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hey...any of you forummites out there know when Galaxies is coming out? Even a decent guess would be helpful...last I heard it was staying delayed for a while...I'm actually thinking about getting this game now...to fill up alot of the time this summer...that is if they don't delay it through summer. :|


[edit]Well at least it's coming out this summer...according to the new trailer anyway. I can't wait. I had to cover my mouth to keep from shouting out in sheer joy at just watching the new trailer! Wow...[/edit]

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[align=center]*Clearing throat*[/align]


At http://www.swgalaxies.net Juztyn (administrator of the SWGalxies.net comunnity forums) has cobbled together a nice and clear list of expected realease dates that i will post here:


The following page tracks the various release dates that have been 'guesstimated' for Star Wars Galaxies. You can always Pre-Order the game, and it will ship to you automatically when it is released!


Page last updated: May 21st, 2003.


What Others Say:


@E3 2003: "Summer" 2003

Gamestop: June 25, 2003

IGN Gamestore: June 25, 2003

Adrenaline Vault: June 25, 2003

Starwars.com: June 24, 2003

Amazon: June 24, 2003

EBGames: June 23, 2003

Gamespot: June 14, 2003

BestBuy: June 2, 2003

PC.IGN: April 15, 2003 (old)


Our best GUESS for Star Wars Galaxies on store shelves:


Tuesday, June 24th, 2003.


I hope this helps you a bit fergie :D

oh and check out the forums to discuss this game :D


-Wraith 8-

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yeah it's P2P


I didn't want to get it up until recently...then I saw the trailer and my guards fell down...I wanna go to Toshie Station to pick up some power converters!:ball:;)

Seriously tho, advancing through imperial ranks and battling rebels...oh man...I want my stormie suit! I'm going to have so much fun with this game...a few people from school are also getting it...it's gonna be awesome stuff...I tried to deny it for a long time...but I'm not even going to bother now...

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@ fergie: No im not in beta.. untill... well friday i might be :p

No my Pa im in.. is taking a lot of time preparing it for the game :D


@ Admiral: yeah.. mostlikely 10 to 12 dollars.


@ Clefo: what is MORE RPG like... a story RPG where everything leads you... or making your own character and work yourself to whatever you like?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lucky. I'm still trying to get my parents convinced to pay the monthly fee. :( . I'd rather go with the Rebellion. *Puts on Rebel Suit* Down with the Empire!


Is it true that you have to pick a side unless you're a bounty hunter or a smuggler or any other "For-hire" classes?

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No. You don't have to pick a side no matter what you are...creature handler, artisan, entertainer, anything. I know alot of people over at SWG.net are in the =A= Player Association. Totally nuetral bunch of guys (and girls) with professions all over the charts.


Me? I'm going with my fun side first. Imperial Carbineer/Squad Leader combo. With my trusty Darktrooper bodyguard by my side no one will stop the powerful force that is JEK SPORKWIND!!!:D


Come on and stop by the SWG.net forums if you have any questions...the NDA (non disclosure agreement) for the beta has come down so all our beta testers on the forum are answering as many questions as they can.:)

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Not getting it, I have not heard one good thing about it. In fact;


<Groovy> so SWG is bad as they say?

<Groovy> just came out didn't it?

<ASk> yea

<ASk> have been up for about 12 hours in the past 2 days

<Groovy> you still giving it a chance?

<ASk> there are people already running with full stormtrooper armor

<ASk> I believe there was a report about a guy with ATST

<ASk> and no, game as it is now, frankly sucks

<ASk> bug list:

<ASk> if you delete the char, name remains taken

<ASk> ability to place 2 buildings on same spot, effectively rendering both unusable

<ASk> permanent stat loss for no reason

<ASk> items disappear sometimes

<ASk> some items can't be taken from the bazaar

<ASk> various GFX bugs, mainly on ati and geforce FX cards

<ASk> various crafting bugs, such as tools becoming unusable

<Groovy> feck

<ASk> I believe there are more, can't remember all of them offhand

<ASk> ah yes

<ASk> bugged mission system

<ASk> oh and the game right now, is a grind

<ASk> for example, one of the 'advanced' professions is novice weaponsmith

<ASk> to get from novice weaponsmith to first box of any tier in weaponsmith

<ASk> you need 49000 crafting exp

<ASk> there are only 2 things that you can craft

<ASk> DL18 pistol

<ASk> and sword core

<ASk> problem:

<ASk> when you are at engineering IV with artisan

<ASk> you have more experimentation points than novice weaponsmith

<ASk> does not have ANY long-term goals for you to set

<ASk> and after 2 months PVP will become pointless

<ASk> because big powerleveling PA's will rule the galaxies

<ASk> maybe, in 4-5 months, when they fix the bugs and start on thinking about adding new content

<ASk> maybe then it will be worth something

<ASk> right now, it's good only for the first 3-day 'wow' effect

<ASk> and for tedious gameplay afterwards

<ASk> another bug:

<ASk> <emsharas> waypoints stop working after a while

<ASk> ah and btw

<ASk> this is the first Live MMOG with a player wipe

<ASk> all west coast servers were wiped

<ASk> read http://www.guru3d.com review too

<ASk> err

<ASk> the game right now

<ASk> is everquest in space

<ASk> only what? it lacks the things that made everquest everquest

<ASk> but it does not add anything over that that is worthwhile


This person gave me permission to post this, and I may add that he was very exited about it's initial release, only to become severely dissapointed.


I will save my pennies for Jedi Academy, and Republic Commando.

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Wow...I read the entire article...and I was going to pick it up today...totally changed my mind about it...I guess Sony On-line Entertainment really screwed this one up along with the early release since there are a ton of bugs. No vehicles? Why? It was promised...oh well. I can wait six months, then I'd be a right age to get an ok job so I can pay it off with my own money other than my parents money...but 'till then, I'm still looking for an MMORPG. Any suggestions? Prefrebly ones that take place in space:D

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it does not suck

how could you say this if you haven't even played?

and there are vehicles! (only not at the lanch) you wont be abel to handel that in 4 weeks after al so why bother?


a real beta review from gamespot:


realize there have been a lot of naysayers about this game; I don't pretend to look into my crystal ball and know how stable the game will be at launch, nor do I pretend that problems don't exist. I do want to share my own personal opinion on the time I have spent in the SWG beta recently, in the hope that it is a fair assessment. I want to preface my opinions by reminding most of you that I enjoy MMORPG's, although I am not a big Star Wars fanatic. I am not an expert on how well the environments recreate Naboo, or oversights in backstory or NPC behavior. I play Galaxies as a game, not as a Star Wars information resource. With that said...


Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided presents new players a friendly start in a well made tutorial that teaches the player some basics about the interface, combat, and control. It is well-done, and fortunately optional, so experienced players are not forced to wade through the same tutorial should they create a new character. It is also as brief or as throrough as a given player needs, allowing you to skip parts, or linger with NPC's asking questions about the interface. Fortunately, little explanation is needed to explain character control: it is, by far, the best avatar control scheme in any MMORPG. The player can play both in third- and first-person, and in third-person view, the player can zoom in and out, and rotate the camera around his avatar, an extremely helpful feature during combat, which can be frustrating in other MMORPG's. It is intuitive and customizable, so those preferring a a traditional control scheme can use the preset "Everquest" control scheme, or simply remap controls to better suit their styles.


Once you finish the tutorial, you choose a planet and enter the game world. There are several planets to visit, including Tatooine, Corellia, and Naboo. Travel to and fro is simple, though not always inexpensive. There are shuttle ports that allow you to travel between cities, and starports to enable visits to other planets. It is simple to buy a ticket and travel, but it will cost you credits, so you will want to take some missions at the outset of the game. Missions can be taken at mission terminals, a la AO, or from NPC's, and can involve travel to other cities, and other times can involve a literal one-minute jaunt from your starting location. There are standard delivery missions and combat missions, and other more involving ones as you progress in the game.


There are no levels in the traditional sense in SWG. As you earn experience and skill points, you can use them in any way you choose; for some, that will mean following a single path, while others prefer to spend points in different skills, allowing for a less focused and more rounded character. It is a refreshing change and is implemented well, as each type of player can find something to enjoy. There are plenty of ranged and melee combat opportunities, but those desiring a more peaceful approach can be crafters and architects, while others can be dancers or musicians. Each path allows you to earn experience, so unlike in most MMORPG's, it is possible to earn plenty of experience as a crafter or healer, and if you want, you can combine skills to be a dancing architect, or a singing brawler; it's up to you. Sony has done a great job implementing a skills-based system that eschews traditional levelling. The open-ended professions also allow for both successful solo and group experiences, and both are enjoyable, although it's hard to argue that soloing is better than the exciting group efforts that I have seen and in which I have participated.


The interface is well-done, giving experienced players a wealth of options and information, but streamlined enough for a casual player. There are, frankly, a ton of small details that make the game different. For example, you can set your character's mood; he will then reflect his mood through his facial expressions, as well as through your own chat. There is in-game email, friends lists, and even in-game auctions on the SWG Bazaar. I couldn't possibly share every detail, but there are a lot of them that help differentiate SWG.


The graphics look good. They look excellent when all details are turned up, and you can customize a lot of them, such as water and terrain details, draw distances, and more. While they are not as good as if the game were released last fall, there is certainly plenty of eye candy. The flora and fauna are beautiful, monster and character models are extremely well-done, and cityscapes can be often breathtaking. It all comes at a price, however, and unfortunately, even my 2.4 Ghz P4/Radeon 9700 PRO/512 MB system fairly chugs at higher detail settings. The good news is that the game looks good even at more moderate settings. I love the MOB and avatar animations as well, and they are quite realistic for the most part; however, combat animation is somewhat stilted, as in most MMORPG, and it can be frustrating to watch as you or your enemy take damage seemingly unrelated to what you are watching on the screen.


Sound is excellent, from crowd noises in more populated areas, to monster noises, to the traditionally strong music, SWG has it all. In fact, even though you have a minimap/compass to allow you to locate NPC's, other players, and enemies, you can also use the great directional sound to locate your enemies as well.


Still, I have my own frustrations. Firstly, there is no jumping. You can sit, lie prone, swim, and climb impossibly steep hills (another frustration), but you are forced to effectively roam the environment in a wheelchair, unable to jump onto certain walkways and forced to walk to a nearby ramp. Jumping is relegated to an emote that does little but announce that you jumped to area players. I am glad to say that swim speed has been increased, though. Until last week's patch, swim speed was unbearable; I could literally start swimming across a river, go use the bathroom, and return to my computer to discover that my avatar was... still swimming.


And of course, my biggest frustration, but not a game-killing one for me: stability. I have experienced everything from perma-death when my character got stuck while incapacitated, to frequent crashes, to incredible lag, and more. In fact, just last week, another GS forumite and I got stuck in a "ghost world" where we were literally the only people in the virtual world; there were no players, no NPC's, no working mission and bazaar terminals, and no MOBs. Literally, it was a Twilight Zone episode. I have had to repatch hours worth of files after getting patch errors, rename my launchpad program and reload it to get into the game, and other times, I cannot access the login server, even though the servers are full of players. I have hope for today's large stability patch, which promises to fix a lot of bugs and improve server performance. There is potential for both scenarios: launch may be relatively smooth... or, launch could be very painful. I personally feel the game is just not ready for release. A month would do it... but now? Releasing now is playing with fire, and I was surprised when the announcement was made.


In conclusion, I will admit that I really like the game in spite of its small frustrations and incredible stability issues. Will I buy it at launch? Absolutely. Would I recommend everyone do the same? No. Wait for the reviews, wait for the news of release condition. If it goes off without a hitch, FLY to your nearest retailer, because the game is a treat. If launch is buggy, wait until it is fixed, because having a good game means nothing if you can't play it.


Assuming a stable launch:


Gameplay: 8

Graphics: 8

Sound: 10

Value: 9

Tilt: 9

Total Score: 8.7

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

If launch is buggy, wait until it is fixed, because having a good game means nothing if you can't play it.


Assuming a stable launch:


Gameplay: 8

Graphics: 8

Sound: 10

Value: 9

Tilt: 9

Total Score: 8.7


Assuming a stable launch. Key word Assuming. Apparently the beta's were better than the final release.

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Originally posted by JediMasterEd

Assuming a stable launch. Key word Assuming. Apparently the beta's were better than the final release.


not really.

They did have a rocky launch but things are riding pretty smooth now. No lag, no frustration, nothing. Admittedly I once had a waypoint dissapear...after I had spen nearly 2 hours just shooting up and looting thugs on the way. :)


I'm having tons of fun on this game. Who cares about vehichles right now? Really? Sometimes I kinda wish I had something to take me from one side of the city to the other faster...but then I usually change my mind when I find something I hadn't seen before or get involved in a firefight in the city.


I'm having a great time. All you doomsayers can do your thing...enjoy it...because I know I'll be enjoying SWG while your wasting your time deriding it.

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I have SWG, and it is very fun. Its launch did have some problems, but it was because so many people were trying to sign up at the same time. I am having some lag, but that is only because I am currently running it on a computer way under the system requirements.


<ASk> there are people already running with full stormtrooper armor

<ASk> I believe there was a report about a guy with ATST

There are people with AT-STs and Stormtrooper armor, but I have not seen them yet. Also they have already done some stuff to stop the problem.


<ASk> if you delete the char, name remains taken

I thought the name only remained unavalable for 1 or 2 days.

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