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Need a name change? Post here!

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That one only has one post too.... hmph....


How about Revan Master of Darkness


Personally, I would stay with just RevanSithMaster, but you're choice. Revan Master of Darkness seems a lot longer too.


First post in this Thread too. I might request a name change, I'm not sure yet.

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Sorry I know I just got my name changed, but it confuses me (only when I sign in though, I forget where the space is)... and other people... also I am no longer a Darksider, so I was wondering if I could get my name changed to Anakin Skywalker... I swear, this name will be kept by me, for the rest of my life, so if you could please change it, and thank you so much....


P.S. milo, it's not taken, I searched... :p

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