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GB.Com Excellence Awards Thingy


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Its about that time of year again (Maybe a month early, but who cares eh?) Its the time of year where we honor the great and bold of this forum, those who make a difference in the lives of everyone...



.. but since there's no one like that, lets hand out random awards to people just to pat ourselves on the back.


Yes its time for the 2003 GB.COM EXCELLENCE AWARDS! *insert fanfare here*


This time around, I want YOU, yes YOU to suggest the categories, and don't make the categories stuff like "Best Forummer" or "Most Annoying". Please, be creative.


After the categories are selected I'll start taking nominations, after nominations its voting time. After voting its when you all get to see the awards show text thing! It'll be a blast! Come one come all! Thank you, and don't forget to tip your waiters!

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Well, we should also have some of the standard issues like Best Avatar/Sig, Best thread, etc.


And yes, the more creative, concerning which my brain is hurtfully working as I type...


How about best page on The Directory?

Most likely to start a debate? Good man, Eagle is most likely to get this... :D


And just as a question/suggestion...should we try to make the topics focussed on a single thing - like, say, one's avatar or directory page or something else, rather than his "personality" or his level of "bestness" which really encompasses more than one of his characteristics? This usually pips a lot of good members come the "Best Forummer" or "Most Annoying" awards... :indif:



Best forummer-made smilie.

Best grammar/punctuation/spelling!! :p

Worst grammar... :D (My apologies - we can leave this out for niceness sake...)

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"Best Elf Farm Keeper"


"wotsr tpyinng" (worst typing)


"Best Posted Picture"


"The Peacekeeper Award"


"The 'What's a trooper?' Award" (for those w/o good memory or just total cluelessness)


EDIT: "Best Game" (for introducing the best free game to the rest of us)

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Most Stylish (style in appearance, posts, etc)


Most Likely to be eaten alive by a gigantic killer-bunny


Most fanatical (fanatical about anything, not just SW or GB.com)


The Well Rounded Award (someone who has all aspects of a good forumer, not appearance)


Jedi Award (given to those who uphold the virtues of a true jedi)


Sith Award (given to those who love chaos or are just plain evil)



Well, those are my category suggestions :D

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So Clefo are you gonna finalize a list of categories and take votes by email? Or are we just going to sit around here naming useless categories all day? Or are you just gonna up and out of the blue write something up for our entertainment pleasure? Is this too many questions? :D



BTW Leon, When did you get the impression that I'm dutch? I live in Are-Kansas, a little hick state in the US. (Normally spelled Arkansas) Artoo for best Arky!


BTW the ARky invasion still trumps the Dutch invasion. :cool:



Hahahahahahahahaha, I'm a no-brainer for the girlfriend problem award too! Course I shouldn't be too proud of that one...

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Originally posted by «K» Heavyarms

how about the never posts on the board award? (Nominees: Dash, LordJayVizion,Kvan, Masta)


Or possibly the biggest moron award? (I won't nominate anyone for intergrity's sake.)


mmm I'm almost in that category...


Anyway a couple awards I could win... hehehe :D


-Best comeback. Come on guys, tell the truth, after I was gone, mine was the best comeback :p


-Infrequent but accurate poster. :rolleyes: LOL. That one speaks for itself.


Now, talking seriously... the Best Dutch award is actually a good idea, we have a lot of dutch friends around here.


And we could use some awards such as:


-The coolest forummer

-The wisest forummer

-The lifeless forummer (just kidding)


Anyway, this awards will end up sounding as the senior high school year awards. They'll be fun...


Remember me when you vote! ;)

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Here's another one:


Super Secret Funtime Award


I will only reveal what this award actually is to Clefo and if he decides to accept it as a category, no one but him, his "associates", and myself would know what it was until the presentation to the lucky winner. How about that? Add a little mystery into the works.... :D


edit:Krkode (below) is correct, we would have to select the winner without getting public votes for this one award

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Here's another one:


Super Secret Funtime Award


I will only reveal what this awardactually is to Clefo and if he decides to accept it as a category, no one but him, his "associates", and myself would know what it was until the presentation to the lucky winner. How about that? Add a little mystery into the works.... :D


How would we nominate them then? :confused:

I suppose Clefo and his associates will do it themselves...:o

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How bout the Chameleon Award for the forummer who changes his name and/or avatar the most often?


Or the Deserter Award, for the best forummer no long with us.


Or the Philanthropist Awards for the forummer most liberal with his credits.


Or the Double Award for the forummer who proves his idiocy by accidentally double posting the most often. ;)


Or the Rancor Award for the forummer who has incurred the most wrath from his fellow forummers.

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Here's another one:


Super Secret Funtime Award


I will only reveal what this awardactually is to Clefo and if he decides to accept it as a category, no one but him, his "associates", and myself would know what it was until the presentation to the lucky winner. How about that? Add a little mystery into the works.... :D


Sounds good, PM it to me, or contact me on AIM/MSN/Whatnot

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