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Martha Stewart

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

I'm sick? Look at the American President's wife, fer crissakes...


That is not a proper first lady. She makes Hilary Clinton look like Jackie Kennedy!


Darth Groovy: Martha says you won't need a *raincoat* and that you're next. :D My!


You know, normally that is something I think about to keep from getting exited....:rolleyes:

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So I take it you guys aren't into Martha Stewart*... :dozey:


Let's do a poll (without actually doing one.) Assuming you had to pick one of the following, which would it be?


1. Leona Helmsley


2. Cher


3. Tina Turner


4. Linda Ronstadt


5. The Queen Mum


6. Catherine Deneuve


7. Flipper the dolphin


:D Hmm. Tough call...I'll go with #8, Martha Stewart.

*(Disclaimer--I'm only joking about Martha Stewart. Catherine Deneuve is a hottie, though.)

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I've met Linda Ronstadt (at work last year.) She was nice. Not as cute these days as she was when she was younger, but she knows George Lucas. They dated for a while I believe, and supposedly they're still good friends.

Still, it could be an in to that dream job of mine at Skywalker Sound. :naughty:

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While you're at it, see if they need an official *zen comic.* ;)


Linda Ronstadt's sexy voice will never fade, being forever preserved on vinyl (or whichever plastic they make CDs out of these days.) 'Blue Bayou' can never be topped, unless Jewel does a re-make...

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