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PC ZONE UK Preview


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Nothing special, and nothing really new. Pretty much the usual blurb we see all the time and the same screenshots as on the official site.


These are the only things I thought were new:


"The story kicks off just after events in Jedi Knight II - a group is discovered creating havoc throughout the galaxy, your job is to make sure order is restored."


"rumours of a Max Payne-style Bullet-Time Force power"


"running through missions unlocking new types of sabers and multiplayer modes"


I hope that last one isn't true. Having to unlock MP modes could cause a bit of anger among the community...


Oh well, even if it was a bland preview, there is a 10 page Half Life 2 preview, so I'm not complaining :D

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"rumours of a Max Payne-style Bullet-Time Force power"


that would be great!, way better than force speed IMO never meant to replace it anyways


"running through missions unlocking new types of sabers and multiplayer modes"


this one is good at the saber thing, but MP modes (unless are holocron and jedi master) is not good at all, FFA, CTF, Duel and Team FFA need to be default.

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Originally posted by The_One

Nothing special, and nothing really new.


That's what I thought...which is why I didn't bother posting about it. ;P


"rumours of a Max Payne-style Bullet-Time Force power"


Yes, and I hope it's not true. I think bullet-time is over-rated...and it's now going to be over-used as a game gimmick.


"running through missions unlocking new types of sabers and multiplayer modes"


I hope that last one isn't true. Having to unlock MP modes could cause a bit of anger among the community...


I couldn't agree more. I want to be able to play all of the MP modes...not have to go around unlocking them in SP. I'll be playing through SP anyway...but it would still be annoying.

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Originally posted by The_One

"running through missions unlocking new types of sabers and multiplayer modes"


I hope that last one isn't true. Having to unlock MP modes could cause a bit of anger among the community...

I really can't see them doing that. It's not like a console game where MP consists of two players on a split screen. With so many online players, it would mean that those game types would not be played until well after the game is released, if at all. Many people don't play MP, so they would never have access to these types. It just doesn't make much sense.
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kewl bullet time: doding saber attacks :D


Ow yeah i forgot.... do u guys know why Max Payne did not goMP??


Caus maxpayne was a gam that had the bullettime @ his centre.


How will everything be slow when ur in MP?? So it will make u go faster?? than it will be chaotic... we already have force speed....

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mp's force speed is better yes, the only thing about that is sometimes you go to fast and right over a clif,, which really sux if you have the enimy flag, your about to score, and you fall off a cliff because of force speed, not that has ever happened to me before :nutz3::)

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I also prefered JK's force speed because I didn't like the distortion of JO.However,force speed in JOMP was a bit too chaotic,as taekwondo joe said,sometimes you fall right into a cliff because of it.


Anyway,I think bullet time is for deaths,like when you killed a reborn,where they slow down...

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Originally posted by SeanTB123

Um...isn't that what JK2 force speed already is?


Well closest thing inmy mind for JK2 is force seeing which allows you to dodge sniper fire, and its in slow motion.


I guess the force run in SP counts too, but... ugh.

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Either that, or now Force Speed is back to the way it was back in the first JK and the "bullet time" thing will become a new force power which simply slows everything down, rather than everything but yourself. (ofcourse, combining those two would mean.... as gamers tend to say "ownage")

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

note of course that any matrix syled power would be a SP only, since you cant have one client going slower than another in a MP game.

I realised as much, but I was referring to SP hehe, mowing down could become slightly too easy with those two combined.

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