there would be atleast 1 more planet before the game would come out. 10 is such a nice round number, compared to 9, don't you think? ;)

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Sounds cool! What are the other 9 planets besides dantoonie? I heard Tatoonie, Ednor, and Naboo were in it. Maybe Mon Calamari or Sullest will be added later. I hope they put Cloud City, Hoth, Dagobah, Geonosis, Kamino, Coruscant, and all the other Star Wars planet locations. I hope Ord Mantell, Alderran, Kessel, and some of the other popular planets are in it.

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I hope Ord Mantell, Alderran, Kessel, and some of the other popular planets are in it.
I hate to break it to you, but this game is released in the time period between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes back. Therefore, since Alderran was destroyed by Death Star I in A NEW HOPE- it's impossible for them to add Alderran for the planets one can play on.


It's possible that for the space expansion they release the asteroids created when Alderran was destroyed. That'd be something cool to check out. I believe it was in the Zahn Trilogy where they were visited and people left things for loved-ones dead.

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Originally posted by UnfrozenCaveman

It's possible that for the space expansion they release the asteroids created when Alderran was destroyed. That'd be something cool to check out.


that would be good, have it as a place of interest.

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Planets that are in so far:


Corellia (planet)

Dantooine (planet)

Dathomir (planet)

Sanctuary moon of Endor (moon of the gas giant Endor. Moon is also known as Endor)

Lok (planet)

Naboo (planet)

Rori (moon of Naboo)

Talus (planet)

Tatooine (planet)

Yavin IV (moon of the gas giant Yavin)


My guess for the next planet to be added, either for the initial release, though I doubt it, or the more likely Space Expansion in this case, is Talus' twin planet, Tralus. And then Centerpoint Station which they orbit around. :)

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Well, let me elaborate. :)



Dathomir is a planet in the Quelii sector.

There are no space ports here. Nor are there any advanced cities to speak of. There is an Imperial prison complex here, but when the witches that live there made contact with them, the Emperor had the planet locked down. The witches are Force-sensitive women that rule the planet.


In the old days, Dathomir was once used as a penal colony by the Republic aswell for some of its worst criminals, where they were sent to die. And since this is the homeplanet of the Rancors, to be sent there was an almost certain death penalty.

Even the Jedi Council banished a rouge Jedi Knight ,named Allya, to Dathomir's wilderness. Not to die, but hoping that primitive isolation would teach her to focus on her Masters’ teachings and return to the light. Allya subjugated the prisoners using the Force and over time she learned the female prisoners, aswell as her own daughters, how to harness the Force by using spells. She shaped the colony into a female-dominant society, led by ’witches’ who viewed the Force as a form of atavistic magic. Males were treated as property and forbidden to make major decisions (Set would have a field day here I'm sure ;) ).

Those women who were seduced by the Force's dark side formed their own corrupt clan: The Nightsisters.


Nearly 400 years before the rise of the Empire, the Jedi spaceborne academy Chu'unthor crashed in a tar pit. The Jedi sent to recover the wrecked ship, including Master Yoda, were driven off by the witches at first. But Yoda was eventually able to make a deal with Rell after saving her life.


I'm rather suprised this planet is so unknown to you though. It has been mentioned in several books, aswell as being in The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, The Star Wars Encyclopedia, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, and even LucasArts' Behind the Magic. :)




Lok I agree with you, is very unknow.

The only other place I know it being mentioned is in the computer game Rouge Squadron.


One of the first planets in the Karthakk system to be colonized, the harsh world of Lok was originally home to outlaws, who saw the world as a potential staging ground for raids into the Mid-Rim. Over time, Lok became known as a "pirate world," where anarchy and violence were the only constants.


Before the Battle of Naboo, one of the most prominent leaders on Lok was a Feeorin pirate named Nym. The hardy alien - who has only become more formidable with age - spent many years battling the Trade Federation. He is now a local crime lord, but it is also rumored that he is very sympathetic to the Rebellion. Lok is also the place where the Trade Federation first tested the automata of its vast droid army, in preparation for the blockade and invasion of Naboo.





Rori is one of the moons orbiting Naboo.

It looks alot like Naboo, but has a creeper feel to it.


This is actually a new moon in the Star Wars Univers, created by this game. Naboo has always had moons, but not until now have one of them been named and a description made of it.

You won't find much info on it yet other than what the game will tell you about it. :)





Talus is one of 5 habitable planets in the Corellian System.

The 5 Brothers, as they are known, are it's twin planet Tralus, Selonia, Drall, and last but not least, Corellia.


To make a rough description of Talus and Tralus as seperate planets is almost impossible. They are so alike in size, terrain type and gravity, it's scary. As they orbit around the systems sun, Corell, they are also orbiting around each other. The cause of this phenomenom is Centerpoint Station, an ancient engine capable of moving worlds, aswell as destroying them. It's even capable of destroying stars.


Within each planet, aswell as the rest of the 5 planets in the Corellian system, planetary repulsor are found beneath their surface, which further indicates they have been moved into this starsystem some time in the past.

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Dathomir is also featured in some of the classic era comics. After all, in one of them, a witch almost snags Luke away! Spooky voodoo magic indeed!


(and regarding Voodoo (or rather: 'voudoun'), it is now the official religion of Haiti! I'm going abroad studying, STAT!:p)

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Hrm, do you think they will keep cranking planets out as needed as the time progresses? If so, how many in the next 5 years? As of now, these 10 planets will take plenty of time to be explored by the players and plenty of room for everyone to spread out and hide from others ;) I'm impressed, very impressed.

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Well, I'd expect perhaps one new planet in the space expansion, and more now and then later. For instance, when they get underwater exploration done, they might add Calamari, and a space harbour planet for the space expansion etc. Themed locations for themed expansions.

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