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pc vs xbox


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Im trying to decide whether to get pc or xbox version. I have rented the xbox version and liked the game. The pc version has online play the xbox one does not. I know the graphics on my pc would probably not be as good as the xbox. I use a notebook as my pc. The specs are:

Pentium 4 1.6 GHZ


Geforce 2 Go 8 MB DDR

20 GB HD


Would this be able to play the pc version at 30 fps? Thanks

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Your computer is fair, it would probobly run it at 30 fps. One thing is, with the computer version, there is so much content you can get and so many servers the game never (well slowly) gets old. One the XBOX, its more like finish the singleplayer and do the same old maps with your friends once and a while. My preference is the PC, but it all comes back to you.


EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the community! :wavey::cheers::wavey:

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8 mb video card? You might need a new one, but otherwise it will run fine. You can find a 64mb one for about $50.


I really suggest upgrading because I run on a 16mb and usually get about 15-20 fps on really crowded servers. The minimum requirements also say 16mb video card I think.


Good luck

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You will be fine. with 320 ram and geforce2 you should get better graphpics than xbox. Im just worried that its an 8 mb. My 8 mb rage (worst ever) on my laptop I got decent fps up to 85 cap sometimes with all graphics turned down it wasn't bad. On my 256k rd ram geforce2 64mb 1.8 ghz I can get 150 fps (release the cap) with all graphics down. With graphics up and 800by 600 resolution I can get 60 to 80 on a 4 to 6 person server. With that res the graphics should be much better than on xbox considering TV unless high definition has even less than 640 by 480.

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Go for the PC. Even if you can't get as good visuals because of your video card, you'll be able to run all sorts of user made levels and mods. Besides, you can always upgrade your PC later and get a real cheap video card. Hell, a GF4 Ti 4200 would work fine, and that's super cheap. Check http://newegg.com for prices on hardware...

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So he can't upgrade.


However, I've never heard of a 8MB GF 2 Go ... only 32MB. Maybe I'm wrong, though.


I played it my first time on a Dell Inspiron laptop, GF 2Go (32MB) 1.13GHz, but I have 512MB RAM. Ran pretty well for most of the game at 800 x 600, there was one level (I'll not spoil) late in the game when I needed to drop to 640x480 and I was fine.



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Originally posted by Semicolon

LOL What about Xbox live??

I don't know much about it, since I am a PC gamer, but aren't the users of XBox Live relatively few in number? I was under the impression the online PC community was much larger.
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Ummm...what's your normal frames-per-second? I checked mine for the first time just now and it was about 20-40 on the lowest settings (just me and a bot in Bespin).


I'm getting an uppgrade tomorrow, so I just want to know exactly how horrible sluggishness I've had to put up with all these years compared to you guys. :)


I also hope to find some explanation to my awful aim (I'm the worst sniper ever! :D ) and lack of sabering skillz...and...well...skills in general. ;)

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