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In-Game Jedi Pic

The Punisher

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Now, I'm an opptimistic guy, and i usually try to be open-minded, but boy howdy am I confused on this Jedi pic. Why would (whoever put it up here) get our hopes way up into thinking we have a genuine Jedi pic, only to have us later find out that it is such a poor pic that you cannot tell who is the Jedi, if anyone can make out an actual ightsaber, please tell me where it is. There's so many small light-thingys that it could be anyone of those...*sigh* ah well. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate their attept to give us something, but I think it's more disapointing that helpful...


Click Here for the pic.

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Originally posted by The Punisher

Now, I'm an opptimistic guy, and i usually try to be open-minded, but boy howdy am I confused on this Jedi pic. Why would (whoever put it up here) get our hopes way up into thinking we have a genuine Jedi pic, only to have us later find out that it is such a poor pic that you cannot tell who is the Jedi, if anyone can make out an actual ightsaber, please tell me where it is. There's so many small light-thingys that it could be anyone of those...*sigh* ah well. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate their attept to give us something, but I think it's more disapointing that helpful...


Click Here for the pic.


This is obviously a person who has broke the NDA. I myself, feel i should report this to the appropiate person. :(


Im now going to email the devs, with the info. :) And im not sure what should remain of this thread. Open/closed. :confused:

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Im gonna let the pic up.. cause it doent reveal a thing.. i do however going to close this thread... cause if a dev gets this.. people HERE might be punished....


But i think they wont seeing it came from another site.

I understand the reason you posted this punisher and im not mad or anything.. but lets just say thta we (although some are not in beta) should not break NDA rules while other do.. :D



Edit: i got a PM from zaius. .. and apperantly this is a aproved pic.... well it looked as NDA!

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That picture was official, it was on the main part of the swgalaxies.net articles, but the picture was crap.


here is what was said about it

E3 2003 Wrapup

Posted 2:59pm by Juztyn (General News)

Wow. I hate to sound so negative, but what a boring, boring E3 for Star Wars Galaxies. :) There were zero, I repeat zero, previews/hands-on from any of the major gaming sites (like Gamespot, IGN, or Gamespy). Luckily, there was still *some* news. Our friends at SWG Warcry managed to view an exclusive demo by the devs, as well as the very first image of a Jedi in SWG. Our E3 2003 coverage has been updated with links to both their article and image(s). I also updated the presskit page with 5 more images, and fiddled around with some other bits of our coverage. Hopefully everyone is just waiting a week or two before releasing their SWG previews.... hopefully.

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I think legally an NDA only can apply to people who signed a contract. Hence Beta players...


If someone comes to the moderator of SWGalaxies.net and says, "Here's a picture of a Jedi," according to Freedom of speech rules the website can do whatever they please.


Because information, once it is out can't be controlled. And henceforth, LucasArts people can throw a lot of big words at you...but in the end the legality of rights is more important.


(Maestro = in law school)


People/companies sometimes try to sue for libel if something printed is (bad/wrong) but even then as long as a person says, "In my opinion this means..." then their personal freedoms also matter more.


...unless of course this website is maintained in like...Russia or China..they have different freedom of speech rules.

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Originally posted by TheMaestro

I think legally an NDA only can apply to people who signed a contract. Hence Beta players...


If someone comes to the moderator of SWGalaxies.net and says, "Here's a picture of a Jedi," according to Freedom of speech rules the website can do whatever they please.


Because information, once it is out can't be controlled. And henceforth, LucasArts people can throw a lot of big words at you...but in the end the legality of rights is more important.


(Maestro = in law school)


People/companies sometimes try to sue for libel if something printed is (bad/wrong) but even then as long as a person says, "In my opinion this means..." then their personal freedoms also matter more.


...unless of course this website is maintained in like...Russia or China..they have different freedom of speech rules.


Kool your in law school. :D Thanks for your legal side on this matter. :) Very intresting.

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No problem. :)


Just sometimes companies use spooky language to scare people...


...like warranties for computers, if you read closely sometimes you see this: "Failure to use a surge protector with your computer voids the warranty."


Crazy! :biggs:

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i think it is a picture of a jedi without the lightsabre on...

one of the posts on swg.warcry said the person was pulling the lightsabre out and putting it away over and over. (who knows, we'll see in about 4 months, first hand that is)

would have been a better pic if the person didnt have the flash on...lol

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Originally posted by Cadam11

That picture was official, it was on the main part of the swgalaxies.net articles, but the picture was crap.



Phew, thanks for covering me Cadam, I forgot to say that I found it from a link right of this site. I thought Wraith was going to eat my face for breaking the NDA. :D As to how it got out, if it was a beta tester, it would be a screenshot, not a picture of a screen. I think it was probably one of the reporters there; were they allowed to have cammera? If so it looks like one of them did it.

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Originally posted by Jackrabbit

I'm pretty sure that the Wookie is the Jedi. His lightsaber is kind of small, suggesting that he's swinging it toward the camera to get those two blaster bolts that are coming at his front. He's got his lightsaber to the right of him. (->)


Ah, that should please non human lovers. If you can chosse the speicy (sp) of your Jedi. :)

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My take on the picture:


Note: don't feel bad that I use a quote from you, J.K Luke, it's just an example. ;)

all I can see is a wookie running sideways, don't think there's a jedi in taht pic

Well, lets look at the picture alittle closer, shall we. :)


The saberblade seem to be located here. AS JR said, it looks like it's in a position to strike.

Of course, it could just be a blaster bolt passing him, but his posture indicate that he is ready to swing something.


This sparkling effect is very odd, don't you think? The only thing I can think of that produces such effect is equipment that's been beaten to death. Suggests to me that it is sparks from a blaster bolt and lightsaber interaction.

Either that, or a personal shield.


But the most convincing evidence is this blaster bolt that shoots off in a very odd direction. It looks like it's just been deflected by something. I've never heard of personal shields that deflect blaster bolts. But that doesn't necessarly mean they don't exist. :)


But my end conclusion is that this is a Wookiee Jedi.

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