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I'm asking you to please read there is great info here.


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OK OK EVERYONE HUSH!!! I know all you guys/gals wanna be Humans and Zabraks, It seems to me is that all you guys care about is the apperance of your char, but have any of you thought about your stats? and the fact that different species are stronger in different areas?


Bothans: Bothans are widely known as proficient and intrepid spies. However, members of the species have also become fearless leaders, relentless warriors, courageous pilots, and brilliant scientists.


Human: The predominant species in the galaxy, humans can be found in virtually all walks of life and on most habitable worlds. All humans are bipedal, intelligent beings. They speak Basic, which has become the galaxy's official language. Humans are generally considered adaptable, curious, innovative, resilient, and ambitious


Mon Calamari: They are tireless explorers, but seek out other planets for knowledge rather than conquest. Many Mon Cal have been forced to build weapons and starships for the Imperial forces while others serve as personal assistants to high-ranking Imperial officers. In defiance of the Empire, But Mon Cal certainly aren't limited to intellectual pursuits; they can also apply their great intelligence to exploration, tactical combat, and even complete mastery of weapons.OK OK EVERYONE HUSH!!! I know all you guys/gals wanna be Humans and Zabraks, It seems to me is that all you guys care about is the apperance of your char, but have any of you thought about your stats? and the fact that different species are stronger in different areas?


Rodians: Rodians are widely distrusted by other species, who consider the Rodians to be generally greedy, immoral, and violent. Much of this reputation stems from Rodian culture: Rodian culture romanticizes death and the hunt, and the species reveres bounty hunters. The most successful hunters are presented with an array of rewards, including such coveted awards as "Best Capture," "Longest Hunt," and "Most Kills." To support their constant warfare, Rodian industry revolves around building weapons, armors, and vehicles. Manufacturing facilities dominate the landscape. Rodians can be found in all professions. Some of the most successful Rodians are dramatic actors, while others become famous musicians, dancers, and other entertainers.


Wait 4 more to go.......

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I just want you to know all that you can before you rush into a char and go for the complete opposite of what that species is good at. We only have 1 character slot.


Trandoshan: Trandoshans are physically powerful, very difficult to injure, and capable of recovering quickly from even the most serious injuries. Their three-fingered hands are armed with sharp claws, which can be deadly weapons in combat. They also have supersensitive eyes that can see into the infrared range. Many Trandoshans channel their society's values into roles as bounty hunters, soldiers, or rangers. A handful of the most violent and immoral Trandoshans serve the Empire as slavers who target other species, including Wookiees.


Twi'leks: Ryloth's harsh environment and turbulent history have forged Twi'leks into tough survivors. Generally nonviolent, they typically use their intelligence and cunning to achieve their goals or resolve conflicts. Noble Twi'leks may seem stoic or even aloof, while less scrupulous members of the species can be considered ruthless and manipulative.


Wookie: Though Wookiees are not warlike, they do make fierce warriors and deadly opponents when angered or threatened. The tales of so-called "Wookiee Berserkers" are legendary. But while Wookiees may appear primitive and even barbaric, they are actually quite comfortable with technology and can easily learn to pilot starships, repair machines, and wield advanced weaponry. They love their homeworld and have a strong connection with animals, plants, and other components of the natural world.


Zabrak: Zabrak are still considered among the galaxy's most prominent explorers, but their personalities, survival instincts, and incredible willpower also make Zabrak well-suited to nearly any adventuring profession. As warriors or adventures, Zabrak tend to be dedicated, intense, and extremely focused. Zabrak are viewed as independent and strong-willed.




Ok so now that I have that out please reconsider your character on what you want to do. I'm not trying to be mean or convert you, But please consider so we don't have an entirely human universe. Thats not what SW is.

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Say your in the Associates PA, well everyone is on starstrider, thats 1 server. And if you have chars on different servers then you'll be taking away time from each of your chars by splitting it up. So if you want to be on one server you better make sure you have a character you want to keep

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Umm, I don't see a problem with everyone wanting to be human or zabrak for that matter. Humans are very numerous in the star wars galaxy. Hell, the Empire was xenophobic, so practically everyone there is human. Again, this goes along with continuity- which is what we see in movies.


I for one have not decided which race I'll play. But I'm really starting to consider a rodian. I looked at the archived polls at the official site and found that of all the species rodians are the least desired. And frankly, I think most people will pick their race based on looks. I've considered what profession I want to be also, and yes, this does effect what race i be; even though it really shouldn't 'cause technically every race can be every prof. just maybe you'll have to work harder at it.


Yes, you only have one slot per server. And you bring up a good point- i'll only have on character 'cause i don't want to gimp his time with another.

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I like to ad something to your story here :D

Now dont get mad.... but uhmmm have you any idea how long i have been waiting? 3 years buddy :D you think in all that time.. i didnt read every bit of info available on everything? :)


I know about the advantages..... and the reason i chose a human is.... my RP character on the forums has always been a human.... and my favorite SW character is also human.. thats my reasons.. :D


I mean.. i would love to be a twi'lek and all... but i'd just rather be a human :p


-Wraith 8-

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Im going for Trandoshan. I mainly choose this because i always liked bossk and iv been using a trandoshan model in JO for ages now. Iv practicly fallen in love with them. I also choose them because of their healing abilities, and plus, trandoshans are not to popular so i think iv decided my species ;)

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Depending on the path you have chosen to follow, it would almost benefit you to NOT be of the race with the abilities that best suit your chosen profession.


For example, if you choose to be a spy then Bothan may not be the most advantageous race selection. Most players will be suspicious of Bothans due to their being "widely known as proficient and intrepid spies". But being of another race and working for the Bothan spy empire may be more deceptive.


Still, the Bothan Spynet didn't become what it is without a reason. It will depend more on the players building the galaxy, and how they play, than on character selection that determines the evolution of the galaxy. Some will make choices that provide a "cover" for their activities by selecting an "odd" race for their chosen skill. Others yet will go with the tried and true formula, promulgating the racial tendencies.


All-in-all, it sure makes for one heck of a way to enjoy the diversity of SWG! :)

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Originally posted by Kaiser Spaso

O thx for copy and pasting info that i could have read myself from any site...............where would i be without you!










Well not everyone visit's the official site and just viists the forum for info so in the future keep your pointless comments to yourself :)

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

Well not everyone visit's the official site and just viists the forum for info so in the future keep your pointless comments to yourself :)



you seriously have to look me up when this all happens.......you are going to be my arch nemisis....i will show you the true power of the force







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