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Confirmed Demo!!!!!!!!!!! (NOT for download yet, sorry)


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Play in Our Universe

LucasArts is happy to announce our participation in Comic-Con 2003! We will be featuring hands-on demos of all four of our current and upcoming Star Wars games. Stop by and Play in Our Universe - Booth 4131!

I think that means you have to goto Comic Con and play the demo in booth 4131:p.

As for the chats, it's just game producers in rooms or something. I think this is a physical event......... :(


EDIT: The event takes place in San diego convention centre from july 17th-20th.


That means it isn't a public demo at all or an online chatroom.

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Originally posted by Anakin1607

Ah, I see, it isn't a demo. It's a demonstration.


demo is short for demonstration :p hahaha don't worry i'm just being cheeky, i know you prob knew that. but i know what you were implying.


darn huh?

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The SMART move would be to release a demo BEFORE the game is actually in the stores so that players can give feedback and Raven/LEC can see where the pitfalls are that they missed.


I never understood why it took them so damn long to release a demo for JO. If memory serves, the demo came out, like, a month after the game was released. Pretty goofy, IMO.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Well, if Raven does with JA that they did with Jedi Outcast, the demo won't be released until AFTER the official release of the game.


But if they release a demo before the game comes out, there will be a chance to play it and there would be more sales.

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Obviously, LucasArts and Raven feel differently. They probably have the notion from marketing tests that you first release the game, let the general, interested public soak it up, and if people are sitll curious they will be able to try the demo which will be virtually bug-free and of a whole new level to try out.

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