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My interesting day at school..

Dagobahn Eagle

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Disclaimer: I'm not anti-christian in writing this.


Or well, the day at school was a trance of slight but annoying nausea, four periods, and extreme sleepiness, but I felt better as I got on the school bus, so the title is a bit off. What I'll be focusing on are the ten seconds of Chrstian Fundamentalist-Meets-Buddhist (not to throw my religion in your face or anything), and what I learned from only ten seconds.


So I get on the school bus, which only carries less than ten people at the time. We're on our way to pick up a bunch of noise middle school kids, who will fill the bus completely (no, I wasn't as lucky as to be on a bus with less than ten people all the way home;)).


So we stop at a traffic light, and this other bus with the christian fanatic from my geography class stops next to me. Now he grins at me, and throws this f***ing cup of hot chocolate at me, missing me by about a foot. He quickly shuts the window, grins, I flip him off (which makes him smile even more), and we leave him and his bus behind. I'm positive he aimed at me.


Why he did it? First of all, while he doesn't know my religion, he knows I'm not christian. Combine this with the fact that he's fundamentaly christian, and you get the idea. In geography class he loves making an ass of himself by throwing christianity in peoples' faces (such as saying five times during a debate on Free Marriage that men go to Hell if they marry each others, even when the teacher hold him to shut up, and shouting out "but Jesus is the only god" after the class watching the Gods must be Crazy and the teacher telling us how many African tribes worshipped different gods like Xi's tribe in the movie).


So what am I left with? I haven't been buddhistic for too long, so being 'prosecuted' for my religion is a "new experience" to me.


What I learned, and want to communicate, is this:


The reason why Muslims and other minority religious groups in the States stay away from or dislike christians is not that they dislike all christians or the christian religion. It's that they are afraid of encountering fanatics; It's all about fear, and probably applies to every religion (many christians have distanced themselves from Muslims after 9/11, for example, or from Jews following the Israel Crisis). Previously, I though it was that they simply hated the christian religion.


Of course I can't say that everyone who's against christianity dislikes christians. I'm also sure that individuals from other religious groups act just as bad in areas where they are majorities. However, there seem to be far enough fanatics out there for every minority religious person to encounter one.


Think: If a Muslim threw a cup of cocoa after you because you were christian, wouldn't that damage your impression of Muslims, especially if you didn't know too much about them (not to mention throwing a whole airplane full of hot chocolate into the Twin Towers)?


All in all, I'm part disturbed at this, but strangely part glad it happened because it showed me the "other side". Will the dean take that attitude, though.

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No, he means Christian fanatics are asses. I agree. I'm christian...but I'm in a weird phase. I half believe there is a god now after all this murder these past couple years, and I half believe in life after death...so I'm trying to find my place. I'll always be christian, because I believe in that...but I'm just trying to figure out whats real or not....


EDIT- Kick his ass after class dude. I'd do that. No matter his religion...I'd punch him in the face so hard he'd cry...and then tell him he can stick his beliefs up his ass. I mean, its alright if you believe in something, But the person doesnt need to talk about it all the time. I never talk about my religion unless the topic comes up. Ok. I'm done. ;)

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Originally posted by AcrylicGuitar

No, he means Christian fanatics are asses. I agree. I'm christian...but I'm in a weird phase. I half believe there is a god now after all this murder these past couple years, and I half believe in life after death...so I'm trying to find my place. I'll always be christian, because I believe in that...but I'm just trying to figure out whats real or not....


EDIT- Kick his ass after class dude. I'd do that. No matter his religion...I'd punch him in the face so hard he'd cry...and then tell him he can stick his beliefs up his ass. I mean, its alright if you believe in something, But the person doesnt need to talk about it all the time. I never talk about my religion unless the topic comes up. Ok. I'm done. ;)




Not all christian fanatics are a certain way. Some do not even try to impose their religion on others. The guy is just an idiot, and is finding a way to annoy you through religion. He obviously doesn't even know what he is arguing, and probably doesn't care. He just wants to get on your nerves.


And I wouldn't reccomend getting into a confrantation with him just over this. He hasn't really done anything directly towards you, and would probably weasel his way out of any trouble. You would probably end up with most of the blame ( I know, but thats school democracy:( ) Just do your best to ignore the fu(ker, and only throw punches when it's really needed (ie. he is physiclly attacking you)

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Don't worry, Outcast, I even said that most christians are nice:) (I should know, having gone to a christian public school in Norway, which has christianity as its public religion).


No, he means Christian fanatics are asses. I agree. I'm christian...but I'm in a weird phase. I half believe there is a god now after all this murder these past couple years, and I half believe in life after death...so I'm trying to find my place. I'll always be christian, because I believe in that...but I'm just trying to figure out whats real or not....

Religion, especially prayer, is one of the best ways of making you feel better.

EDIT- Kick his ass after class dude. I'd do that. No matter his religion...I'd punch him in the face so hard he'd cry...and then tell him he can stick his beliefs up his ass. I mean, its alright if you believe in something, But the person doesnt need to talk about it all the time. I never talk about my religion unless the topic comes up. Ok. I'm done.

I'm gonna tell my dean about it. Ass-kicking carries expulsion from school and is thus not worth it. Plus, he's in ninth-grade, which means it's really


Although I'd love discussion my beliefs, I don't do it unless asked.


And don't worry, I don't dislike christians in general.

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Use the strongest weapon: Ignoring. I do it all the time to people who are asses and annoying me because they either hate me for some reason, or they're just idiots.


The kid is obviously ignorant. There are more than one religion in the world, and tell him to shut up, he's not a missionary and this isn't the 1800s where it was either, you believed in Christianity or you're hated.

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He obviously doesn't even know what he is arguing, and probably doesn't care. He just wants to get on your nerves.

Another episode comes to mind:


My teacher was talking about Dracula, and how the real-life Count Dracula was a bloodthirsty crusader during the Crusades, and how he killed all those people in the name of christianity.


This guy speaks up: "But wasn't he a christian?"


That should clarify. Imagine being so bound to christianity and not know about the millions christians killed (again, nothing bad about today's christians:)).


Generally, I don't mind if a christian believes I will go to Hell, even (because I "know" I won't), but only as long as I ask him first. TIE Guy at the GB.Com boards actually told me this once, but I was okay with it because he was just giving an honest answer (I don't want him to lie, do I?)


So well, I'll tell my Dean (head of "house"). We'll see what he can do about it. Knowing him, quite a lot:D.


1000+ posts! Yahoo! /sorry, just had to:p

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I'm a devout Christian, I've never thrown hot coaco at someone.


Nor do I push my religion in other people's face. Sure, I would like them to change, but that is out of my power, so I shouldn't try to do it.


(also, I like to go by the quote i have in my sig)

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i find it best to ignore the "ultra" religious people. dont let them get into a major religious debate with you.


and i know not all people are religious fanatics, i have friends, who like obi, dont try to push their religion on me, they just let me be myself.



and kicking his butt would be cool.


he he he

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Well im a fully devoute Christian, and I seriously think that guy needs to have a one on one with someone that can help him.. I mean throwing something at someone for no reason is just plain stupid. Anyways just do you best to ignore the little pricker.:p If not don't totally mutilate him.

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I made a definite decision some time ago not to go by a single religion, but rather ignore them all! :D


Frankly, I don't like what religion is doing to our society. These days, it seems more like a tool for propagating ones ideals, both personal and political, rather than a way of finding peace and happiness.


I suppose one day I'll settle down with a religion. Of course, I'll do a little research to find out which one requires the least commitment (doesn't require going to a church, mosque, synagogue, temple, etc.). After all, I don't really care about religion. I just plan on finding a religion in order to avoid scrutiny by mainstream society.


So, this guy's a real fanatic, eh? Constantly throwing his ideals in your face? I would usually say ignore him, but it sounds like that would only make him up his efforts, and that could obviously get pretty annoying. Well, I'm usually rather passive, but since you can't reason with those kinds of people, I'd say... STRIKE WITH GREAT VENGEANCE!!!


Erm... WAIT! Before you go out and torch his house, read this. The best way to attack with impunity is to do so in the shadows. Don't reveal yourself. Do something discreet, like anonymously publishing a derogatory article about him in the school newsletter. Of course, unless you have a position in the school paper, this could be rather difficult. However, all is not lost! If you can just steal into the place where they write the paper, you can get onto their computer, upload your article (put it somewhere discreet, like an out of the way column on the second page, where the editor won't notice it when they go over it) and get out before anyone knows you're there. Not many people will see it, but those who see it will inevitably spread it, and it will deal a significant blow to his image.


Of course... there's always the simple option... THE OLD FRIED EGGS IN THE LOCKER!!! If they're fried, you can easily slip them in through the slats in the locker door. Of course, this opens up a potentially infinite avenue of odd substances to put in his locker. I think a mixture of peanut butter, apple juice, and tartar sauce might do the trick (mix some guacamole in for added effect).


This deadly barrage of anonymous pranks will leave him so terrified that he'll be constantly looking over his shoulder, and he won't have time to even think about forcing his beliefs on you!


P.S. These pranks are only a few suggestions. The possibilities are endless! Go ahead! Let your imagination run wild! Of course, always remember the most important rule of pranking: when you return to the crime scene, KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE.


After that, you can go home and laugh your ass off!

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Frankly, I don't like what religion is doing to our society. These days, it seems more like a tool for propagating ones ideals, both personal and political, rather than a way of finding peace and happiness.

Such as the fact that men can't marry men, and that women can't marry women.


Male couple: "Why not?"

Monk: "Because it's the law".

Male couple: "Hmm.. any idea why?"

Monk: "Uhm.. think it has to do with christianity. See, a man's not supposed to marry another man or he'll go to Hell."

Male couple: "Uh.. we're not christians here?"

Monk: "Government doesn't care."

Male couple: "Um.. and the first amendment?"

Monk: "Bush would respect it, but I think he's afraid of divine smiting"



Seriously, though, religion is more like a lifestyle (many of them are like "be nice, don't steal, don't be envious, don't be angry.."). I think you need to focus more on where you are in life, rather than worrying where you go when you die.

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Eagle, are you a guy or a girl? If your a girl, he might like you, if you're a guy.... he's just trying to be cool or just wants to be annoying. You'll never believe what laying the smack down on someone will do for you, and who says ya gotta do it at school. Follow the guy home and kick his butt or something... or stalk him and scare the pants off him.

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Religion? More trouble than it's worth.


I am not in the least bit religious - I just don't simply believe in any religion. I've never had any problem with that before, infact, most of the people I know aren't religious. Science does all the explanation for me :)

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Eagle, are you a guy or a girl? If your a girl, he might like you, if you're a guy.... he's just trying to be cool or just wants to be annoying. You'll never believe what laying the smack down on someone will do for you, and who says ya gotta do it at school. Follow the guy home and kick his butt or something... or stalk him and scare the pants off him.

Boy. And I don't think he likes me too much, no. Not the way he hates everyone who likes their own gender at least, he's not.


An episode comes to mind about a guy teasing me until I just lost it and flew at him. Well, he was like 30cm bigger than me, at least, so he just threw me away with his arm (into a girl, matter of fact). This made me even more pissed, but he appears to respect me more now and never teased me after that.


My favourite pranks? Suggestions from a comic strip (Swedish Rocky) that I have yet to actually use:



Friend: "So, how are you going to kick his sorry ***?"

Rocky: "The only true revenge is mail-order terror. I order a ton of stuff in his name and he has to pay for it. If KKK knew about 'dial 1-800', the whole minority world would be red-haired."

Friend: "You wouldn't happen to know anything about those 300 child porn movies that were sent to me when I cheated on Emilie?"

Rocky: "Er.. hey, look! City Hall!"



Friend (preparing to board train): "Did I get this right? You want me to post this pic and phone number on the cubicle walls on every toilet cubicle wall in every Berlin 'gay' club I can find?"

Rocky: "Jawohl." ("yes").:D


Then there is the classic American TP-ing :evil3:.

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

Then there is the classic American TP-ing :evil3:. [/b]


Rig his backpack. Some stinkbombs in there would teach him a lesson, and if you really want to take it a step further, pour some hot chocolate as a signature. That ought to piss him off........

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Well the problem with all religions lies within the people who share the faith.


In every single religion there are extremeists. Most of them latch on to religious fanatical organizations as an outlet for past experiences. For example, my uncle is from Iran, a nation torn to peices from religous fighting. He is now an athiest, as his family. I do not condone, or condemn his beliefs. And out of respect, I never mention my faith. And he is aware of my faith, but never says anything to dispute how I belive. I am a baptist, yet I respect all people, and their religions. I have never thrown a drink at anyone, or felt the need to condemn someone to Hell. If everyone could share that mutual relationship I have with my uncle, the world would be a better place today.


The other problems with religions, is that any intellectual can take the words of The Bible, or the Coran, and use it as a case against anyone, the same way a lawyer can take the law and use it in a certain way to win a court battle. It has happend for centuries, and will never cease, because people will always be frightened, and superstitious.


As long as there is people, there will always be religion, and extremists on every side. I choose to condemn the poeple themselves for carrying out hostile acts, but never the religion they subscribe too.

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