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i dont have time to learn all that saber crap, will there still be easy ways to win?


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i loved jedi outcast because all i had to do was kick and i could win matches, even against the greatest players out there. finally a game that didnt require you to waste weeks learning how to play if you wanted to win, it was great. will jedi academy have similar abilities that people who actually have lives can use to win?

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you know, the saber is extreemly easy to use, you just mash the fire button while running at someone. no skills needed, wait, should i use skillz, like the cool guys? is the more the hip thing, to be el33t. Thoes people piss me off, they run around screemin n00b and all that stupid ****.

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Originally posted by shmacdonald's

i loved jedi outcast because all i had to do was kick and i could win matches, even against the greatest players out there. finally a game that didnt require you to waste weeks learning how to play if you wanted to win, it was great. will jedi academy have similar abilities that people who actually have lives can use to win?


Haven't you heard of the phrase "No pain = no gain" before? :rolleyes:

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As seen in screenshots and the trailer, kicks are gonna be alot diffrent (thank god), and only those who use lightstaff (well, that's what's been said, but in the trailer a guy with a single saber kicked) can kick.


Kick spamming makes me sick anyway, I can't stand it, but if someone starts kick spam me, I kick spam him (and usually win). What's so fun with using one move (kick) all the time, anyway? Or running around with blue holding down attack? You find that fun? I certainly don't.

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Just a little note. My last post was ment as a joke, except the l33t part, they do piss me off. Another note for everyone, whenever you see a post of mine, first read it if I was serrious, and if it makes sence that way, take it that way. If you read it and if it comes off like a lamer, read it as sarcasm or humor. If its so absurd that you think I'm and idiot, it is a joke.


I didnt write this just because of this thread, people take what I mean serriously all the time.

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

Just a little note. My last post was ment as a joke, except the l33t part, they do piss me off. Another note for everyone, whenever you see a post of mine, first read it if I was serrious, and if it makes sence that way, take it that way. If you read it and if it comes off like a lamer, read it as sarcasm or humor. If its so absurd that you think I'm and idiot, it is a joke.


I didnt write this just because of this thread, people take what I mean serriously all the time.


Well, if people always take you seriously, I recommend you use some emotes (smilies) to give some indication of whether you are trying to be humourous. You can always add j/k to a line to show it's a joke, and alleviate any misunderstandings. Anyway, try to keep this on topic, thanks. ;)


Anyway, for anyone posting in this thread please try to keep this thread on track, and everyone remember that if the train of thought turns towards Flame City, I'll rip up the rails. :) This is a touchy subject for some, so play nice, and remain cool. :cool:


Interlude over...normal transmission resumes...

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Originally posted by shmacdonald's

i loved jedi outcast because all i had to do was kick and i could win matches, even against the greatest players out there. finally a game that didnt require you to waste weeks learning how to play if you wanted to win, it was great. will jedi academy have similar abilities that people who actually have lives can use to win?


Now isn't this funny? This is exactly what people who play the game for challenge and quality entertainment hate. They hate people who want a quick, cheap win with NO SKILL. Fun is taken away when these hated people play a spammed game. I am trying to remember the term for such a person . . . oh what is it! . . . . ah yes! The term is ......




I suggest you don't play Multiplayer if this concerns you.


P.S. Your avatar is h0t. Very h0t.

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