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Reason to Worry?

Deft Aklin

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Yep, read that post by Q-3P0. Now ask yourself this; 3,500? Let's do the math here; 3,500 x 20 = 70,000. The last time I checked, the official site had 500,000 registered SWG fans. Now, going by that statistic, we will assume that half of them actually buy the game....250,000. Now assume that on average there will three different main connect time PST, EST and GMT, so we will divide the 250,000 by 3 = 83,333. What dos this mean? Well, either Sony is going to release something close to 200,000 copies to help limit this problem. Also, a lot of people will probably get some 'no connection' problems. This kind of has me worried, but I have to assume that Sony has it all thought out. In preparation though, I suggest everyone prepay for their copy so they are guaranteed one. Otherwise you might be one of the unlucky 300,000 people looking in from the outside. Please, someone, let me know if my math is severely flawed. I'll assume I could be very off on the connect times, as I know there are four in the US alone.

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No I think your numbers look pretty good. To be honest I hadn't really thought about that until just now. 3,500 per server isn't that much... and even though the U.S. does have 4 time zones, with Galaxies I don't even know if that matters, I would assume especially with summer around the corner, that most players will be online (or TRY to be online) almost all day. Hmmm.... Darth you have indeed proposed an interesting problem.


What's worse is, like you, I have no idea how Sony is going to cope with this problem. Releasing a limited number of games is one option, but I really doubt they actually do that, corporate profits take priority #1. A 200,000 release is very, very small. If Justin Timberlake can sell 2 million copies of his disk, then I would think Sony could at least sell more than 200,000, and I think they will. I just hope they aren't content to have half the players sitting around waiting for a server to open up just so they can play.

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How does the whole server thing work?


Is it first come first serve, so 3,500 people connect to a server....does that mean everyone else that wants to connect has to wait for someone to leave? Or will it be you set a server to play on and they only allow 3,500 people to sign up for one particular server so that everyone has a spot on their server when they are ready?

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Have no fear. For several reasons.


1. At least a quarter of the board population is not from US. Sorry if not in the US right now, but release will be delayed for non US.


Total 375,000


2. Trends prove that most games aren't bought, en masse, in the initial 2 weeks of release. Most buyers are wary of AO like situations, so they wait to see how release goes. Although this game will sell pretty quick.


3. SONY will control the release of the game to limit the amount on the servers initially. Probably 5000 a server.


4 And most likely they already have another 20 "ghosted" servers, lying in wait for add in when necessary.


Also remember that 3500 is their ideal number, not the peak number. The servers will be much more capable. Probably double that amount. And after the first few days, the population will fall to managable numbers.


Also they could easily add more servers pre launch.


Now again, I could be totally wrong....

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Originally posted by Krymelord



Have no fear. For several reasons.


1. At least a quarter of the board population is not from US. Sorry if not in the US right now, but release will be delayed for non US.


Total 375,000


2. Trends prove that most games aren't bought, en masse, in the initial 2 weeks of release. Most buyers are wary of AO like situations, so they wait to see how release goes. Although this game will sell pretty quick.


3. SONY will control the release of the game to limit the amount on the servers initially. Probably 5000 a server.


4 And most likely they already have another 20 "ghosted" servers, lying in wait for add in when necessary.


Also remember that 3500 is their ideal number, not the peak number. The servers will be much more capable. Probably double that amount. And after the first few days, the population will fall to managable numbers.


Also they could easily add more servers pre launch.


Now again, I could be totally wrong....



Delayed for no us hahahha, im importing it from a Game shop near me. It's a american firm and they get shipped all there games from usa. ;)


Lucky for me ey :D

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Thank you for your insight Krymelord.


As far as this topic is concerned, I didn't want to concern any of you, reading over my previous post I probably did. I just felt that it would be better to discuss this topic on an intellectual level prior to anyone trolling or flaming on it. It is much better to have our forum members educated and or having already discussed issues like this rather than being stunned when someone comes along and says, "You won't be getting your copy, cause Sony is only releasing 70,000 CDs.", or somethign along those lines. Besides, I really like discussing things intectually before having to truly create a convincing critical argumentation. ;)

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

Thank you for your insight Krymelord.


As far as this topic is concerned, I didn't want to concern any of you, reading over my previous post I probably did. I just felt that it would be better to discuss this topic on an intellectual level prior to anyone trolling or flaming on it. It is much better to have our forum members educated and or having already discussed issues like this rather than being stunned when someone comes along and says, "You won't be getting your copy, cause Sony is only releasing 70,000 CDs.", or somethign along those lines. Besides, I really like discussing things intectually before having to truly create a convincing critical argumentation. ;)



If it runs into big problems sony have got enough $$$ to invest in more servers. It will deffintley be worth it, just remember sony is a big company, they by all chances know what they are doing. ;)


This ain't some newbie company :)

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I had a similar post earlier when beta 3 started, but I think I crushed people's dreams in become in the beta 3 with my statistics. You know 500,000 people and they are only choosing 50,000. That sort of thing.


On topic: Good point you have brought up D_S. I think Krymelord is right. J.Timberlake puts out a huge amount of discs and sells them like they are hotcakes, I think SONY can handle it.

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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX

If worse comes to worse Sony could add another server. Am I right?


Of course sony can add another server. Once they determine the best server to hold players. Then they can add as many as they want. It isn't like sonys poor or anything. :D

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another problem I found is not that thier will not be enough room but that once Sony realizes this they are going to have to set up more servers to acomidate everyone. Since servers that can host an amazing looking game with 35,000 people plus they are going to raise, or just have from the start, a higher monthly fee.

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Originally posted by waffleman

another problem I found is not that thier will not be enough room but that once Sony realizes this they are going to have to set up more servers to acomidate everyone. Since servers that can host an amazing looking game with 35,000 people plus they are going to raise, or just have from the start, a higher monthly fee.


No way not a higher fee, don't worry guys. I bet sony have got plently of backup servers, they have by all chances noticed what will happen. :D


After all, they are sony :)

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Well I know what I am doing on release date....


Camping the "UPS Guy" spawn at my local Software ETC, where I have the Special Ed. Copy on PreOrder. See I have it all plan out where [PreRaid 9am] Cup of Joe, and CreamCheese Bagle 9am. [Raid start Time 10am] Gate is open, and I Zone in. Pull out my foldup chair, and grab a copy of SWGamers and talk to all the other guys camping there. [spawn POP] KSing the Spawn line, and grab my copy of SW:G. [Loot] running home installing and getting my character on Sunridder.

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Originally posted by Dradle

Well I know what I am doing on release date....


Camping the "UPS Guy" spawn at my local Software ETC, where I have the Special Ed. Copy on PreOrder. See I have it all plan out where [PreRaid 9am] Cup of Joe, and CreamCheese Bagle 9am. [Raid start Time 10am] Gate is open, and I Zone in. Pull out my foldup chair, and grab a copy of SWGamers and talk to all the other guys camping there. [spawn POP] KSing the Spawn line, and grab my copy of SW:G. [Loot] running home installing and getting my character on Sunridder.


I too got it all planed out, get up at 7am. Be outside the gaming shop 8am. Go to the mcdonalds next to it for breakfast.


9am rush into the shop get my preordered copy then rush home and install it. :D

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Originally posted by Dradle

Mall doesn't open till 10am here, and I know UPS does come till 12 - 2pm.


But one thing is for shore. I will not be at work for he next 3 dayson release =)


Well it opens 9am here, but if they get the games early then they will open up at 12pm at night. :D

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Our target number for release is to be able to support at least 3,500 on a galaxy simultaneously. We’ll work to get the number higher, but that is our minimum level for release- Kevin O'Hara


Hmmm... I'm not sure if you guys got the right understanding, but it says 'at least 3500' that means min 3500 players playing simultaniously on the same galaxy...

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