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Rumors of Cancelation...

Dr. Zaius

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There is a rumor going around the main SWG forum about the game being canceled. I doubt this is going to happen, because so much money and time has already been poured into it. Feel free to comment on this issue.


Also, has there been any news on this in beta, all you testers? Has there been any cutbacks or slowdown in the beta?


Well, certainly this will be an interesting topic for discussion.

I hope....

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I don't mean to be rude, but this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. They're 3 months away from release at the most! If they were running out of money or something, they would release the game now instead of canceling it. It's poppycock, pay it no heed.


Man, I'm starting to talk really weird.

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Zaius, I can't believe you are even spreading this smut. No, SWG is not being cancelled. Even without having official word from the devs, I can guarantee this. Has anyone ever even heard of Sony dumping millions of dollars on a project and cancelling it just before release? Seriously, come on!

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Originally posted by Dr. Zaius

There is a rumor going around the main SWG forum about the game being canceled. I doubt this is going to happen, because so much money and time has already been poured into it. Feel free to comment on this issue.


Also, has there been any news on this in beta, all you testers? Has there been any cutbacks or slowdown in the beta?


Well, certainly this will be an interesting topic for discussion.

I hope....


I don't think it would be an NDA violation for me to say.....


Nahhhh...this is too entertaining. You guys keep debating :)

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.....I really don't have much to say besides I think it would be Sony's biggest mistake in the history of Sony to cancel the game. Someone important will get shot if this happens. Not to say I believe a damn word of it, but they would pay a heavy price for such an action. So I consider this all "rubbish" because the first people that would find out would be the beta testers and when they found out they would all have seizures and load every SWG forum with the news, and, obviously, this has not happened.

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Originally posted by Kaiser Isaac

It was probably some idiots....but........some of it might be true..... i do not think it will be relesed in june i think they will hold out for one more month...........But if they dont hold out i will not argue....


How can some of it be true? :confused: There's only one some of it in the matter, if it's getting canceled. :)

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Got you all!


Yeah, that was the biggest load of monkey poo ive ever heard, I just wanted to see some of you flip out. At least I got people worked up over a rumor. Again, I think it was a well done prank.



Originally posted by Q3PO

As this is a disscussion topic, please no firsts.

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ROFL! Are there actually people that believed that the game was being cancelled no more than a couple months before release(2 weeks if EB's apparently firm shipping date is to be believed)?


:lol: That's a riot.

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Originally posted by Dr. Zaius

There is a rumor going around the main SWG forum about the game being canceled. I doubt this is going to happen, because so much money and time has already been poured into it. Feel free to comment on this issue.


Also, has there been any news on this in beta, all you testers? Has there been any cutbacks or slowdown in the beta?


Well, certainly this will be an interesting topic for discussion.

I hope....



*delivers a slap across the face*


I bid you good day sir

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