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Some "issues" going on around here (seems that people have problems with other people sharing things with others) so I'll be leaving for awhile. If you want to contact me, my AIM is RpTheHotrod (go figure)


Just hope that the shadow monster doesn't get me tonight :p

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Originally posted by SamFisher

Haven't you posted something like this before?







Can you give me 300 points? pllleeeeaasssseeee?


I can't spare 300, but here, take 50.




Compliments of the Dark Stuff party:)Come support my running for Swamp President;)

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Originally posted by munik

I cannot believe you are making such a big deal about this. I couldn't care less whether you stay or not, but fer christs sake go already!


You are one big drama queen. I figure you were just waiting for someone to say something that was less then stellar about one of your posts, just so you could put on this "give me attention" show. I also noticed that SamFisher asked you this question, so I can assume that this sort of flair for the dramatic happens often, am I correct?


Thanks for wasting 1 minute of my life reading this. Please, if you don't like it, DON'T POST.





You'll be back Rp. :D And I'll talk to ya on AIM. :D

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Originally posted by munik

I cannot believe you are making such a big deal about this. I couldn't care less whether you stay or not, but fer christs sake go already!


You are one big drama queen. I figure you were just waiting for someone to say something that was less then stellar about one of your posts, just so you could put on this "give me attention" show. I also noticed that SamFisher asked you this question, so I can assume that this sort of flair for the dramatic happens often, am I correct?


Shut up n00b. RP is one of my friends. And, like Reborn said, if you dont like it, dont post. So I think all of us in the thread *at least me* would like it if you'd crawl back in your corner and shut up. *feels proud :D*

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Just curious, does munik just go around looking for people to flame or something? He's following me in posts trying to start something. :rolleyes:


You have no idea what's going on right now, and I'm not about to get home from work, log into the forums, and find someone like you in threads with a sole purpose of trying to bring others down.


If I was trying to get "attention" like you ACCUSE of me, I would have done some BIG farewell message..but no. I simply posted "My AIM" so those who knew me would check it out.


Like the previous people said, just...don't.....post. Problem solved.

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Originally posted by RpTheSnotrod

Just curious, does munik just go around looking for people to flame or something?

I've never seen an adult wilt like a little girl before, so no, this would be the first time. I don't really think I'm giving you a hard time, just playing your game. You know what I'm talking about, you baited myself and others into this whole discussion you didn't want to happen, and then threw a fit when we discussed. And when C'jais took the bait, it was finally your time in the sun. It was a setup, I knew that going in, but I like to discuss things so it makes no difference to me.


I'm surprised you ask me to stop posting. I see no one else attempting to proliferate the posts in this charade. If it wasn't for me, how would you have been able to get all those "please don't go's" and "we'll miss you's" from your fourteen year old fan club? I know you could just post another one of your "I'm leaving posts", but this time it was me. If it wasn't for me, what other common advesary would your fourteen year old fan club be able to side with you against? If I stop, you'll just have to trap another person in your bid to gain attention and praise.


I like playing this game. Call me a drama queen too, doesn't matter much. I know I can always be a little more innovative then a mimic. If you really wanted this to stop, you could start by not trying to goad me into a reply. But seeing as how you must have the last word, considering you were done posting yesterday, I don't see this stopping. And that's quite fine with me. Maybe I might garner a few fourteen year olds to boost my ego as well, and then we all win.

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