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Brittney Spears Not A Virgin?


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She was still keeping that act up until now? What a joke.


Well, now that she's finally dropped the act I'm sure football teams, cruiser fleets, and the entire Canadian army are very happy that they no longer have to hide the fact that she's been doing the horizontal limbo with them all.

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Originally posted by STTCT

I think wat gave it away was "I'm a slaaaaaave 4 u"


That was SUCH a hot video!!!


[edit] i have to find the link my brother sent me about the mystery of britney spears breasts... now THAT was some funny stuff... but it also made you wonder... hrmmm

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-_-' I thought Canada always had one since WWII?


I never liked her or any of the music, not Rap, not Rock, not anything that we teenagers listen too...I hate that music sooooooooooooooooooooo much...I listen to Symphony Orchastra music...without any words...

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pretty hard to believe that bull...


Brit:"I've only slept with one person my whole life," she said. "It was two years into my relationship with Justin, and I thought he was the one. But I was wrong!"


uh huh... only one...


exerpt (sp?):

Spears, now cutting an image-shifting, comeback album after an 18-month hiatus, said she now realizes "I need my single time" to learn to "be self loving."


self-loving? does that mean what i think it means...


exerpt (sp?):

"I know it sounds cliche and cheesy, but I really believe that if it's meant to be, it's meant to be," she said.


tell that to all the other guys she slept with...


exerpt (sp?):

For now, Spears said, she's hunting far afield for a new beau -- especially in Australia and Spain where men are less "fuddy duddy."


"fuddy duddy"? "a new beau" what is all this crap shes tellin?


exerpt (sp?):

As for reports linking Spears to Irish heart throb Colin Farrell (news), she said: "Yes I kissed him. Of course I did! He's the cutest, hottest thing in the world -- wooh! He's such a bad boy. But it was nothing serious."


nothin serious just another nightly screw...


exerpt (sp?):

The kiss left her with a "craving" for more of the same. "I haven't had a boy in a really long time ... just a kiss, man. Just a kiss would be nice."


uh huh "just a kiss"... :rolleyes:

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