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Closing topics

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the closing topics option should be reviewed. at least in ESCAPEMI, some supermods have gone into a closing-threads frenzy for some time now.


i dont know what could be done, maybe making it so that at least 3 smods have to agree on closing such topic. It could keep track of the mods who press "close topic", i dont know, but something has to be done


thx for you time.

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that wouldn't work... i mean vb probably has a mod tracking system already and besides a lot of threads need to be closed then and there no questions asked... I've taken a look at EMI lately and yeah there are quiet a few closed topics but you gotta remember some months it's quiet others it's crazy

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

I wouldn't worry about the whole closing of threads and things anymore. We've hopefully gotten that taken care of.

yeah.. well im still a bit fussy on that whole subject.. and dont see the real problem yet.. ill have to read that whole thread again :(
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Originally posted by Wraith 8

*glances at what has been posted.*

and you guys wonder why topics are being closed?


but uhm couldnt you have send the s mod that did it a PM.. instead of complaining to the rest of the community.


Because you might not know who closed it. SOmetimes, people who close it don't post to say there closing it.... hm.... that sentence is sorta confusing... :p

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Because you might not know who closed it. SOmetimes, people who close it don't post to say there closing it.... hm.... that sentence is sorta confusing... :p


I will repharse it for you: Sometimes, Supermods from other forums. Close certain threads that may break the rules, they normally do not post there reason. :)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Because you might not know who closed it. SOmetimes, people who close it don't post to say there closing it.... hm.... that sentence is sorta confusing... :p

uhmmm well that might go for other s mods.... but to be honest.. almost all S mods i know post their reasons for closing a thread.. and i always post my reasons for closing a thread... so that the ones who went and cause the thread closure know what to look out for in the future so i wont HAVE to close threads anymore.
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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

I wouldn't worry about the whole closing of threads and things anymore. We've hopefully gotten that taken care of.


I'd like to believe that, but this is still going on now (i myself am trying to extinguish as many enemies that i've made over the past few days and possible, so sorry to you Rogue Nine if i've annoyed you lately). What i've found about the emi community (as well as a lot of other people on these boards) is that once they've made their point, they'll continue making it until someone says they're right, and then even after that, it will carry on for about a week with a dark atmousphere over the board for a while after.


It's not taken care of yet.:(

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well, here's the ones that got closed (and why they should've or shouldn't have)


"flaming" i can understand why this one was closed, it was about being allowed to flame people as long as you don't like them.


"what porn movie personality are you?" ok, yeah. family website, people. this is way worse than the swearing, cause you'd rather have your kid ask you about a swear word than what porn is, i'm pretty sure.


some singing one pretty pointless, this i can understand.


another singing one another pointless one.


"what are you?" this one was funny and okay until somebody how to go and close it for no reason at all except "it's pointless". yeah, you know what? all threads in random discussions are pretty much pointless.


"check out my forums" this one was okay, he was just promoting his new forums, i don't see the reason to close it. nobody gave a reason, and people will still come here if they go there, i'm sure. and it's a good forum too.


"my msn is broken" i can uderstand this, the problem was fixed, it's over, prevents spamming.


people, that's seven threads in three days, two of which didn't even need to be closed. in fact, one day i came on, and there were four closed threads right in a row (all closed by the same person, but i'm not gonna mention any names, today is one of my extremely rare good days). so, that's all.

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Originally posted by Das Mole

"what porn movie personality are you?" ok, yeah. family website, people. this is way worse than the swearing, cause you'd rather have your kid ask you about a swear word than what porn is, i'm pretty sure.


I'm inferring that you assume not all 13 year olds know what porn is.







Not every 16 year old knows what a penis is either, but they're so damn rare that I just don't care about them. Call me insensitive, but if your 13 year old kid doesn't know what porn is, he shouldn't be allowed anywhere on the internet. And keep him away from all those rabid forums like this one, because he just might get hurt by painful realizations. If you think this forum is bad, just wait until you see all the other PG rated forums that are exactly like this one or worse. This place is timid in comparison.

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Wow..... Thats a lot of threads....


uhmmm well that might go for other s mods.... but to be honest.. almost all S mods i know post their reasons for closing a thread.. and i always post my reasons for closing a thread... so that the ones who went and cause the thread closure know what to look out for in the future so i wont HAVE to close threads anymore.


Point Taken. ;)

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

uhmm i suggest you take it up with a local mod or admin :)


dude, if we are supposed to keep those problems to ourselves, wot is the use for this forum?!



anyways, ive started this topic to tell every1 about a problem we are having in EMI, so ppl could give suggestions and adms could do wotever they think its better.


btw, take a look, there is many topics closed and dead, and many that were reopened. as you can see, aside from "foreign" smods closing the topics, our own mods dont agree on it.



*as foreins, read smods who dont post regularly in EMI (some of them ive never seen posting) and are not used to our topics

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I really do not understand why this has become such an "us VS them" issue. This has been going on for nearly three days now,a and it is mentally exhuasting. The part that annoys me the most is how poeple have taken it so personal that a few threads have been closed on the boards. Rather than review if the material was necessary or not, they have decided to choose sides, and make all the mods and supermods look like nazis for closing a few threads. I been going to EMI for some time and hardly any threads were ever closed there for a very long time. In the past few weeks, face it, there's alot of stupid threads there that just do not need to be opened, but why must people take it so personal?!?! We are not on a "power trip", when we close a thread, we just have our censors on, and when we see something out of order, we take action... that's all we do! Weather a sentance like "I'm a boob-sucking pimp who loves to smack clits" is tasteless or not, I guess is a matter of opinion. I just stayed the hell away from the topic. Now had it been posted at the Swamp, whom Carl Shutt thinks is such an awful place, I probably would have closed it too. I certainly don't want the younger swampies running around the house repeating that sentance too their parents....Jeezum Crow!:eek:


And take a good look at Murta's closing

post in that thread. That pretty much somes up about how we feel. If you chose to look at us like bad guys, that is sad, but so be it. I just wish people would stop making such an issue out of this. Let sleeping dogs lie. Quit taking it so personal.


Edit- I been getting non stop pms from people in EMI about the threads getting closed, maybe somebody in a higher postion can remind them that I AM NOT A MOD AT EMI, I DID NOT CLOSE ANY DAMN THREADS.





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Hmm, Isn't that porn thread against LF rules (I think LF, atleast) Isn't it a rule that you can't post porn type things? Wasn't that thread about porn? And didn't it have porn pictures?


BTW, I though this was hillarious:

unless pushing the 'close thread' button gives you some kind of magic powerfull orgasm!


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The pictures were hardly pornographic, and it has been stated that you can see worse in the adverts at the bottom of the forum. However, that's not why people got annoyed, and not why you were nazified, Darth Groovy.


When you were called a Nazi, it was not because you showed clear anti-semitism, nor because you took over Poland. It was because you called for stricter and more documented global rules, which are really not needed.


As I am sure you are aware, almost every one of these forums used to be seperate, and each has a different userbase. At The Swamp you will find that 80% of all users have a signature image and 1000+ posts, whereas at Mojo you will find it's closer to 10%. The Sam & Max forums are filled with bitter people that do not take kindly to emoticons, whereas you can't seem to see enough of those things in other forums. These are just a few examples. As far as "Us Vs. Them" goes, there's nothing wrong with a bit of friendly rivalry, and everyone knows that LucasArts adventure games are far superior to anything remotely affiliated with Star Wars. the LucasArts Adventure-related communities all seem open to outsiders who want to post relevant discussions.


The main issue was the wandering supermod who went into a forum and locked a thread which may or may not have warranted locking. The local mods and supermods had not locked the thread, and obviously didn't want the thread locking, so it was unlocked.


Most of the admins have already stated that we do not need "more rules", and I think everyone is totally sick of this issue. So everybody shut up.

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Actually you are only partially right. I was under the impression that LucasForums already had global rules, which is where I was wrong.


It takes a great deal of energy to fight and carry a grudge, I REALLY want to nail the lid on this thing and burry the hatchet once and for all. We are on day four of this issue, and I just can't take it anymore. So if scabb, if you can forgive and forget, I SWEAR ON MY LIFE, I won't say anything bad about yall's clubhouse ever again.





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scabb said it all, thats exactly point.


btw, there is no "us Vs them" in EMI.com, that though is being spread by a few people that belive that

supermods should start to ban more, so the rudeness to mods/smods/admns stops



also, apart from everything, one can notice something is wrong when there are 11 topics closed in one page.




ok, with that as a postulate, we get to the main question "what can we do to make the harbor more fun and with more freedom?"

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Groovy: It's not really my clubhouse, I only joined in the argument because I wanted to look cool and impress all the females that might be watching.


Also, I too find that holding personal grudges can be somewhat of a burden, so I decided that I would consolidate all of my grudges into one easy ball of hate, directed totally against anyone who has ever seen "Star Wars" - unless they can best me in a series of challenges that I won't go into.

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