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Your Arsenal?


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When u choose your mission does it go to a cut seen then the to a page that shows ur arsenal or do u walk there then to ur ship, i think it'd be better that way. Also is ur orignal lightsaber in there the single blade, and the only info we have is there are 2 new weapons i hope they are sub-machineguns.

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I'd only take good ol humming blade along hehe, you need to be light on your feet, no need for a big arse backpack crammed full with big guns. hm, makes me wonder if you can for example take other non offensive tools along instead of weapons, would make it interesting "hmm, take the rocket launcher or the extra bacta tanks" and such.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

I'd only take good ol humming blade along hehe, you need to be light on your feet, no need for a big arse backpack crammed full with big guns. hm, makes me wonder if you can for example take other non offensive tools along instead of weapons, would make it interesting "hmm, take the rocket launcher or the extra bacta tanks" and such.


It'd be nice if it was like Tenchu or some game where you have to take items along that will help you in your mission, and some will actually hinder it.


Hmm... I'll take the blow darts and the smok... Damn, wrong game.

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I hope they put in some system that only lets you choose a certain amount of weapons to bring along on a mission, and leave the rest of your arsenal on your ship/vehicle. It was weird for Kyle to just have his weapons pop out of thin air whenever you selected one.

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Originally posted by wassup

I hope they put in some system that only lets you choose a certain amount of weapons to bring along on a mission, and leave the rest of your arsenal on your ship/vehicle. It was weird for Kyle to just have his weapons pop out of thin air whenever you selected one.



I'm really hoping for something like that as well. I mean, where does he keep all that stuff anyways? It should be more 'realistic' to what a 'real jedi' would use/have in their inventory. They can't carry everything, so just take what you think you will need for a particular mission. :)



*note - when I say 'real jedi' I'm refering to jedi's from the movies. :)

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Hehe you must have disclaimers here before everyone starts about the SW universe not being real ;)


But are you guys suggesting you should see the weapons he/she's carrying ON the Jedi? I hate that, when you have three bacta's, a E11 Blaster and a Bryar, it's allready too much! Your character would need all kinds of puches, backpacks etc even to store two guns and two inventory items! And Imagine a huge rocketlauncher, would not look pretty when it's attached to your back :)


No I like the idea of a limited loadout (although I don't like the idea of weight restrictings during the game), and I too hope that you can select inventory items to come with you :D

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No, I'm not saying we should see everything.......I'm just saying that having 10 different blasters and all the inventory items with you, is a bit much IMHO.


What I would like to see would be something that only allow a certain number of weapons [excluding saber] and then a certain number of inventory items.........now during the mission if you happen to pick up an item and you are already full [and you want that item] you should have to give one up in order to get that item.


What are the chances of this being implemented? Probably not good, since the game is more then 60% done [at least that's what they're telling us]. I know that games aren't about realism, there are just some aspects of certain games that I think should have more in them.


Hehe you must have disclaimers here before everyone starts about the SW universe not being real ;)


That's exactly why I put that in there. :)

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

No, I'm not saying we should see everything.......I'm just saying that having 10 different blasters and all the inventory items with you, is a bit much IMHO.


What I would like to see would be something that only allow a certain number of weapons [excluding saber] and then a certain number of inventory items.........now during the mission if you happen to pick up an item and you are already full [and you want that item] you should have to give one up in order to get that item.


These are exactly the kinds of points I raised on the run-up to JO...and it didn't happen. Yes, I totally agree with everything you just said - picking weapons out of thin air is a bit ridiculous, and at least in Elite Force they came up with the 'transporter buffer' idea, which made perfect sense for that universe and game.


I too would like to see limited weapon loadouts, and the need to drop items to pick up others. It worked well in SOF and SOF2, so I don't see why it wouldn't work just as well in JA. As for showing the weapons/items in 3rd person...well, all they need to do is introduce a backpack for all of your inventory items, and just allow larger weapons to be tacked onto the player's body - just like they did with RUNE. A small animation to see the character grab something from the backpack, or from a hip, and it would work extremely well. As I say, they managed to show weapons on the body in RUNE, and with the GHOUL II tech Raven has at it's disposal (where they could swap out sunglasses and hats that you could shoot off enemies), it should not be difficult at all to implement. I just can't understand why they haven't implemented it. :(

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I just can't understand why they haven't implemented it. :(


I can... Because a backpack would ruin the looks of your character. I don't want a Jedi with a backpack!! I look as JO and JA as being pretty 'arcade like' and then there's no need to have a limited loadout while playing.


That's why I'm against a 'drop a weapon before you can pick one up '-system; it doesn't seem to fit here, maybe it's just a feeling tho :)

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

it'd be stupidi if he carried a back pack or something.


I disagree. It's no less stupid than seeing Luke run around with Yoda on his back in ESB, IMHO. I'm not talking about a large backpack, either, but quite a small one. It would just act as a representation of where things were kept, and would not have to be a realistic size for the amount you're carrying.


Anyway, I'll agree to disagree with you. ;) It's very unlikely to be implemented, so... *shrugs*

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They'll probably have weapons attachable to models, either that or create some kind of D&D style Bag of Holding, like the transporter buffer from EF. That's the best explination for hiding of weapons I've seen.

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

how do guys think we choose our weapons though. do we have to go to a room and get or a screen pops up. Also how do we choose the mission will luke or kyle walk up to u or what.


Well...nobody knows thsoe kinds of details yet. In SOF/SOF2, you just get a screen where you pick your weapons. You also had like a terminal where an incoming message told you about the next mission.


Personally, I'd prefer to be able to walk into a room and pick the weapons I want...and have Luke or Kyle give me some mission options. That would be more realistic in the context of the game. But how they eventually do it is anyone's guess until we have further information. ;)

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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

About the backpack issue: When did a "Jedi" ever carry anything other than a saber? Maybe a utility belt like batman's is all you should get.


While I agree with you in the context of the movies, we are talking about a game. They have already stated that there will be even more weapons in this game, and I assume there will be just as many items to pick up in terms of the inventory as JO. It all has to go somewhere.


They could have focused the entire game on being a more realistic Jedi, as seen in the movies, in which case all I would expect to see would be sabers and a few small items of equipment. However, they are continuing in a series of games where the tradition has been to include guns, as well as Force powers and melee lightsaber combat. These elements altogether are one of the unique and defining qualities of these games.


So purely in that context, I think it would be better to have a more realistic method of carrying items/weapons around.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

They could have focused the entire game on being a more realistic Jedi, as seen in the movies, in which case all I would expect to see would be sabers and a few small items of equipment. However, they are continuing in a series of games where the tradition has been to include guns, as well as Force powers and melee lightsaber combat. These elements altogether are one of the unique and defining qualities of these games.

Not only that, but this game series takes place in the post-ROTJ timeframe, not the Old Republic. Many of the old traditions and ways of thinking have been replaced with new ideas. Luke used a blaster, and following the EU from that period, to my knowledge Jedi do not soley rely on lightsabers and simple equipment. I'm not a big fan of the EU, but the Old Republic Jedi do not necessarily represent the ways of the new order.


However, you can play the game that way if you wish. But don't limit the player to only using the lightsaber.

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

when do jedi use more than there light sabers.

To quote myself from my previous post:


Luke used a blaster, and following the EU from that period, to my knowledge Jedi do not soley rely on lightsabers and simple equipment.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think characters like Jaina and Jacen Solo and so on from the NJO use weapons other than the lightsaber, like blasters and explosives.


And once again:


I'm not a big fan of the EU, but the Old Republic Jedi do not necessarily represent the ways of the new order.
The Jedi you see in the prequal movies do not necessarily reflect the ways of the Jedi from the Jedi Knight series timeframe.
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Lots of good thoughts ...


I thought I read that they were implementing a 'load-out' in JA? I can't find it now ... but I was sure I read somewhere that there would be SoF type weapon selections for each mission. I'll be interested in how it is implemented, I just hope that it is fairly limited. I don't mind the 'you have to drop x to carry y' scenario, but that is just me ...



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See, now I'm thinkin' like: If this character is a padawan, wouldn't the missions be kinda lame? I mean, sure the trainees fights in the EU but not so much as their masters. Furthermore, as this game will take place before the Yuuzhan Vong show up, what kind of storyline could the developers put in without altering the timeline?

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