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Beta Test

Dr. Zaius

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No, no, I'm sure the AT&T's ball symbol and the Death Star's resemblence is not coincidence. In fact, I bet the next time the service guy is out to fix my cable, I bet he's decked in white trooper gear. I got my info straight from a little pomeranian called "Ewok."

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Originally posted by Danyxe Jayde

Says who? I've already talked about this with others on the beta boards, and Q doesn't care. I don't think it bothers him a bit that he has an entire family in my house testing the game, with a variety of computers, a variety of playstyles, and a variety of ages. My household is beta's version of television's "nelson family", which we have ALSO participated in. Five t.v.'s, five different age groups, five different takes on what they think works and what doesn't.


edit: p.s. Sony knows my two accounts are both owned by me, because they are both used to play EQ and they are both coming off of the same credit card, and I've talked to tech support, and the business office about both of the accounts. We've had our accounts for four years.


Ok, maybe you can have multiply accounts. But like your going to use both in the beta. It is also unfair on the other people, who have requested to join the beta but didn't get in. :mad:


If everyone did it then almost half of the community wouldn't be in the beta. ;)

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