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What do u guys think of this?!?!


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Look at what i got from another forum:





Jedi knight Wakyo




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Originally posted by Swat_Kat

I'm sorry to agree with Obi, Deridex, they are just saying this because September is in Autumn and that's all. They are just making us become even more impatient. Most of us belive it'll come out around christmas. So don't be overjoyed yet







Dude! ur crazy. It has too come out before chirstmas. If you have read everything that LEC has given to the public all they have left really are cut scenes and to fix some bugs.




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7th July 2003 23:12






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I'm not crazy "Dude" because I know how marketing goes. And a game of this amplitude and greatness will NOT be released anytime during Autumn, unless lucasarts have more heart that I think they have.


If they go the same way as most companys, then they'll release it during the Xmas holidays. But I cold be wrong, but I'm not placing my hopes in their estimates personaly.





Do u guys think that it will be delayed?

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A few weeks ago they were pre-beta and psot alpha (doesn't make sense to me either ;)). As much as i want them to Beta test, i'm pretty sure it won't take 5 months to get out of the beta stage and let it go gold.

JK2 was supposed to be released in Spring and it was, they've been workinhg on JA since (about) JO was released pretty much so it's not like a really ambitious release date - "Autumn '03"

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

A few weeks ago they were pre-beta and psot alpha (doesn't make sense to me either ;)). As much as i want them to Beta test, i'm pretty sure it won't take 5 months to get out of the beta stage and let it go gold.

JK2 was supposed to be released in Spring and it was, they've been workinhg on JA since (about) JO was released pretty much so it's not like a really ambitious release date - "Autumn '03"



i totally agree w/ u

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Will they release it in Autumn? Probably. Or very close to Autumn, anyway (IE: first two weeks of Winter season). Will it come out on the dates that people have seen posted? God only knows.


If HL2 is being released in Autumn as well, LEC would do well to either push the game out early or release it, say, 2-4 weeks after HL2. This business is fairly similar to the movie industry, and you don't want to be going head-to-head with THE major blockbuster of the season, unless you've got reason to believe that you can generate as much interest as your competition. Given that we're talking about plunking down more than just $6-9 to partake of the entertainment, people will likely be a bit more cautious about spending their cash on one game or another.


JA has a built-in audience, sure, but much of that built-in audience is also going to want to buy HL2. Now, if they've got $80-120 of disposable income to drop on both games, great. But I think more folks are going to pick one or the other initially, then pick up the other one a month or so later.


Plus, we all know that games are ALWAYS released "when they're done." :rolleyes:


Here's hoping JA does NOT need to be put back into the oven to finish cooking after release (read: major game altering patches).

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Real good post there solo, it wouldn't a good idea to go head to head with mighty HL2, of course JA has no set month which might be a good idea. It gives them no strict deadline so they can fix things, they can work around other game releases and it also gives them the ability to hype the game a bit more.

As far as i'm concerened, if they release it before the first quarter of december (around 7th) without releasing any major patches (ones for game controller things no-one really cares about are excluded :p) I'm sure JA will sell really well and be a great game.

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Well, I don't have to worry. I only have a PC so JA it is! And like all of you have said, I would rather have a complete game rather than a half baked one. Those patches really tore up the community. I don't mind if they release it towards the end of the year as long as it is good! :D

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I think that they will get it out quick enough to be out for the Xmas shoppers. Just like they are with KOTOR. They don't hold their release date unless they are sure it wont be done. the thing i dont get is KOTOR took longer and they release when it would be out. Yet they say JA is pretty much done and the best they can say is sometime this fall?

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

A few weeks ago they were pre-beta and psot alpha (doesn't make sense to me either ;)).

All this means is that the main portion of development (writing code, creating models, etc.) is completed, and initial testing is done (alpha stage). The game is now in a workable state, and now it is time to test for bugs and tweek it to make sure everything is working properly (beta stage).


Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

As much as i want them to Beta test, i'm pretty sure it won't take 5 months to get out of the beta stage and let it go gold.

Unfortunately, on something as complex as a video game like JA, the beta testing could very easily take 5 months. Testing software in general often is the largest portion in terms of time. For example, in my job I wrote code for a month, and tested it for four.


Ultimately, when they are finished depends on what problems are found, and how long it takes to fix them. It is prudent for them to suspect the worst, and so allot a reasonable amount of time, just in case. Over estimating is better than underestimating (as we have seen with Galaxies). Even though they may be finished beta testing in September, they still might have a November release date.


Apart from the actual game, there are still packaging and manuals and other elements that may or may not be completed by the time the game itself is ready. All these affect the release date. :)

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Originally posted by Prime

All this means is that the main portion of development (writing code, creating models, etc.) is completed, and initial testing is done (alpha stage). The game is now in a workable state, and now it is time to test for bugs and tweek it to make sure everything is working properly (beta stage).


Unfortunately, on something as complex as a video game like JA, the beta testing could very easily take 5 months. Testing software in general often is the largest portion in terms of time. For example, in my job I wrote code for a month, and tested it for four.


Ultimately, when they are finished depends on what problems are found, and how long it takes to fix them. It is prudent for them to suspect the worst, and so allot a reasonable amount of time, just in case. Over estimating is better than underestimating (as we have seen with Galaxies). Even though they may be finished beta testing in September, they still might have a November release date.


Apart from the actual game, there are still packaging and manuals and other elements that may or may not be completed by the time the game itself is ready. All these affect the release date. :)



nicely stated but I sure hope that betas don take 5 months but then again I want the game to be as close to perfect as possible on release:D

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Agreed, it's perfectly possible that it could take 5 months but Raven have a full team working on the game, have experience from the previous game and LA can help them aswell. You working alone can take 1 month to code but 4 months to beta test, whereas Raven have more than 1 person on their team. :p


Apart from the actual game, there are still packaging and manuals and other elements that may or may not be completed by the time the game itself is ready. All these affect the release date.


Manuals can be written before the game has gone gold since in the beta stage they know what they have, packaging shouldn't be much of a problem for them since they have LA and Activision behind them, For JK2 it only took 4 days for it to be released after going gold. It still has an influence on the release date no doubt but minor.


All this means is that the main portion of development (writing code, creating models, etc.) is completed, and initial testing is done (alpha stage). The game is now in a workable state, and now it is time to test for bugs and tweek it to make sure everything is working properly (beta stage).


You make it sound like i don't know anything about the stages of game development :D

As stupid as i probably did sound (read) I know what they actually are, It's just that they said they were Pre Beta (before beta - Alpha) and Post Alpha (After Alpha - Beta). It quite a contradiction unless they were in between stages in time for E3 or round about then. :)


Oh and when i originally said 5 months it would be more around 6 anyway because at the time of writing it was about 4 weeks


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I'm not down with all this Alpha, Beta, and Omega ( ;) ) lingo but I did hear in an interview that the game would be finished in a week, (interview was posted on IGN on July 28th) It was also stated that it would be ready for a mid-Sept. release for the PC and a late November release for X-Box because of the X-Box Live content. The interview was with Brett Tosti of Lucas Arts so I trust him more than what I read on these forums.

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Originally posted by GC256

Well I'm not down with all this Alpha, Beta, and Omega ( ;) ) lingo but I did hear in an interview that the game would be finished in a week, (interview was posted on IGN on July 28th) It was also stated that it would be ready for a mid-Sept. release for the PC and a late November release for X-Box because of the X-Box Live content. The interview was with Brett Tosti of Lucas Arts so I trust him more than what I read on these forums.

Exactly - you have Brett Tosti, Kenn Hoechstra, and Mike Gummelt all saying about the same thing ... hmmm .... OK, I'm with them!!! :)



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Originally posted by Andy867

To Kenn Hoekstra of Raven Software:


Originally posted by YOURS TRULY, ME!!!


Hey Kenn, I've been receiving numerous reports that Jedi Academy will be released on September 16th. Can you confirm that date as the official date? Thanks Kenn!


From Kenn Hoekstra:

We don't have any official date yet, but if I had to guess, I'd say it will be before September 16th. The only official date is "Fall 2003" and that could really be any time from August to October.


So there you have it from Project Administrator himself, Kenn.

:D Hopefully Sooner :)

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Yea it seems to get better by the minute that a September 16 release date is final. So yea, I'm with them. The thing that's upsetting me is that it isn't "official" yet no matter how many sources we here it from until it's on the LucasArts site (well for me at least, I want to be absolutely sure). Things seem to be lookin' good and I look forward to playing JA in mid-September.

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