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Michael Jackson's Defending Downloaders!


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Me. But I am obviously mental.

But seen as Michael Jackson's music is still popular globally, and he owns the rights to all of the Beatles songs, why should he be worried about music downloads? He's rolling in it. Even though he's 2 beers short of a six-pack. :D

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

Oh please... in the U.S. MJ is the LAST person we need defending us!!! He's viewed as a freak by the media and won't help our cause!


Well excuse me, but he is a person, and deserves the right to an opinion, just like every other person in this world. He has got a very good point though: the fact that even though the music is being downloaded illegally by fans, it is those same fans who buy the music in shops - "It is the fans that drive the success of the music business; I wish this would not be forgotten. - An important quote, why should people be thrown into jail for downloading music they are encouraged to buy/listen to? Even if it is illegal, the penalty should not be so harsh.


Oh, and be careful what you mention in this thread, it's quite a controversial subject.

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Originally posted by STTCT

actually...I think he does...defend monkeys and chimps because of BUBBLES...the chimp he used to have but mysteriously dissapeared.........:eek:



No offince(sp/) but I think MJ could go oonto a set for planet of the apes and not need a makeup job..........


Anyway back on subject here. I am glad atleast 1 music artist is suporting thed/l of music on the web :D and I like that quote about the fans and stuff.... yeah:D

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Originally posted by STTCT

i'm sorry but there are people out there getting killed in the world, why do they need to waste our time and money catching cd stealers. These people need to get off there bandwagons and start making a difference in the world.

hell yeah. spend the money on all those millions of missing kid cases.
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Sheer idiocy.


Jail? For downloading music? Firstly this just screams invasion of privacy waiting to happen. Secondly why don't they spend tax money on something more valuable than stopping the evil file-sharers? Like...education? Stopping hard drugs? Finding abducted children?


Lastly MJ may be crazy, but he has a point.

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