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special editions


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I just have to say (and I know I'll get slammed for this) that I saw star wars in the 70's when it first hit, and I've been a huge fan ever since. I've seen all the films, read some of the books, read all of the books based on movies, and I just have to say that I like the special editions better. Much better.


Sure, Greedo should not have shot first. Whoop. But most of the stuff that I had read in the novel, back in the 80's, wasn't in the originals and I was always disappointed by that. Then, one day, Lucas releases these films with Biggs! and the Han and Jabba scene! with better effects. I can respect the purists that want that film out b/c of it's nestalgic value, but I hope this doesn't cause the special editions to be replaced. Having both would be great, but to tell the truth, I've got both and I never watch the original versions anymore.


Am I totally alone in feeling this way?

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wow, lynk...was there that much of a diff between the SE & the classic version? i watched the latter only a few times when i was a toddler...got the SE a few years back and haven't watched any other sw version since.


what sorta changes did the SE have?

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Link, so you really liked the original ewok song better than the new John Williams score at the end of ROTJ? I'm not arguing or anything. I mean, I respect your opinion, but I thought the ending of Jedi was a hundred times better than the original. It finally got the epic scope it deserved. Of course, that's just my opinion, which is very often wrong. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

are they gonna do anything more to these movies before they release them on dvd? i heard they are gonna shoot some footage of natalie portman for return of the jedi but im not sure why.


i guess with george lucas in control u can always "improve"

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Oh, son of a bad word. :rolleyes: George, What the heck is wrong with you?!?!?1!:rolleyes: If that's all true, I hope its nothing more than a flashback and they don't acutally find her as an old lady back on Naboo.


And yah, Jar Jar should get a flashback of him being at ground zero on Alderan. "Ohh, lookie lookie, a new moon..." ZAP!!

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personal :


I am seeing star wars from 3 years old (younger maybe :p) father's a Fan...now i am more of a fan than him :)


Anyway i saw all the trilogy over 1000 times...but now when i want to see star wars i OF COURSE see the newer versions. It's what they meant to be....It's what lucas had in mind but couldn't do from the start...

The classic are classic i have them in 2 copies(6 cassetes) and keeps them safe...but except that....




why do you all hate so much Jar-Jar????


"Ohh, lookie lookie, a new moon..." ZAP!!


KARALOL, real funny. had me fell off my chair :)




New scenes in the old trilogy....YUUUPIIEEEE :D

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