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Well, it seems that Lucasarts has dropped the PS2 and Xbox logos from their product page for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, and the product index page also no longer lists SWG as console-bound. Could this be a similar move to what we saw with RTX Red Rock? I guess we'll have to wait for some sort of official something to be sure.
That was from the main page: http://www.swgalaxies.net You may want to check the official site for more info on this.
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So, has SOE and Lucas Arts officially said they're dropping the PS2 and Xbox versions? I don't really care for either, but that is going to cut out a lot of their audience. Maybe they're just paving the way for the debut of the PC version.

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The PS2 Network adapter is $39.99. It allows the PS2 owner to connect to PS2 servers and play online compatable PS2 games. Basically it is an add-on that allows PS2 internet gaming for $39.99. It plugs into the back of the PS2 and then you must connect the adapter to a modem or cable line to connect to the PS2 servers on the internet. It has no storage capabilities of its own, and I here mention of a PS2 hardrive in the future. The only hardrive I could find out about only costs $199.99. Did I mention that the PS2 Network Adapter is only compatable with PS2?:rolleyes:

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i see what your saying but what i dont see is why sony is even tryiing with this anyway ... that amountof money your talking is absolutely redicolous its like buying an entirely new console except your just buying some worthless add on...... the only console that had a chance of releasing this game was the x-box but theres no point in the console either because its just like a pc except its crapper.....

nope i think that this will purely be a pc game this sort of games needs a key board and a mouse and a big beefy box with lots of wires

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Originally posted by swediot=)

i see what your saying but what i dont see is why sony is even tryiing with this anyway ... that amountof money your talking is absolutely redicolous its like buying an entirely new console except your just buying some worthless add on...... the only console that had a chance of releasing this game was the x-box but theres no point in the console either because its just like a pc except its crapper.....

nope i think that this will purely be a pc game this sort of games needs a key board and a mouse and a big beefy box with lots of wires


I wouldn't buy all the addons for the ps2, i could upgrade my pc with all that money. :)

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