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Availability...Winter 2003?!

Toa Tahu

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I just hope they take as long as they need to get a fully-polished game out of the door. There were a couple of show-stopping bugs in JO's SP on release (Lando and the two Kyles among them), so I hope they use any extra time to get kitted out and go on a Big Bug Hunt. I know they have deadlines to meet, but Lucasarts should allow them more flexibility this time, IMHO.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I just hope they take as long as they need to get a fully-polished game out of the door. There were a couple of show-stopping bugs in JO's SP on release (Lando and the two Kyles among them), so I hope they use any extra time to get kitted out and go on a Big Bug Hunt. I know they have deadlines to meet, but Lucasarts should allow them more flexibility this time, IMHO.

Indeed. Take the time to make a polished game. I can handle a little waiting...


What bugs are you refering to? I'm not sure if I know about them.

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Originally posted by Prime

Indeed. Take the time to make a polished game. I can handle a little waiting...


What bugs are you refering to? I'm not sure if I know about them.


There was a bug where Lando would survive the attack in the hangar with the Lady Luck, but did not board the vessel (just stood around loitering in the corner when I played it)...which meant he did not tell you about fueling the ship, which meant you couldn't complete the level (even if you knew what to do and where to go).


The 'two Kyles' happened to me when I loaded a saved game...suddenly I had two kyle models inhabiting the same space, and I could move one but not the other...and it looked really, really weird - two heads, four arms, that sort of thing. Other people experienced it too at the time, along with other glitches.


So hopefully this kind of thing will be kept to a minimum out of the box. ;)

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This may sound stupid but... what month(s) are Winter, here is the season b4 winter (dont know how its said in english, but is when the leaves falls from the trees), anyways what month(s) are the winter refering in Lucasarts will be helpfull, then I add one more for the delay(?).

Today I'm too lazy to pick a dictionary :rolleyes:

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Edit Taos - That's probably not a good idea if you want to continue to be a member here.


Moving on, I guess it's a good thing that they pushed it back... as long as everything is near PERFECT. I wish they let the public know a bit more about the game

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It's ok,I didn't know initially,fortunately I didn't get any of the bugs mentioned above.Let's just hope that the change in release date is just to make things smooth.After alll,I might get it for christmas.


Anyway,in the meantime,let's go get KotOR!Pushed back to Summer 2003!Kinda funny,eh?At first both of them were to be expected in Fall 2003,then one changed to Summer 2003 and one to Winter 2003.Guess LEC won't want to shoot themselves in the leg after all,eh?

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Well looking at other games that are pushed back, its usually not because they want to put more wokr into it, its mostly purely because of marketing reasons.


They dont want 3 star wars games released at the same time so they might hold one back just for that sole reason, so bear in mind that the title might be finished but just not released.

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