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Slang guide for SWG


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This happens with ALL Mmorpgs, now we haven't all been in the game officially but theres still words on the boards. So i think we should make a little guide if you will of slang terms we've made for things so that people new to the boards (and later on, to the game) will know what people are talking about. B/c when i entered ac or ac2 I had no idea what people were talking about. "hey dude can you throw me some buffs yada yada" So lets hear what we have. and after awhile we'll put it into a big guide.

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I thougt hello was just "hi?" i mean come on! It's 2 letters. the same amount as "Lo."

Actually, lo derives from ello, which again derives from the word Hello. :)

*watches as StarWarsPhreak pulls his hair out of the stupidety*




Ok, some other variants:

gtg: same as g2g (Got to go)

n1: can also mean Anyone (or is it ne1?)

lol: Laughing Out Loud

rofl: Rolling On Floor Laughing

lmao: Laughing My Ass Off

or a combination,

roflmao: Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off :D

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The problem with g2g and gtg, it means something different in DAoC. People would always say it when we were resting, and I'd say, "Alright, see you later," and they'd just sit there. What they were really saying was Good to go, signaling they were ready to start fighting again.


Some of these work all around (AIM and other messengers, message boards, yada...yada)


ttyl - Talk To You Later

camper - We keep saying it, but I think it should be explained for the super noobs. It's a person who stays in one spot, waiting for "mobs" to spawn, so they can kill them and get the "phat lewt".

mob - "Mobile". Any enemy.

pull - "Grab" an enemy, pull him to the group, and away from other enemies. Usually the job of the "tank"

tank - The character who has a lot of HP, or a high "AC", and usually pulls mobs, because he has a lower chance of dying.

HP & AC - Hit Points & Armor Class

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This is your standard MMORPG tactic. It started in EQ (well, maybe UO, I didn't play it that much), and is now the norm.


Tank Attacks

Tank runs back to Group

Tank Attacks

Group Attacks

Respawning mobs are too far away to "aggro"


aggro - Aggression. When a mob decides to "attk" you. Ex. WTF!? He aggroed me when I was at the cloner! or Don't get too close, he's aggro. Shows either that the mob will attk, or he has attked.


attk - My personal abbreviation for attack. I don't know if anybody uses it.

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When you have a rancor breathing down your neck, stoormtroopers firing all around you, and you're bleeding really bad, you don't want to spend ten seconds typing. That's what all these abbrevations comes from: lack of time. So yes, they have their uses, even if you sound silly at times. Just keep away from using them when there is no need for it, ok? ;)

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Funny, I've never heard that one :).


Train(!) - When somebody is being chased by a mob or mobs. In EQ they would "train" them to the zone border, and when they zoned they would be safe. This wasn't very good though, because everybody sitting at the zone border would be attacked after the person zoned. In DAoC the mob would return to their original spot instead of attacking, and in SWG, most creatures wont aggro on the zone sitters unless they attack it. If you hear somebody yell "Krayt TRAIN to zone!" though, move.

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If you hear somebody yell "Krayt TRAIN to zone!" though, move.

Small understatment.

Don't just move. Run!

Run as fast as your legs can carry you. :D


Same goes for Rancor train. Actually, even more so, cause they hunt in packs usually. ;):p

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