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Censorship on this very forum?

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My god. I'm not talking about this kind of censorship: ****, ****.


I'm talking about STTCT's thread. The one that denounced a scam going on elsewhere in LucasForums. The one where many people made HUGE constructive posts about why the administration mishandled the matter, many of which were made by Havoc.


Where the hell did it go? I looked through STTCT's message history and it's nowhere to be found. If it got deleted shamelessly by one of the mods... it is totally outrageous.


Does somebody know what really happened? I would very much like to be proven wrong.

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Juctice has to take place to these people who have done this though. Now it's through e-mails? Now what? They'll hack into the system and take everyones credits and it all goes to Thrik? Besides, how do you think how Thrik got 40,000 posts?


Granted the point system was kind of pointless but you have to see it in a different way. What if everyone created sign. banners? The forums would lag like crazy. Forumers spending minutes to access a specific forum when it could take seconds. This point system was ment to keep the bandawidth in order. Course that's the way I see it.


In all respects, theivery is a crime in all countries (Hopefully...), and it shouldn't take place here. We must see this to the end, when the theives have recieved their punishments, and it stops, pernamently.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Oh my, that was priceless. *points to sig*


He doesn't really believe in those exact words, does he?


He does go on to say how that if it weren't for it, our every day average joe would have a sig pic...which isn't good for the forum...

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In case you haven't noticed, Sherack Nhar wrote/helped write the forums rules/code of conduct used here-- which are identical to the ones used at JK2. Having written them, something tells me that he probably knows them pretty well by now... *shrug* Just thought I'd point that out. ;)


BTW, who are the free masons? :confused:

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Originally posted by Clefo

blame the Free Masons



Hehe, I think that is a Monty Python refrence...if it is, I will respond by saying...


"Will you stop being a Mason?




WHAT?!?!? WRONG!! WRONG!! WRONG!! NO!! NO!! NO!! *bashes mason with large hammer*

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Ya it's actually quite an...odd...organization, and it's semi-old-fasioned, many of the presidents of ole belonged to the Free Masons (Presidents of the US that is). The had quite the odd initiation, AND if you told any people anything peticular about the organization you got your eyes cut out or fingers cut off or something...ugh...but it was where pretty much everyone who's anyone was, basically if you had the Free Masons behind you you were going to win...I dunno if that's how it is anymore, but I'm kinda doubting it...maybe though.

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Heh. The Simpson's episode where Homer joins the "Stonecutters" (a rather transparent refernce to the Freemasons) was on tonight.


Conspiracy nuts love the Freemasons. They usually form an important part of all the usual 'Illuminati'/ 'World Controlling Secret Organization' theories.


Great stuff. Keeps me entertained for hours.



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I deleted the post myself. While I very much appreciated EVERYONES support in everything....there were people saying they hate Goodbye threads. THEN someone came into my thread and started talking crap...so I just deleted it since I knew it would get locked anyways. It was nothing against the great posts, at ALL. I really appreciated it very much. I was sooo upset that someone was crapping in my thread that I decided I wouldn't give him the pleasure of crapping up OUR Forum. This very sacrid forum that I'd like to call home (in cyberland). Then I saw Groovy's bitch on the swamp about Goodbye threads and so I didn't want everyone to think I was an idiot. So I tossed it. I will come back if things are handled about this Point crap. I like the points. I hate people who go around rules and I hate people who intentionally try and hurt other peoples feelings. These people have a lot to say about The Swamp etc, but yet I see them posting there all the time. Then I look at their forum...and they aren't any better. I just hate prejudice and it seems to go on everyday...even on the web.


Thanks - I'm sorry to cause the confusion. Support away.

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Oh and by the way guys Lexx was supporting me through all this. She was very much supporting us in the thread and me against someone interesting...and then I deleted it because that other person was on my nerves. She really was trying to help...you probably just didn't get to see it.

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

In case you haven't noticed, Sherack Nhar wrote/helped write the forums rules/code of conduct used here-- which are identical to the ones used at JK2. Having written them, something tells me that he probably knows them pretty well by now... *shrug* Just thought I'd point that out. ;)


BTW, who are the free masons? :confused:


What have the rules got to do with anything? I didn't say he broke any rules. I didn't say he did anything wrong. I was simply trying to say that a PM to STTCT would be the best thing to do if he wanted an answer as to why the thread was deleted. I think you lot are reading my posts the wrong way. Granted, you lot don't know me too well yet, so I can understand it, but in time you'll find I'm actually one of the good guys. Oh well, all in good time I suppose.


Thank you STTCT for pointing out that I'm only trying to help. ;)

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Originally posted by DashRendar

Obviously not looking over this thread...well anyway, Rhett said that there's something in the works, but he can't tell us what...oh well hopefully it'll solve this whole Points Scandal.

Yeah I know what it is, it's a very good thing. Can't wait for it to be implemented.


Thanks for telling us what really happened, Shan. leXX, can you lock this thread? I stand happily corrected ^_^

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