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A place to list servers you have been banned from


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Well, I just got banned from this server called Jedi Order Temple. The guy who banned me had been on the server for 163 minutes and had 3 kills. I have no idea what he was doing the whole time. Here are some other servers I was banned from:


DLO (death to lamers order) server

JSA Server

NJA Server

*BS* We Own You Server


I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember their names.

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both fk


both grendel

Infinite (euro server, one of our guys is admin now)






Those are basically (give or take a few) the only full force/saber only servers in jk2 I'm not banned from (not counting most Euro servers I never go to because of ping).


And to be honest can any of you who play say you've encountered good players on any other server than those?


I can't.



btw *BS* is pretty much up there with M0H/SiN in terms of trophy ownage.


I've tried countless time (as have other clans) to get their members in any sort of match but they won't take.


I used to go in *BS* and just beat the hell out of Paddy (their main admin) even while he was empowered.


I would gk him constantly so they disable grip.


I start going in as a light so he can't grip me while empowered then they disable absorb.

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LMAO. I on the other hand am banned from =X= for, shall we say, differences of opinion, with half their clan. LOL.


I'd have to go through ASE and check all the FFA's to see which one's I'm banned from. Last time I checked I know I was banned from jk2files.com server for beating the crap out of Crangbor when he was an empowered admin. ROFL.


BTW - UJ, my name color better now? LOL.

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It's been a while since I've been banned in JO. In America's Army it's 5 all clan servers and in Black Hawk Down it's 12 :eek: Some people just don't understand the basic laws of physics like we do :D




Here's a few that got them angry :)







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Got kicked off the POT clan server in about 5 minutes today.


They seemed to think rocket homing mode, dodging sniper shots and mindkicking off the Bespin platform are "lame"?"


Before I played I spectated to make sure no one was just chatting or whatever, everything was fine till I took the lead.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused

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I've been banned from

DLO (for ground killing :S)

Darkside duel servers (for notk icking a guy with a slighty bad ping)


That's about it, i never usually get on people's nerves that often.

The Darkside servers were stupid but... I kept winning then i refused to vote kick a guy with a ping of 170. So because no-one could beat me (for vote kicking) they got an admin to ban me with osme other made up reasons :p

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Originally posted by Semicolon

Do you guys actaully enjoy being banned? Are you proud of that? I see no reason to be...


I think its more to do with they cant beat them so they Ban them... thats what they most prob proud of.. plus going and getting on some lame clan nervs to. to many players cry wolf in servers so you can find your self a ban quick.

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Originally posted by Semicolon

Do you guys actaully enjoy being banned? Are you proud of that? I see no reason to be...




NO I hate it, but it does seem to be an indicator if how serious and competitive you are about gameplay. The less you talk, The harder you play, the more likely you are to get banned these days.

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Originally posted by griff38

NO I hate it, but it does seem to be an indicator if how serious and competitive you are about gameplay. The less you talk, The harder you play, the more likely you are to get banned these days.


Hey! That rhymed!


But yeah when i go to servers...I don't try to be banned, I just play...

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Originally posted by Semicolon

Hey! That rhymed!


But yeah when i go to servers...I don't try to be banned, I just play...


yea but some of these guys above are VERY good and get banned for doing nothing but playing, got to a point that they had more fun trying to get banned, making demos of arse lamed admins. than it was just to try play and not get banned.

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Originally posted by griff38

The less you talk, The harder you play, the more likely you are to get banned these days.


damn mother******* straight.


btw scratch [RoC] off the list of non saber noobie servers.


Flipmode (a.k.a. pada from our server) is a nice guy but his admins go ballistic with the lamer/empower/admin nonsense.


I was hoping once they got a dedicated server it would not turn into one of those but it looks like it has.




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The reason we get banned and not just kicked is we don’t sit there and take that crap because we don’t have to. Other players may not be able to handle an empowered admin or a server full of 8-10 people trying to gang up on them but we can, do and that pisses them off when we turn around and give them as much hell as they thought they could give us.


Basically it comes down to that more or less but take what just happened to me on the [RoC] server.


This is a common sight on any server really.



You always have people who for what ever reason, feel they can stand in the middle of a ffa and the people who are playing *must go out of their way to avoid them.


Now let's not even consider the fact that it's rude as hell to /amsit /amstand in the middle of a fight and make the people playing have to be obstructed by you.



But anyways we were playing a ffa and I was doing level 3 speed+level 3 rage dfa's to rack up kills. If you've ever used speed 3 + rage 3 you know it's incredibly fast and controlling your shots is not exactly easy.


Well one of their members did not happen to think that the guy flying through the air at 200mph with a saber may just kill her if she stands in the middle of the ffa.


Sure enough she stands there like an idiot watching and sure enough I slice her in 1/2.


/slapped and the usual lamer, blah blah bull****.


Then after that I go back to playing ffa but I notice that a few of their members are hovering at my back side, saber down and all just “watching”.


Sure enough as usual the second they think they can jump you from behind they grip you or try to dfa you.


After a while I get sick of this so I just start killing anything and everything that comes near me because I know damn well they are going to take a cheap shot the second I turn my back.


Then comes the sleep/kick but first I get the usual I’m a noob, I suck, I’m a gay lamer, blah blah. Never mind the fact that not one of them could kill me even when they try to creep up, I’m still the noob so I must be punished.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

The reason we get banned and not just kicked is we don’t sit there and take that crap because we don’t have to. Other players may not be able to handle an empowered admin or a server full of 8-10 people trying to gang up on them but we can, do and that pisses them off when we turn around and give them as much hell as they thought they could give us.


Basically it comes down to that more or less but take what just happened to me on the [RoC] server.


This is a common sight on any server really.



You always have people who for what ever reason, feel they can stand in the middle of a ffa and the people who are playing *must go out of their way to avoid them.


Now let's not even consider the fact that it's rude as hell to /amsit /amstand in the middle of a fight and make the people playing have to be obstructed by you.



But anyways we were playing a ffa and I was doing level 3 speed+level 3 rage dfa's to rack up kills. If you've ever used speed 3 + rage 3 you know it's incredibly fast and controlling your shots is not exactly easy.


Well one of their members did not happen to think that the guy flying through the air at 200mph with a saber may just kill her if she stands in the middle of the ffa.


Sure enough she stands there like an idiot watching and sure enough I slice her in 1/2.


/slapped and the usual lamer, blah blah bull****.


Then after that I go back to playing ffa but I notice that a few of their members are hovering at my back side, saber down and all just “watching”.


Sure enough as usual the second they think they can jump you from behind they grip you or try to dfa you.


After a while I get sick of this so I just start killing anything and everything that comes near me because I know damn well they are going to take a cheap shot the second I turn my back.


Then comes the sleep/kick but first I get the usual I’m a noob, I suck, I’m a gay lamer, blah blah. Never mind the fact that not one of them could kill me even when they try to creep up, I’m still the noob so I must be punished.


I get called a noob/chat killer in CTF the guy is standing in are bace trying to have a flame at some one.... yea of corse i going to leave him standing there chating... NOT and in CTF dont have time to wait for him to STFU to kill him. best one i saw was saber dowm = peace in a CTF... at first we thought it was a lamer just doing it for kicks... but after a wilewe relised he was being strait up about it... i think both sides stop doing what there was doing and spamed hahahahahah in chat.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed



both fk


both grendel

Infinite (euro server, one of our guys is admin now)






Those are basically (give or take a few) the only full force/saber only servers in jk2 I'm not banned from (not counting most Euro servers I never go to because of ping).


And to be honest can any of you who play say you've encountered good players on any other server than those?


I can't.



btw *BS* is pretty much up there with M0H/SiN in terms of trophy ownage.


I've tried countless time (as have other clans) to get their members in any sort of match but they won't take.


I used to go in *BS* and just beat the hell out of Paddy (their main admin) even while he was empowered.


I would gk him constantly so they disable grip.


I start going in as a light so he can't grip me while empowered then they disable absorb.


i've been banned by all servers that:


1. have no maxping

2. are not in that list

3. ones that i've never connected to


tho i have a dynamic ip so that is no biggie. i just wait 10 minutes and go back in when i sign off and back in.

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Originally posted by Semicolon

Do you guys actaully enjoy being banned? Are you proud of that? I see no reason to be...



Good point



I don't enjoy getting banned. Actually to a small degree I get a little pissed. I've never cheated in any game (I find it dishonorable) and I never will. The whole idea behind our clan is to play fierce and have fun.


With that in mind when our clan plays a game (any game) we play to win. We practice tactics that will help us as a team. We also try not to give people that "holier than thou" or "we're ganging up on you" mentality. To me that's not very fun. When we join a server we want people to say "Hey guys. These guys are cool" and "Long time no see" stuff like that.



Since we try our best to stay sharp, sometimes we'll play on a server where everybody else doesn't understand. Some people claim to be the "greatest l337-Jedi to have ever played" and that's fine and dandy. Whatever floats your boat. To those people I say this: don't get mad if you get slaughtered by a person/people that actually use tactics. It is possible that you are getting "owned" by people that are not cheating/hacking. You probably only know a certain number of skills and think that's enough. Well, don't kick us if we prove you wrong. :cool:

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Why don't u guys just stop playing on clan servers? They aparantly are th ones your getting banned from cause half the noob clans out there think there all that and want to keep it thatway by banning people that are better than them. I go to public serves like jolt and a few others (mainly non clan) although i do go to [sash]'s jolt server.

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Originally posted by Lil_Killa

Why don't u guys just stop playing on clan servers? They aparantly are th ones your getting banned from cause half the noob clans out there think there all that and want to keep it thatway by banning people that are better than them. I go to public serves like jolt and a few others (mainly non clan) although i do go to [sash]'s jolt server.



I usually get kicked from small servers where it's usally a guy and his buddies who decided to run them. I don't blame some people for not loving clans on their servers, but they are public. Private server = password :rolleyes:



And I'm not talking about JO. I get kicked maybe once a month now (because I don't play as well now) but on games like Black Hawk Down, I get banned about 1 - 3 times a week. It's not something I'm not proud nor ashamed of it, it just lets me know that some people don't like getting owned. :D

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