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WIP Coleman Trebor


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hey inbred, if your doing a sith one are you guna make a darth maul style color scheme... coz im kinda sick of the whole red and black face thing personally... i may be the only one that thinks this... but you never know

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Originally posted by The Cheat

wow, that just looks beautiful. are you gonna use the standard jedi outcast background for the icon instead of it just being black?


Well Marz already made them with some other backgrounds and they look great, i'll send a render to Inbred so he can do whatever he wants.


Like Inbred said, Marz made the sith variant, but its very basic, only the outfit has been changed to black (no "maul' pattern for the head and that's fine by me!).


While on the subject...i'd like to thank Indy and Marz for their contribution, another job well done guys!.


Hopefully the next update will be about the release date :).

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You guys just be a little bit more patient it sounds like this model is so close we can taste it. I have gotten to test a beta versoin out and it is great and looks great, so I can't imagine what this version will look like in the hands of a good skinner such as Indy. Indy gave us his word and he is good at keeping it so let us just wait patiently.

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Well i just spotted two errors so yeah it still needs tweaks and im sorting out the pk3 structure and i have to send a rendered pic to inbred for his icon.


Here i go again spamming with screenshots...these skins are from NeoMarz1:



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Originally posted by king yoda

the sith skin looks very cool. i cant wait till its released.


p.s:do you continue seasee tiin when coleman is finished or

will you start a new model?


Hmm maybe, maybe not...i guess we'll see, as i said earlier Coleman could be my last model but i'm working with AOTC so i'm not totally done yet.

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