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Kill Bill

Bob Gnarly

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This movie is amazing, i cant wait for Quentin Tarantino's 4th movie, he is a god among Directors


Kill Bill is not like any of Tarantino's, its a samuri type movie thing, ohhhhh but this movie look so good!


visit http://www.killbill.jp the japanese version of the site, you enter words to view things, items ive found






if you find anything else please post


-Black Mamba

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i saw the trailer for this when i went and saw Daredevil some time ago. i can't wait for this movie myself it looks quite entertaining. but the "god" among directors...............i wouldn't say that. he's unique yes i give him that, innovative yes again but a god he is not.

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Originally posted by Seph

this movie looks funney am I the only one here who thinks this?

your spelling is funnier, its ment to be like a japanese styled ninja revenge movie


am I the only one who thought "Uhoh, what's Bill done NOW?" when he saw this thread?



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Hmmm...finally saw the trailer...it looks, well, strange. I believe that is the best word to use in this situation. ;) One thing though, at the end of the trailer, why the hell doesn't she just run up the stairs? They seem perfectly open to me. No need to go running up the handrail. O_o Oh, and lest anyone forget, Lucy Liu is Chinese. Yes, ladies and gentleman, she is. ;):D

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I read the script a while back, it is really long, pretty good movie if he can pull off all the fight sequences just right, look out for the truck "the pus*y wagon". And the chapter Showdown at House of Blue Leaves is very nasty, in the script, Uma has this person hostage and has him/her (i cant remember) raise his/her arm and she chops it off. Very greusome.

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Originally posted by Black Mamba

ok sure chinese same thing there all orientel


Oh, hell, I was afraid you'd say that. Chinese people are NOT Japanese, regardless of how much they look alike or how similar their languages may seem. For instance, the Japanese stole everything they know from the Chinese. Who invented paper? The Chinese. And gunpowder? The Chinese. The Chinese unified their own country before the Japanese even had a sliver of culture. The Chinese were light-years ahead of the Japanese in every respect. The only reason that Japan enjoyed the lead for a short time was because China was weakened by spreading their influence too far, numerous rebellions, and the introduction of Western ideas. Just my fifty cents. ;):)

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