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What do you want answered at E3?


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- How much has Raven listened to the gamers, who thought that balance wasn't really great in JO??


- Will saber combat really be more movie like (including the sabers)??


- How far is your character to becoming a Jedi? Will you be an official Jedi Knight at the end of the story?




Well those I'd like to see answered, thanks for making this thread and have phun on the E3 :D

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Multiplayer issues:

- Will there be any objective-based or strictly team-oriented game mode?

- Will you be able to drive/ride vehicles in MP?

- What does scripted events mean for MP gameplay?

- Will there be some kind of Jedi vs. Merc mode?

- Could you reveal some of new MP modes?


Technical issues:

- What does the interaction between animation and environment (described in the example with Rancor) mean for gameplay?

- As seen on screenthots there are some saber wound deacals in character skinning. Will other weapons cause simmilar effect?

- Will "telekinetics" force powers take advance from ragdoll system? I mean if you push someone into the wall or throw him away using grip, is it pre-animated or physics-based?

- Will there be more dismember without refering to cheat codes?


Gameplay issues:

- Is the ledge-grabbing in?

- How many (if any) missions you're playing with other NPC character (i.e. your mentor) at your side is there?


That's it for now :).

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Hmmm...I have a few questions too..


Does the Ragdoll Skeleton System actually mean that we will see ragdoll death effects similar to those in UT2K3...including tumbling down stairs, sliding over ledges, possible twitching of limbs?


Will dismemberment still be included in the game, is it similar to JO by default, and will we have an option to turn on enhanced dismemberment via the menu, instead of utilising a cheat code?


Will bots for team-play oriented MP modes be smarter and work more as a team, especially providing flankers/wingmen for the player (similar to UT/UT2K3), and be less prone to 'suicides' when navigating narrow walkways in MP maps? Also, will players in charge of a team have better and more intuitive control over what team members should be doing?


Will we be able to choose a name for our player character in SP?


Will online MP performance be comparable to JO, especially for those on a 56k connection?


Are there any plans for a 'Special Edition' release of the game in the UK, Europe, USA, etc?


How many hours is the SP campaign estimated to be on a 'normal' difficulty setting?


Will there still be a lot of secret areas to uncover in the SP game, and will the discovery of all secrets in a mission lead to a reward? For example, in JK, you received extra Force stars to allocate to Force powers.


How many different races are available from which we can choose to customise our player character?


Will there be an opportunity for an online chat to ask questions of the developers at a later date?


That's all I can think of for now. :D

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Can we get an estimate month that the game will be released?

What about a demo or beta?

How has saber combat changed?

What new moves have been implemented?

Has ledge-grabbing been added?

Will lightsabers actually light up rooms this time around?

What new force powers have been added?

What new MP modes have been added?

Will you be able to fly any vehicles?

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If the game DOES have a ragdoll system, will the guy just go limp like in UT2K3, or will there be an animation followed by ragdoll like in Unreal 2?


Is there any chance that there will be periodic official releases of new maps/models etc.? Esp. Single Player?


Will the game follow the timeline of the SW universe? :D


Will there be 3 stances still? Different ones for different sabers?



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Does the Ragdoll Skeleton System actually mean that we will see ragdoll death effects similar to those in UT2K3


Well i read an article that i was linked from jediknightii.net if you wanna go search it out, but they had an example of it and said something along the lines of "you can shoot someone on a railing and they will realistically fall over with almost no clipping at all"

or something similar anyway. I have an idea it might be a gamefaqs one actually now that i think about it.


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Guest Krayt Tion

Does JA plan on contributing anything innovative to the FPS genre ala Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, or are you content to just pump out another JO-esque tweakfest? If so, why are you shooting for the sky when you should be shooting for the stars?


There are supposedly far fewer puzzles in JA. Is this really due to a belief in the design philosophy that puzzles aren't needed, or are you actually acknowledging you couldn't implement them worth a damn?


Will the trifecta of triteness, namely the merr-sonn (aka the rocket launcher), heavy repeater (aka the mp5 w/ grenade launcher), and flechette (aka the UT Flak Cannon) be returning? If so, why do you feel the need to burden Star wars gamers with such hackyened implementations of EU weapons?


Will the level design, not order of play, be significantly less linear than JO?


Will your multiplayer level designers magically gain talent and inspiration before release?


Will the game ending not be anti-climactic this time around?


Will this be the last SW FPS you work on? If it isn't, will you reconsider?


Finally, do you have idea why I am so bitter? You should. ;)



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Outline any graphical improvements?

Are you going to add volumeric projected shadows (same as JK2's sp's shadows which looked pretty nice ;) ) to multi-player this time?

Are the single saber stances going to look different?

Are you going to include "finishing moves"?

What gameplay modes are in multi-player?

Drivable Vehicles in multi-player(probably already asked)?

Co-Op in Multiplayer?

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Guest Jolts

- Ragdoll physics on non player objects ? Like vehicles, a cut off arm, boxes...


- Examples of using dynamics to animate objects ( one example is JO used it on the lightsaber bounce when a reborn was killed)


- Maya or Maya PLE support for animation/modeling/level editing? (obvious 3dsmax and softimage will have it)


- Specific technical advancement for sabers


- AI improvements for sp and mp


- Any new graphic enhancements besides higher poly count and higher texture res.

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion

Does JA plan on contributing anything innovative to the FPS genre ala Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, or are you content to just pump out another JO-esque tweakfest? If so, why are you shooting for the sky when you should be shooting for the stars?


There are supposedly far fewer puzzles in JA. Is this really due to a belief in the design philosophy that puzzles aren't needed, or are you actually acknowledging you couldn't implement them worth a damn?


Will the trifecta of triteness, namely the merr-sonn (aka the rocket launcher), heavy repeater (aka the mp5 w/ grenade launcher), and flechette (aka the UT Flak Cannon) be returning? If so, why do you feel the need to burden Star wars gamers with such hackyened implementations of EU weapons?


Will the level design, not order of play, be significantly less linear than JO?


Will your multiplayer level designers magically gain talent and inspiration before release?


Will the game ending not be anti-climactic this time around?


Will this be the last SW FPS you work on? If it isn't, will you reconsider?


Finally, do you have idea why I am so bitter? You should. ;)




No offense whatsoever intended, I'm sure. :rolleyes:

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Will their be a cohesive and well layed out plot for the Single Player game, or will a proper plot and character developement be sacrificed for an open ended choose a mission type game? I hope not. Proper SP games are getting rare nowadays.


Will single bladed lightsabers become redundant once one attains one of the other, "superior", lightsabers?


Rag doll physics like UT2k3!?


Force Push and pull be able to push and pull objects and do damage to enemies? Vader in ESB styles?


In what ways are lightsaber duels improved? Will there be more skill involved?

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Originally posted by Krayt Tion


Finally, do you have idea why I am so bitter? You should. ;)



You're status has disappeared and you've been replaced :D



and to the lightsaber, i think that we should have more control using a single saber rather than a double/staff :p

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a lot of my questions are already asked above, but I do have one which i consider very important and even if it's asked i must stress it.


Will SP and MP be all that diferent as it is in JO particulary regarding saber play?


I truly hope not since most mod have been trying to make MP look like SP.


Also like most people here... a Demo and movie trailers are appreciated :)

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Yeah, that choice to make SP and MP different was a pain in my ass for a while, but I realize that you couldn't really use SP style in MP anyway, it would be too slow and I doubt if any systems could handle that cleanly. Now 2 player co-op would be a different story...

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Here are a few more questions...


Will the menu be changed...and will there be a greater range of options in the menus to customise the game? SOF2 seemed to have a lot more options than JO, for example.


Will there be a choice of different Announcer voices in MP? Mon Mothma got boring after a while.


Are there any plans now or in the future to develop some kind of plugin architecture for SP so that additional SP missions can be played?

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Posted by Krayt Tion

Does JA plan on contributing anything innovative to the FPS genre ala Dark Forces and Jedi Knight, or are you content to just pump out another JO-esque tweakfest? If so, why are you shooting for the sky when you should be shooting for the stars?


There are supposedly far fewer puzzles in JA. Is this really due to a belief in the design philosophy that puzzles aren't needed, or are you actually acknowledging you couldn't implement them worth a damn?


Will the trifecta of triteness, namely the merr-sonn (aka the rocket launcher), heavy repeater (aka the mp5 w/ grenade launcher), and flechette (aka the UT Flak Cannon) be returning? If so, why do you feel the need to burden Star wars gamers with such hackyened implementations of EU weapons?


Will the level design, not order of play, be significantly less linear than JO?


Will your multiplayer level designers magically gain talent and inspiration before release?


Will the game ending not be anti-climactic this time around?


Will this be the last SW FPS you work on? If it isn't, will you reconsider?


Finally, do you have idea why I am so bitter? You should. ;)

Wow, you've really become cynical and bitter in your old forum-age, haven't you Krayt :D


Can't really say I disagree with you much on most of your points, though, even if I would have put it a little bit more diplomatically...:D


I still enjoyed JK2 a lot however, and thought it was a good game, but it definitely lacked the general/overall Star Wars feel that JK and MotS seemed to me to have... I think I just felt less involved in JK2 than I did in JK/MotS... Hopefully JA will be more.. involving :D



StormHammer has already covered most of my concerns as to what JA will be like, especially the following -

Posted by Stormy

Does the Ragdoll Skeleton System actually mean that we will see ragdoll death effects similar to those in UT2K3...including tumbling down stairs, sliding over ledges, possible twitching of limbs?

Are there any plans now or in the future to develop some kind of plugin architecture for SP so that additional SP missions can be played?
I really really hope that we can "slot new SP missions in" easily...



Also, I'd like to know if we'll be able to 'extinguish' one of the double sabers (not the lightstaff), and fight with the other as if it were a single sabre, and not dependent on the double sabre animations (i.e. have the full range of single sabre attacks/moves if we turn off one of the pair).

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