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Slang guide for SWG


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MTFBWY might work. I don’t plan on saying it that much; it's not in my character's nature.


NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement. The reason the beta testers can't tell us anything about the game. If the NDA is broken, the testers will get kicked out of Beta, and possibly sued.


More for what NDA stands for than the definition

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So am I getting this all right?


I can't wait to mess with noobs with my rodn CreHan, by shouting Train as I rn to the zone. Then I use the foll command on my pet Rancor, telling it to follow the noob. He will then go WTF, and think the rancor aggro'd him. Also the guy with an FS slot craps his pants as I lmao. Ne1 who sees this will rofl as the FS guy says STFU while the noob is still on the rn from a pet he thinks is a mob. Finally when he realizes he's g2g he will lol and then lfg with a tank, in case it really happens next time.


Ok I think I got it now...

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Well, I couldn't find it, so here goes:


MMORPG: Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game

FSCS: Force Sensitive Character Slot

Beta: A pre-release, unpolished version of the game

Cloner: The place where the dead things go (answers many age old questions)

=A=: Second Best PA on the Starsider Server

DS: The Best PA on the Starsider server

Set: That very argumentative woman that resides at LF.com

Wraithy: That over-bearing Super-Mod at LF.com


Ooops, that's not slang is it? ;)

j/k guys. I'm aloud am I not? ;P


.......the search continues........

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*wracks brain trying to come up with some others...*


lvl! Leve up! An exclamation of acievement to the next level. Not likey to be seen in SWG i suppose...


wtg! Way to go! A quick congrats on any number of achievements


IMHO In my humble opinion... Why anyone feels the need to abbreviate this, I have no idea, as it's used mainly in forums


Add Usually used in conjunction with "pulling", indicates that enemies in addition to the one being "pulled" have joined in the chase and are/will be attacking


Raid Often game-specific, can mean a large player-group hunt, or it can mean that someone with administrative capabilities has generated a group of monsters/enemies in an area theyre not normally found in, or in greater numbers, for the players enjoyment and often their demise ;P


Summon Again, someone with administrative capabilities can "summon" monsters or items. In the previous definition, Raid monsters would be "summoned"


Nerf Very likely to be too confusing to use in SWG as this is a type of domesticated beast...When an item/skill/quest is "nerfed", it has been rendered practically useless, or at least diminished from its previous value. Ex: "That blaster did xx damage until the dev's nerfed it with the last patch."


I guess I lost track of the original point of listing abbreviations... lol I suppose the rest are applicable, although possibly not quite what was origainally intended.



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Here are some:


AFAIK "As far as I know"

BTW "By the way"

BRB "Be right back"

FAQ "Frequently asked questions"

FWIW "For what it's worth"

IANAL "I am not a lawyer (but...)"

IDK "I don't know"

IMHO "In my humble opinion"

IYKWIM "If you know what I mean"

LOL "Laughing out loud"

OTOH "On the other hand"

PMFJI "Pardon me for jumping in"

TIA "Thanks in advance"

TPTB "The powers that be"

TTFN "Ta ta for now"

ROFL "Rolling on the floor laughing"

RTFM "Read the (famous) manual"

SOHF "Sense of humor failure"

SPAM "Stupid Person's AdvertiseMent"

WRT "With respect to"

YMMV "Your mileage may vary"

YWIA "You're welcome in advance"


Whew, you can see that I am really bored. Now, on to the smilies!



:-) Smile

;-) Winking

:-( Frowning

:'-( Crying

:-@ Screaming

:-& Tongue-tied

:-D Laughing

:-/ Skeptical

<:-| Dunce

0:-) Angel

:-* Oops

$-) Yuppie

8-) Excited

:-{ Pouting

%-) Cross-eyed

:-x Kiss

:-O Excited



hehehe, some of these are really stupid, I mean, who would use $-) (yuppie)

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Originally posted by Dr. Zaius

Here are some:


AFAIK "As far as I know"

BTW "By the way"

BRB "Be right back"

FAQ "Frequently asked questions"

FWIW "For what it's worth"

IANAL "I am not a lawyer (but...)"

IDK "I don't know"

IMHO "In my humble opinion"

IYKWIM "If you know what I mean"

LOL "Laughing out loud"

OTOH "On the other hand"

PMFJI "Pardon me for jumping in"

TIA "Thanks in advance"

TPTB "The powers that be"

TTFN "Ta ta for now"

ROFL "Rolling on the floor laughing"

RTFM "Read the (famous) manual"

SOHF "Sense of humor failure"

SPAM "Stupid Person's AdvertiseMent"

WRT "With respect to"

YMMV "Your mileage may vary"

YWIA "You're welcome in advance"


Whew, you can see that I am really bored. Now, on to the smilies!



:-) Smile

;-) Winking

:-( Frowning

:'-( Crying

:-@ Screaming

:-& Tongue-tied

:-D Laughing

:-/ Skeptical

<:-| Dunce

0:-) Angel

:-* Oops

$-) Yuppie

8-) Excited

:-{ Pouting

%-) Cross-eyed

:-x Kiss

:-O Excited



hehehe, some of these are really stupid, I mean, who would use $-) (yuppie)



:eek: Good job Dr.Zaius, nice one dude :D

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Some classics we have missed, some will be in SWG and some not.


DOT: Damage over time...ie the effects of poison


DD: Direct damage, all damage done initially unlike DOT.


AOE: Area of effect, like the effect of a grenade.


STUN: An attack that temporarily stuns a target.


ROOT: Holds a MOB or enemy in place and immobile.


ROOT N NUKE: ROOT and let the ranged attacks fly. A less tiring version of kiting.


REVERSE KITE: Instead of running away, cast a fear spell(or something similar) that causes mob to run away. Follow and lay the smack down.


*note* Can you tell I played a Druid, Shaman and Chanter in EQ *end note*


PK: The infamous Player Killer


PKK: The PK Killer, the just and mighty player who likes to PVP those who prey upon the weak.


KS: The almost as popular Kill Steal(er) Kills MOBS you are fighting and takes your exp.


BS: Other than obvious also used for backstab. An attack that does great damage if performed from behind a mob. ( The nastiest thing around on Shadowbane. I have done it with my Assassin on MOBs. Also had it done to my warrior in PVP. Was sitting and resting, and a 40+ Assassin took out half of our party. Due to the fact I was sitting, damage was even more. One shot, one kill. Why I made my assassin.) Note to Shadowbane players, have a SCOUT in your party.


If I remember any more I'll throw them in later, there are tons that for some reason I cannot remember.

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Oh and forgot the classic,


OOM Out of mana, what casters say when they can't cast anymore spells. Depresses tanks because there is a pause in the action. Being casters in EQ, these 2 keys are worn out on my keyboard.



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WP or Waypoint: A towering beam of light to help you find your way.

FIRST!: An annoying statement often used on the official forums used only to state that the individual was in fact the first to reply, or on the first page of a developers post. Highly frowned upon.

Credit: The form of money used in the Star Wars universe.



Still can't find that thread, Grrrrr. I remember specifically because it's the thread that taught me what MMORPG stood for.

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Like I have said in previous posts, I like playing RPG's and have found good in all of them. EQ, UO, AO, DAOC and AC2 to name a few. Shadowbane is the most recent I have played and it has been fun. I would say that it has raised the bar to a higher level in many aspects. There have been some hiccups and also some great features. Although as good as it is, I have not considered it the "next generation" in MMO. It has given some refinement to what is out there right now, but isn't "next-gen". If you like PVP, and I mean all the time. You have got it. It has its good side and its bad side. You can be PVP as soon as you can leave the noob continent, although I don't recommend it till you are forced to leave (lvl 21). You can be looted of everything but the gear you have equipped, from lvl 1 on. Group members steal from you, and then leave you high and dry. You have to make frequent runs back to town to sell found items and to bank your cash. I think it is a fun game and love playing it.


As for SWG, I have seen 1st hand what the game looks like. No I am not in beta but an old Navy buddy of mine is. I have watched him play and even tried it out for myself. It is like crack... need more.... All I can say is from what I have seen, SWG is next gen. Ask any of the members here who are in beta, is the game that good. They will say yes. They might not have everything that I want. More PVP, a better BH system, more characters per server, THE DAMN HUTT FACTION(Black Sun or whatever)... But I digress. This game will still blow everything else out of the water. Visually and, I believe, in most other aspects too. This game will not be the perfect game. No game ever will be, because everyone's idea of perfect is different. But for me, when I get SWG, Shadowbane is gone. The only thing I can say for sure after that, is I will give WOW its 30 day trial to impress me otherwise... there will be a Rodian(maybe Trando or Human, but I doubt it) Creature Handler/Carbineer out in the forests of Corellia, putting holes in S%@T and feeding Padawans to my pet Rancor ;), as often as my wife will let me. I mean give me a break, SWG or sex, the game won't be THAT good.



Still a damn Bantha Fodder!!!!!!!:swear:



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Originally posted by Jackrabbit

GCW - Galactic Civil War. The battle between the Rebels and the Empire.


I don't think you should talk about Shadowbane anymore Krymelord. Your starting to get my interested :p




correct me if i am wrong but isn't a civil war within a nation? i.e. Rebels vs. Rebels or Empire vs. Empire................i think Rebs vs Imps would just be GW..........Galactic War........but i may be mistaken

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