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The Monkey Island Series failed with a "Curse": READ ME

The Series is dead according to the original fans  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. The Series is dead according to the original fans

    • Of course it is, I don't know why anybody cares anymore
    • The the original fans, Yes, others, possibly
    • Could well be
    • No, never, how could you write such a horrible article!!!!!!

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Dear FIRST GENERATION Monkey Islanders,:guybrush:

Any body who's ANYBODY, well at least the FIRST GENERATION Monkey Islanders from the late Eighties who have stuck around since then, will tell you that "The Monkey Island Series of Graphic Adventure by Ron Gilbert" was screwed when CMI came out.


Around seven years after its predecesor, :lechuck:LéChuck's Revenge, CMI came into the world. People who were First generation Monkey Islanders were "dying out", or, at least, growing up, and forgot about them. So a new generation of Monkey Islanders came out, but they were only familiar with CMI and didn't know what the heck SMI and MI2:LR were!!!


Young Monkey Islanders will say that CMI and EFMI are great games, but the truth, sadly is, they are wrong - The games, not so much in CMI, stories primarily, were screwed so much that :swear:



CMI's story was good (but I was against the marrage thing and Carnival) but I think that it should've stuck with the true graphics.

Lucas Arts probably changed them for better marketing as kids were getting used to 'talking characters' not text, and didn't like graphics other than what were new.



I won't go into anymore, but the ones who see from my point of view understand that peoples understanding of the end was WAAAAAAAAY off --> :chucky:

:guybrush: loves :elaine: <-- This never existed.

and this is happening :guybrush::blaze6:


So please, in a forum, chat, or discussion, please, 'First Generation' or 'people who stay loyal to the first 2' Monkey Islands, refrain from believing that the great predecesors are gone, because they are not. Young kids just won't play a game if they know it consists of text, non-3D graphics, and needs a sense of humor, strong wit and an adventurous instinct!!!!!!!!!!!


CONCLUDING : Sorry to say to all my fellow loyals towards the first two adventures - the adventure may well be dead for us .

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Man, I disagree with your point.


I've started from the MonkeyIsland 2 and may say that Curse of Monkey Island is really progressive! this one is the best actually.


Escape is really mistake. Agree, but NOT the CoMI!!!


The Monkey Island 1 and 2 are contained more story idea than graphics. The third series contains both! (the fourth contains none :joy:)


The time doesn't stand still And I fear there will be nomore text quests anymore. It's a progress, man. And we cannot stop it. New generations choosing 3D :(


That would be very cool if that all proceed CoMI way.

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I'm one of the "Original Monkey Islanders" and I found CMI to be an extremely good game. Although it did take a large step away from the visual style and storyline of the original two, the gameplay was very enjoyable and the game was just great as a whole. CMI may not have been the same as the original two, it also didn't continue Ron's intended plot, but the game was still good.


EMI is where things turned sour. The visual style of it was disgusting - cartoony 3d graphics. I think the best look of the series was that seen in CMI. It mixed cartoony graphics with the slightly more realistic style of MI2. If they can achieve the same look again in a 5th game through super-detailed 3d graphics or simply reverting to 2d, I might accept it.

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I'm one of those people that favors gameplay and story over graphics, and I also started with MI and MI2, then went to CMI, but what are you guys talking about, seriously? I love every single game in the series, and I thought the cartoony graphics were very loyal to the monkey island feel. Do you really want a super-detailed three headed monkey in the next game? I don't. I hope they continue where they're headed. Except one thing: No more Monkey Combat.

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Wow...that's a lot of bitterness there, Nick. :eyeraise:


I just want to say something here...I'm not an "original" Monkey Islander (as if that means anything); I started with EMI. (And I do know what MI1 and 2 are, thank-you-very-much.) And yes, EMI is not the best, I'll admit it has some failings--especially on the character level, but that's another discussion for another time.


The point is, though, that each of the games are good in their own rights. They each have their merits and their flaws--including, yes, the first two games which you seem to glorify so much.


And, lastly: CMI and EMI are canon. They were done by LucasArts and are official games. No amount of kicking, screaming or swearing is going to change that. Get over it. :¬:

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I was born in 1988 and I played all the games in order, starting in the first half of the 1990's. Does this mean I am not an "original Monkey Islander?"


Anyway, I'm not sure I agree with this guy. I do like CMI, and I think EMI was a decent game (albeit somewhat flawed.) I don't really have any deep-seated loathing for either of them.


I know that not everybody agrees with me, which is perfectly fine, but this guy's brazen assumption that he speaks for everybody who is an "original Monkey Islander" is just wrong.


And if being an "original Monkey Islander" means I have to be like him, I'll take being a "second-generation Monkey Islander" any day.


Edit: Turns out this guy also asked for pirated software in the Dig Discussion forum. What d'you know?

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Heh, well you'll have to excuse me for finding it hard to comprehend that a 4-5 year old can play through a game that most adults have problems with completing. Especially seeing that most kids don't know how to read properly at that age.


Anyway, my point was more that I don't buy the whole "ORIGINAL Monkey Islander" thing is kind of silly.

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I quite understand. I was too young to know that it was a stupid thing to do, so I used a walkthrough. Shameful, isn't it? Of course, now I'm older and cleverer.


It didn't stop me from laughing my head off at all of the jokes in the game, though. I thought it was hilarious - and yes, I could read at that age.


But I see your point that the "Original Monkey Islander" thing is quite silly. There are many fine people in the MI community who didn't play MI1 or MI2 first. To discriminate against them is total lunacy.

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Originally posted by RemiO

Heh, well you'll have to excuse me for finding it hard to comprehend that a 4-5 year old can play through a game that most adults have problems with completing. Especially seeing that most kids don't know how to read properly at that age.

Born in 87 and was playing Mi1 at 5!hahaha!

(of course, i didn't make any real progress till i was about 8:rolleyes: )

I remember getting in trouble for drawing the ghost ship in kindergarden, wheee!

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Originally posted by Reaper Girl

Born in 87 and was playing Mi1 at 5!hahaha!

(of course, i didn't make any real progress till i was about 8:rolleyes: )


Well, that's kinda my point - technically you can play it when you're five, but actually understanding what's going on is a different thing. When you're eight you can probably play through it and get the gist of the game, but I still think you have to be older to really get everything. Of course, I guess it's kinda like Pixar movies, in the way that the game works on different levels for people of different ages.

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I was born in 1986, never played a single monkey island game until 1997, 11 years later. I knew about good games with great graphics and voices and everything. I still absolutely love the Secret of monkey island, the humour and storyline was great. Both MI1 and 2 were great. but you can't say that CMI and EFMI were all that bad. As a Monkey Island game EFMI wasn't great, but as a game on it's own, it's a pretty good game. Cmi on the other hand, well, Ron gilbert, Tis Schafer and Dave Grossman left, tyhey weren't coming back but people still wanted another monkey island. what other option did they have than to make another without them, and so they did and in my opinion, it was bloody great. so it had voices and cutscenes and good graphics, these aren't exactly bad things, they took advantage of the technology at the time and came up with a pretty good game in my opinion.


And what exactly is an original Monkey islander, someone who was alive then and could appreciated it then, or someone who appreciatse it no matyer what their age. Because, from what i'm reading, it seemks as if your blaming peoples ages to why they may not like SOMI. Agreed, some people don't like the crappy graphics of SOMI and LCR, but i love them and people my age hate them, and i know older people that hate them and younger people who love them.

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Let's spell it out: :¬:


Saying you're an "original fan" the way a lot of people put it, is like saying that you're better than anybody that played the games a few years after release, or in a different order than they were released.

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I didn't start playing MI untill about 4 years ago (I didn't have a decent pc before so...) I started of with MI3 (wich i thought was a great game) than came EMI (wich in my opinion is great too but I liked CMI MUCH better) then I played LCR and than SMI (wich is odd because usually you play the first game first, REALY great games too) but i didn't start playing MI1+2 untill a year ago i think.


So actually I played mi1 enjoyed it, I didn't even look at crappy textures (wich i thought were better in MI1 than in MI2) I just thought it was a funny game MI2 too of course, MI1 came out in 1990 i think but 13 years later a little kid (moi) who was used to great games with great texturising and great sound ENJOYED MI1 and MI2.


I surely hope that there are going to be MUCH more MI-games that i can enjoy (and maybe my children,I'll force 'em to play mi1,2,3,4,5? first and then 6 [if there's goin to be one) so THEY can enjoy a game that's 20 or more years old [by the time i have kids who are old enough of course])


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Let me but in before some idiot retorts by saying Ron didn't make a difference. (which was inevitable)


Cutthroat Nick -


Hey I didn't think what you had to say was BS or harsh but then I know for a fact that you and I are in the minority when it comes to agreeing on certain points (the marriage, the lack of the orginal comedy, etc.) and let me tell you that it seems most people at this site would rather post MI5 game idea after idea (futile) than read one of the three or four of these topics that allow for vivid debate.


Regarding the "original monkey island fans" I think that age does not matter, nor does which games you played first, but rather this label categorizes those who prefer the unique wit and style of the first two games to the ... ... wit ... of the second two. Then again the definition of this "original mi fan" is relative.


What I believe Nick is trying to point out is that MI3 and 4, without the input of Ron or Tim lacked the specialized wit that the first two MI's had. How is this? How can two guys make such a difference? I've discussed this before on another topic, but I'll explain it again: when you have two guys putting in nearly all of the jokes the result is a game with a very recognizable style of comedy (hilarious). however, with the new games that have huge developing teams there are many people inputting jokes and the result is a less-unique or characterized style of comedy but rather that of a whole lot of people.


Should they have stuck with the original graphics and the silent dialogue? my opinion: when they ditched these two things they sucked a great deal of the soul out of the game.


Conluding, Nick, I'm sorry bud but you and I have to stay shut up in these forums unless you want the torching that you have already gotten a taste of.


Much Love,



(PS - Monkey Island 1 and 2 SCULPTED my life and my personality, which is why I have such a connection with them, and not with the 3rd which I felt lacked this special bond with me. Maybe this would qualify me as an "original fan"?)

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MI2 > MI1 > CMI > EMI


CMI was all 'Guybrush mucks up - spend rest of game trying to fix it' which I didn't really like, but it was still done very well, and if you don't compare it to the previous MI games, it really is fantastic. I enjoyed it but I didn't get the same 'ooh' feel as I did with MI1 and 2.

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Originally posted by Mr.Burger

let me tell you that it seems most people at this site would rather post MI5 game idea after idea (futile) than read one of the three or four of these topics that allow for vivid debate.


More like flame war, if you ask me...and really, all we're doing, I think, is beating a very dead, very mutilated horse. I was an unregistered lurker at these forums (and World of MI, before mixnmojo went down) for a while, and I've seen threads discussing the MI1 - 2 vs. CMI - EMI issue over and over again.


I respect your opinion, since I bonded with EMI the first time I played it. Then I went back and played MI1 and 2 (and have, just recently, been able to play and complete CMI). For me, I'll always favor MI3 and 4 over the first two--my explanation as to why is very long, so I won't go into it here, let's just say it has a lot to do with MI2's ending and we'll leave it at that. But I don't feel that makes me any "less" of a fan than someone who thinks MI1 and 2 are the only true canonical parts of the series.


And you're right, Mr. Burger, CMI and EMI both lacked the specific humor of the first two games. But that's not to say they're not funny. I mean, come on, how could you not at least chuckle at the whole "I thought you couldn't die in LucasArts games..." thing with Guybrush's first "death" in CMI?

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