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New screens, models and a wallpaper!


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Pretty cool. I like the Luke one a lot. He doesn't look like a wuss at all :) But it is so hard to tell how the game will look from screenshots, because you can see every imperfection and things look so different in motion.

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Originally posted by Reprehence

Did anyone notice that the blue saber staff was shorter than the others. It looks like this is because the handle/hilt was shorter. I wonder if hilt size will affect reach in this way?

I suspect it won't. Having to code small variations like that isn't worth the payoff.
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nice models.... hope the levels are better this time though...


Anyway, the thing i really hope they fix is the toothyness in the cutscenes.... not sure what it was, but they had such prominent teeth it made kyle look like a horse... :D

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Whats nice is that Luke looks more like how he would years after the destruction of the Death Star, whereas in JO, he kind of looked like, not-Luke. So, but yea Kyle does look the same, but if you look back to Jedi Knight 2, he wore the same clothes then, did he not? maybe a little variation, but Kyle has come along way from DF.

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Some of those screenshots and modles are really good, especially the female :) Though kyle jsut looks exaclty the same (bit on the drunk side though :p)





Luke looks much cooler and more kick-ass in with that hair-do :D


*pre-orders ja* :D

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Notice how Luke's Saber looks more AOTC/PM like, sweet. Hmm looks like Raven fixed a lot of what was wrong with the saber model in JO and revamped it for this game. Personally i think they did a great job with the saber in JO but it somehow did not totally reflect the blurs and movement of the sabers exactly as the movies did but i'm just nitpicking. Good job Raven.

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1. That "worm" is a Sarlacc.


2. I think that Luke shot is modified. Parts look rounded off, and I doubt they have that 3D hair ingame. Also, the lightsaber has been clearly made in Photoshop or a similar program.

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I think the hair is possible, however, the legs look painted on, and too smooth, although it would be hard to say, but making a lightsaber like that wouldn't just require photoshop. I think its a valid model and all, just kind of retouched.

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Cool screens, lookin' forward to this game. :) I can see how JA's SP will be more immersive than JO's SP. In fact, other than the cool force powers and the wicked awesome lightsaber combat, it wasn't all that great in my opinion.

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