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How do you think they should make the next Star Wars game?

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Assuming you’ve played all of the ones that have already been out, what would you have changed about any of them? Or is there a game concept that they haven’t done yet that you think they should have, like a new game about Han and Chewie, or something?

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Well I'm not very much into the Jedi's but if they made a decent Jedi game with REAL control over the lightsaber. Example, the GameCube controller. Use the control stick for moving, but to use your lightsaber effectively you use the C-Stick to control the lightsabers attack moves, and combining the movements of the C-Stick and Control Stick you can have MANY moves used with your lightsaber *nods*

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A Star Wars Space RTS. Star Trek has one and I'm not about to let some Trekkie Scum (no offence :D) have a really cool Space RTS (ST: Armada 2) while Star Wars has none! It's outragious.


If they do make one, I'd either like them to use the Homeworld engine or Armada 2's engine. i think both are really good.

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uhm you already posted this thread at the Star wars forums.. are you going to go all around with this one?


anyway ... i think they should make a wraith squadron game..

x-wing flying + some FPS and some solving problems thingies :D that would be awesome :D

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

...some solving problems thingies...


and what would "solving problem thingies" be? Like solve the puzzle? Solve the mystery of who the ghost is? :p


A Wraith Squadron game would be nice. And with what I see so far of RS3, they could make a great Wraith Squadron game because they do ground AND space missions. RS3 will have both.

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

So is it your goal to post this thread in every forum on the LFN?


:D yes, and - as kookee so kindly pointed out - I'm getting new opinions from different groups... but I promise I won't ask it again after this!


BTW, image code has been disabled in our user profiles... how is everyone getting those cool pictures in your signatures?

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Another question - does anyone else here agree that it's high time Lucas Arts came out with a Han-Solo & Chewie game??? You could fly the Millenium Falcon, use the Falcon's cannons (like Luke and Han did in Star Wars), go on cargo missions as either Han or Chewie, and so forth and so on. I think it would be awesome.

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Hey guys, Gamers.com has some new screens posted for SW Rogue Leader III coming out in Q4 this year... it's going to be more about the first three movies this time - and the graphics are INCREDIBLE. You'll see what I'm talking about. I nearly wet myself with joy when I saw it.


BTW, are you going to tell me how to post cool pics in my signature like you guys have, or what?

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Originally posted by nycgamer

Hey guys, Gamers.com has some new screens posted for SW Rogue Leader III coming out in Q4 this year... it's going to be more about the first three movies this time - and the graphics are INCREDIBLE. You'll see what I'm talking about. I nearly wet myself with joy when I saw it.


I think they've been posted.


BTW, are you going to tell me how to post cool pics in my signature like you guys have, or what?




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I went back to it today as I'm getting somewhere with Chocobo breeding. Is there anywhere better than the sunken plane for getting money and levelling up?


[besides, 8's easier to finish. I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to beat Ruby and Emerald weapons. Ultima's soooo weak!]

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